Thursday, May 26, 2022

June 2021 ~ THE LETTERS

June 1, 2021

I’m trying to get a quick letter out to you before my class call out for Beyond Anger. 

It would have have been an applicable class for Samira. She was court-ordered as part of her plea arrangement in Orlando when she was arrested for domestic violence against me shortly after we got married—I think I told you about that—how she was ordered to take an extensive 6 month anger management class and she sweet talked and flirted with the teacher/proctor of the class and only went to 1 or 2 classes and he gave her credit for the full 6 month course and gave her a certificate of completion. 

I was taking her to the classes and she said she told him that she would have a hard time with the class being that she was French and would need an interpreter unless he just passed her. Out of time…


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June 1, 2021

I just got back from the Beyond Anger class and lo and behold the kiosk was open. 

Today’s session was actually somewhat applicable to me. Let me go back, the class is just 4 sessions of 2 hours each. The 1st was on anger, the 2nd was on reconciliation, the 3rd today’s class was on forgiveness. 

The class instructor, who is an inmate, asked does anyone in here have a situation or someone they struggle with forgiveness over. One inmate talked about his wife after he had been down a number of years in prison and she was sticking it out with him on a life sentence became pregnant and he was really upset. He understood and could forgive her for the affair, but she did not end the pregnancy and wanted to have the baby. And that he said he could not forgive her for it because it meant to him that she must love the dude. He said he understood she had a life outside and he could not control what she did, but he ended up losing her over it and now he wished he could tell her he forgives her and get her back. She never had a relationship with the baby’s biological dad and the child is now 12 and she has always told her that he is her daddy to the family and friends and that her daddy is in prison.  


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June 2, 2021

Good morning to you. My bad, it is actually afternoon here by 42 minutes. I just got off the phone to my Dad and he is feeling much better the past 2 days and thinks he is going to try and go fishing today. If he can’t get anyone to go with him, he will fish off the bank of the lake if he has to.

I am trying to get on this kiosk as much as I can this weekend because the sergeant got mad and locked the whole dorm down today with no movement on the compound and I guess that means our canteen will be cancelled and we may not get out for our softball game. But she may allow chapel call outs and rec only. I just saw some guys go out but I am not ready to play right now. I could coach 3rd base and walk around gingerly and only pitch if have to come in and sub…


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June 2, 2021

I sat down and read some of the Boundaries book last night. It’s an enjoyable read after Dante’s Inferno, which is what I’m reading now. I’m really into Dante’s Inferno, but there are so many people he meets and I’m constantly clicking on links to get to the footnotes to read about who these people are. For example, I have made it up to Canto XXXI. In the previous Canto I read about someone named Adam of Brescia. Before that, it was Schicci and Myrrah, whoever they are. Here’s how that Canto read:

At the time when Juno was angry, as she had shown more than once, with the Theban race, because of Jupiter’s affair with Semele, she so maddened King Athamas, that seeing his wife, Ino, go by, carrying her two sons in her arms, he cried: ‘Spread the hunting nets, so that I can take the lioness and her cubs at the pass,’ and then stretched out his pitiless talons, snatching the one, named Learchus, and whirling him round, dashed him against the rock: and Ino drowned herself, and her other burden, Melicertes…”

I mean it’s great if a person has had a classical education but some poor Johnny-come-lately like me has to look up each individual name to see who they all are! And I didn’t even tell you about the rest of the people mentioned in this Canto: King Priam, Queen Hecuba, Polydorus, Capocchio, Griffolino, Gianni Schicci, Myrrha, Cinyras and someone named Buoso Donati.

The only one I know in that list is King Priam and that’s just because of watching Troy and remembering that he was played by Peter O’Toole and that his sons were Hector and Paris. 

So you can see why I’m just cruising through Boundaries. Lol Anyway, it’s definitely relatable in some parts. I can see why you recommend everyone read it. 

Certainly, I grew up in a church where saying no was not an option. If you were asked to serve, THEN IT WAS GOD’S WILL THAT YOU SERVE!!  Lol

Anyway, in Chapter Four I thought it was very wise of those parents who allowed their child to decide how and when she wanted to show affection to the aunt when she came over. It’s so creepy when parents expect you to kiss and be hugged by older relatives who may or not have pure motives.

I’m up to Chapter 5 in Boundaries. Good point about spiritual reality being as real as gravity and that if someone doesn’t know about the laws and principles that God has set up, they can break the rules without realizing it. 


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June 3, 2021

… I need to clarify also that Kendal only introduced me to Martha and that was years before. He did meet Erica and Shaquita, but only casually and that was after I had met them. Erica was a stripper and I never got to know her that well. I did not want to get into a serious relationship. I just met her and she offered to help drive a vehicle I had purchased in Miami back to Tampa. 

I am having to go because it is count time. I will try to get back on shortly and finish this…


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June 3, 2021

We have to address the issue of the other women, though. The way the media presents it, they tell the story like you were breaking Samira’s heart with your lifestyle of strippers and gambling. People who know anything about the case and start reading the book/blog are going to be reading it to find out more about all of that. So I figure it’s important to bring out the timing, that you started dating Erica and Shaquita after Samira filed for divorce, it wasn’t the reason for the divorce. 

Most people don’t see how the child custody issues played such a critical role. But I think it’s notable how you guys reconciled a couple of weeks AFTER Samira got full temporary custody of Hyrah and Skynnah. It’s clear that she wanted to have control and never wanted to find herself in a position like she had been in September where she had lost custody due to domestic assault against you. 

Both Erica’s and Shaquita’s witness interviews are online for anyone to watch and hear that they only met you after Samira attacked you in September and that the relationships were short-lived. And that most of what you did when you were with them was talk about Samira. 

Shaquita said you two would gamble and shop together. Then she started pulling back because you were going back to Samira. So she started travelling with other men. After you, some guy invited her for a long weekend in Dubai. That’s where she was the weekend Samira died.


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June 4, 2021

I understand that in Travesty of Justice you need to get into the issues of the women I dated before Samira died, during our break up that happened after she was arrested in Tallahassee 6 months prior.

I never cheated on Samira and only started dating other women when she was arrested and after she had filed for divorce. Those three women I dated had their lives scrutinized and our short dating relationships blown way out of proportion. I even told Samira about them when she found out I was getting on with my life and she was going to lose me because of her and her lawyer’s ruthless behaviour and false allegations on me and the caregivers of the girls.


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June 4, 2021

It’s a sultry Friday morning here. I actually wanted to finish off the Shaquita interview because there’s still an hour left but I can’t because with all the loud talking going on around me, I’d hear absolutely nothing. 

Oh good, S’s gone outside to putter amongst his blackberries. Back to watching the Shaquita interview. She says she told you that she thought Kendall wasn’t a good friend to have. At one point she says that you missed your kids

They were asking her about your money. Mentour Lawyer said afterwards that the feds were investigating you for Medicare fraud so that’s probably where you got your money from. I was going to post the comment that they did an investigation, all charges were dropped, no financial improprieties That’s when I got a little red message telling me my comment failed to post.Oh well.

Back to the Shaquita interview. They were grilling her over whether you had confessed to her that you had killed Samira. The interview ended when they asked Shaquita what she would do if you confessed to her. Come to the police, she said immediately. So naturally they wanted to know if you had tried to contact her since the 22nd. They were hoping you would tell-all to her. 

I’m going to go chop up some onions now. I’m doing lentils tonight. I haven’t done them in awhile. Even if someone doesn’t like lentils, this is a great Indian recipe. Not too spicy, but full of flavour. I make a big batch of it and it just disappears in a day. 

C and J are looking up people’s heights by country. Indonesia has the shortest average height. (For men, 5’2”)  Netherlands has the highest average. (For men between 6’0’ and 6’1”) So you’re tall compared to, like, everywhere. Lol 


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June 5, 2021

I had to actually lie down and have a nap I was so tired today. Butter woke me up at 4 something and I had stayed up late watching an Agatha Christie movie called Death in the Clouds. It was OK, but it was vaguely familiar because I had read the book years ago. It takes place on an Empire Airlines plane (those small ones that they used for flights from London to Paris back in the 1930’s. The cool thing about that is, I actually have an Empire Airlines flight schedule booklet that I bought on eBay.) A woman is found dead after the coffee is served.

When I was having my nap, she was meowing in my face but I just ignored her and then she gave up and had a nap beside me. Lol When I woke up, she got all excited because she thought it was breakfast again. (She’s like a Hobbit that way with their First Breakfast and their Second Breakfast.)


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June 6, 2021

C’s birthday is coming up. She and the boys still haven’t got their vaccine yet so I hope they’re able to get that soon. They’re all on the list. In the past, we would have gone shopping for stuff for her birthday but this year we just did a Walmart order online, bought some frozen pizza and ice cream and then got S to go pick it up. 


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June 7, 2021

This letter may be cut short. They just called stand by for chow. Which means standing in line in this hot dorm next to the outside door with heat soaring in waiting for the release of the hounds. Lol The food is not good enough for me to be 1st in line to do a power walk to the chow hall over a mile away. 

I had a minimally productive day. 

The girls are taking summer school. Not for punishment but for daycare-type help. 

I was so sleepy this morning I missed breakfast. I woke up at 4:30 but no one was up and the lights still off so I rolled over and thought I would take a cat nap and when I woke up the guys were all gone, so I missed that call. 

On weekends, the only callouts are for chapel and worship services and for the few that are on weekend work detail on the compound for maintenance, yard crew and rec yard workers. We had all our softball games suspended because someone broke the cable that is attached to the bat. The guy who did it severely hurt his ankle because he got his foot/ankle entangled in the cable and pulled it so hard when he took off running that it broke the cable. Then when they got that fixed a few days later, someone broke the aluminum bat. How do you do that?? But this is prison and some of these derelicts can be the most destructive individuals on the planet. 

It ceases to amaze me the things that go on in this devil’s playground a.k.a. the Florida prison system. 

Well, with all that negativity I hope you are having a splendid weekend and enjoying some of that warm weather I have been seeing Canada getting that you are not used to. Looked like you all hit the 90’s. But at least you do not have the humidity to go with it like here and you have AC. 

Well, they just called for chow (lunch) so got to go…


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June 8, 2021

Today is looking like a thunderstorm. Not that it wrecks any of my plans. But it does make me sad because it’s perfect weather for brewing a pot of tea and reading a Sherlock Holmes story, except that I’ve read them all so I would know how it’s going to end. Lol Oh well, there are other authors I could read instead.… but it’s just not the same.

Some person just messaged me at the Who Killed Samira DS Frasch with impure intentions. I told him this was a page about a woman who was murdered by her handyman and that it was about getting justice. People… fcol


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June 11,  2021

Sorry I didn’t write for a couple of days. The whole compound was on lockdown. We had a murder right out in front of our dorm. An inmate was stabbed by another inmate and there was blood everywhere on the sidewalk for about a 10 foot area. He stayed out there on the sidewalk bleeding to death for a long time before the officers or security cameras realized what had happened. 

He was not from our dorm. We don’t know who the assailant was. Through inmate conversation it sounds gang related. They said for this camp there has not been a killing in over 2 years. So at least the faith-based camp doesn’t have that kind of thing going on weekly like Blackwater did when I 1st got there 4 years ago. 

It was terrible being locked down with 100 other inmates and we were only allowed to get up to go the bathroom—one at the urinal or toilet at a time. Only 1/4 th of the inmates were able to shower and we have had a heat wave down here, gargantuan humidity. 100 inmates drenched in sweat. I have never been without AC for sleeping the whole time I have lived in the South unless AC went out out in one of my houses then I would get it fixed ASAP or move to anther house or get a hotel room. I don’t have that option anymore. fcol


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June 11, 2021

I was able to get on the kiosk and that is a miracle, especially after a lockdown. The reason is everyone is in a tizzy trying to get rid of extra property to make sure everything fits in their locker because they are supposed to come through for a property inspection.  Anything you have over the allotted amount, eg. 3 boxers, 4 t-shirts, no more than 4 cheap Bic pens or pencils, they don’t let you keep. It all has to fit in a small foot locker bolted to floor. Then try and have hygiene or canteen items. They will take it until everything fits. After the recent incident they are going to be more strict to prevent bartering or any illegal activity from going on which leads to turf wars with the gangs and then in extreme incidents they carry out hits and then someone gets killed or permanently maimed. 


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June 12, 2021

How awful about the murder! I am also sorry to hear about the heat down there. It’s so hard to sleep when it’s too hot so I know how sluggish it all makes a person feel. I literally wake up tired most of the time because the bedroom is stuffy and I have trouble getting to sleep. Then I spend most of the day thinking how nice it would be to have a nap except that I usually end up doing something else instead, but doing it half-awake. 

That’s pretty intense how having extra canteen items can lead to gang violence. Talk about escalating. But I understand how it’s all based on bartering. Juan never had any money and when he needed stamps he would give up his meal to an inmate to get some to send me a letter. Then he would lay it on thick, “Look what I do for you.” Of course, I wasn’t asking him to make these sacrifices. His name was at the penpal site and it seemed odd to me that he would want a penpal if he couldn’t afford it. I asked him who had put his name there at the site. He said he had no idea. But I could tell that whoever created the profile for him knew a lot about him. The profile was pretty detailed in terms of birthday, crime committed, interests, education. And then on top of that, someone would have had to pay a fee to submit it to the site. And strangely, it probably wasn’t a family member because they didn’t want anything more to do with him and they had cleaned out his bank account.


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June 12, 2021

Getting back to explaining my short relationship with Erica, then Shaquita, and last and really short, Daphne. As I told you and I told them, I enjoyed their company most of the time and even their friendship but I loved my wife and at times feared our marriage was over, but I was honest with all of them when I went back to her and was willing to forgive her and did not want to lose her or Hyrah and Skynnah. 

I was totally up front with Samira and told her she could call all three of those women and gave her each of their names and they would tell her the truth that I was going to try and work out things with her, my wife, and that I told each one of them from the start that I loved her. 

It got twisted by the prosecution and the investigators, even implying that I was dating those women when I was Samira. 

I first met Erica in the Hard Rock Casino. She offered to go with me to Miami and drive a vehicle back to Tampa that I was purchasing and that way I would not have to get a rental and have a drop charge in Miami. She seemed cool and sincere and I was tired and that way I wouldn’t have to drive the whole trip myself. 


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June 13, 2021

… And I know you mentioned once about trying to get Samira the help she needed. Shaquita’s testimony really brings it out that you were trying to get Samira the help she needed, but the media didn’t focus on that aspect of the case—Samira’s mental health issues. But you were consistent in how you were trying to get the bipolar issues solved through medication, therapy, and even having Samira Baker-acted if necessary. I understand what a struggle it was and how it must have been a priority to help Samira be the best mother she could be for Hyrah and Skynnah. Yes, Shaquita said that you talked about Samira for hours.


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June 13, 2021

I had the worst lunch ever today. Another inmate had to be hauled out on a gurney at lunch because they said he had a heart attack. The joke was that the food killed him. I know that is kind of hard-hearted, but he was OK. So it was probably heat exhaustion and a severe case of heartburn that scared him.

I had heartburn and stomach pains from just a few bites of it—meatballs and overcooked noodles with a nasty sauce. I gave up and didn’t finish it.


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June 14, 2021

Just got back from a walk with the girls to get some fresh air. We returned to a mouse head and guts on the stoop. Thanks, cats, for that momento mori. 


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June 14, 2021

My favorite team, the Dallas Mavericks, got beat out of the playoffs this week. So now I will go with my second team and that is the LA Clippers and then my 3rd team is the Phoenix Suns. I have only been able to watch 1 game in its entirety the whole playoffs because we do not have ESPN. We get to see them on TV on the weekends only and that gets cut off sometimes with chow or counts.

I called my Mom with my free 5 minute call and she seemed to be in OK spirits, and she was saying that Dad had the flu and I thought it was from her dementia, but I called later to check on him and he has pneumonia. I told my Dad to go to the doctor and get checked out and he said he was feeling a little better that day. But he still sounded rough on the phone. He did say he had a televisit with his doctor and he told him to take the cough syrup he prescribed for him when he had covid and take Tylenol for his fever. This telemedicine thing is being over-utilized and a big money maker for doctors and they don’t even have to see the patients or do any hands on or testing to make sure they have the right diagnosis. I worry about that. 


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June 15, 2021

Once again it is early morning and I’m having a conversation with Butter. This time I’m explaining that since she is not diaphanous I can’t see anything when she stands directly in front of my screen with her body blocking two-thirds of it. Lol I tried to nudge her into the window, which she normally loves, but you know how it is with cats, if it’s not their idea it becomes the exact opposite of what they want to do.

Well, my three youngest now all have appointments to get the first dose of the vaccine. So it feels like progress is being made here. Canada’s talking about reopening the border with the US. They’ll probably talk about that for a long time and then one day, voila, they’ll do it. They always seem to announce that they’re looking into things or considering something… gives people hope, I suppose, that normalcy might return.


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June 16, 2021

We’ll be heading out at around noon for those vaccinations. I just tried on my jeans. They still fit. Good. I’ve been wearing leggings and capri joggers around the house so it’s always good to know I can still fit into my real clothing. Lol 

I started a new mystery. This one is great. A woman finds out from her uncle that her husband has killed his mistress, a mistress she didn’t even know about. She, naturally, has strong and resentful feelings about the whole thing. She has not confronted him about it although she did say to the uncle they should call the police but the uncle said, “not much we can do about it now m’dear. And besides, think of the family name.” They’re always thinking about family name in these old stories. Lol

They have a dinner party and there’s a doctor there who talks about hypnotism. Someone pooh-poohs the idea and he says he can do it. In fact, he could come back the next night and give them a demonstration. So the next night they all return and he explains that under hypnosis, no one can do anything they don’t want to. He asks if he can hypnotize the wife and though she hesitates, she agrees. When she’s under, he shows everyone how he has a rubber dagger and he says that what he’ll do is, he will ask her to kill her husband with it. (He’s under the impression they have the perfect marriage.) He says since she has no desire to do so, even though she’s under the command of the hypnotist, she’ll refuse. But first he shows them how she does other things that he asks. Small things like bringing him the cigarettes. Everyone there is struck by how she looks like a complete zombie. Not human at all. 

Now, at one point, the husband wanted to examine the dagger first. No surprise. Lol He twisted it and confirmed that it was indeed, rubber. Then the hypnotist asked him to go put it on the other side of the room on a table. Which he does. Then the hypnotist asks the wife at one point to go get the dagger and drive it into her husband’s heart. Which she does. Except that it’s not a rubber one anymore, it’s real. Everyone is shocked. The wife is still under hypnosis. The hypnotist says she doesn’t even know what she’s done. He asks that she be taken upstairs to sleep. And then they sit around and talk about it. They all agree that no one got up at any point to exchange the rubber one for the real one. It was across the room, the floorboards are creaky. They would have noticed. It was near a window but the window is 8 feet off the ground and there are no footprints in the floor bed. So what happened?!

OK, that’s the barebones of it. It’s a lot more complicated but you get the gist of it.

I was curious about the length of the basketball season and I see that it runs November to April and then the playoffs. I see that college basketball only goes til March. So what’s next after basketball? Baseball, I’m guessing. Who do you root for in baseball?

I’m glad you’ve been able to get out and play softball, basketball and volleyball, although I can imagine that in that heat you would have to do a lot of rehydrating. I remember in the Middle East where it was over 100* and we were out and about and looking at ruins, that I drank abundantly from my water bottle but never had to use the loo. I thought I was going to get heatstroke in the Middle East in the summer. The ruins are amazing and they go back to the days of the Romans but you have to factor in whether it’s worth collapsing in order to see them!

I’m so sorry to hear that your Dad has pneumonia and I pray he’ll get over that fast!


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June 16, 2021

The kiosk was down yesterday and offline and so we had no wireless connection, even for the tablet. I wrote you a long letter on the kiosk but it went down right when I went to send it. 


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June 17, 2021

I watched a short mystery today with J. It started off as a murder disguised to look like a suicide and turned out to be a suicide disguised to look like a murder in order to frame someone. 

I was so tired this morning that I went right back to bed after feeding Butter and putting food out for the outdoor cats. I slept a couple of more hours and woke up feeling just as tired. So I just had to get up and make the best of it. I have a coffee and I’m just starting to begin to feel a flicker of hope that I may at some point start waking up. Lol I find that as I’ve gotten older, sometimes the best cure for something isn’t rest, it’s activity.

I’ve been sifting through everything. I see that on December 13th, the court granted to Samira full temporary custody of the kids as well as residency at Golden Eagle.  Previous to that, I know that you had full custody of the kids at the time because Kendall had called the police on Samira for her attack on you. I’m still making my way through the lengthy Shaquita interview. 

I know it’s hard with it all being 7 years ago and it’s not fresh in your mind. But I’m getting a sense of chronology with regards to the child custody case by listening to Shaquita’s interview. 

She was asked if you still cared for your wife. Shaquita said at that point, she didn’t know. Although earlier, she did seem to suggest that you did. But they have that technique of asking the same questions over and over again in different ways so her answers vary slightly. She said at that point that you certainly loved your kids because once when you two were out of town, you were crying about missing them because you and Samira were living at two different residences and she had the kids. So I’m guessing that was after the emergency hearing in December. 

Anyway, Shaquita said she told you to think positively, that that’s what she does when she’s in a difficult situation. She said that you would still shop for Samira when you guys went shopping.

… Clearly, there were these women. That’s not really a huge issue. It’s the missing information that’s doing the most harm to your character. Namely that you were getting on with your life, while at the same time being deeply concerned that your children weren’t in the safest of environments.

There’s no doubt that reconciliation was on Samira’s mind because even Mentour Lawyer has to concede that based on the family videos on the phone, you guys were back together in those last two weeks before she died.


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June 17, 2021

I am still struggling with a pinched nerve or something going on with my neck and shoulder, but now it has switched from the right side to the left side.

I had 3 classes back-to-back, all 2 hours each. A new class on ethics that was really good, from a book called Ethics 101 by John Maxwell. Long day. And I’m going to have to get to the law library to work on a summons from Tracey to pay child support, while I’m incarcerated. And I really need to begin working on my 3850 appeal and other options to expose this legal travesty. 

Yes, before that emergency hearing, Samira had 4-hour supervised visitations 3 times a week. They used the time to dress the girls in torn clothing and messed their hair, with some make-up marks to make them look like they had been attacked by wild animals in a jungle. And not changing their diaper for 4 hours to give them diaper rash. All to take photos of them and mislead the judge that me and the caregivers were dropping them off that way when the truth was we were picking them up that way. We dropped them off in clean clothes with a change of clothing, with toys and snacks and formula.


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June 18, 2021

That must have been tough to forgive. 

I watched an interview with Buddy Whitlock, Samira’s lawyer. He said he was afraid of you because of the things you would say to him in court and that’s when he started carrying a gun in his car. He says that Samira wasn’t afraid of you, but he was.

That pinched nerve sounds painful and I hope it abates soon.

I found that Ethics 101 book by John Maxwell, so I bought it for the Kindle. Now all the kids have access to it. I like how it’s based on the Golden Rule and applying it to every area of one’s life. Makes sense. I see that the book was originally called, “There’s No Such Thing as Business Ethics: There’s Only One Rule for Making Decisions.” 

Grey and rainy here. Not a good day for getting out but since I had no plans to get out, that’s not a problem. 

Butter is siting in the window, majestically surveying her kingdom, or queendom, I suppose. When she’s tired of that, she’ll step back down onto the coffee table, right in front of my monitor and require me to pet her head until she gets tired of it. If I get tired of it first, she’ll butt her head against my hand that is trying to type.


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June 19, 2021

I was very amicable to Samira getting full visitation and she was allowed to return to the main marital home after several months. But we were already reconciling and she was agreeing to get help, to get an appointment with a doctor and get her records transferred from Paris, France. All of that was a logistical nightmare. I even told Samira that she could fly back to Paris and see her doctors and counsellors in Paris if she did not like the doctors in America.

She had plenty of meds to take from past prescriptions. So she started back on those and was doing better, so I agreed to trying to work on our marriage. I was honest with her, though, that I had other options and that I was not willing to compromise in terms of her violent behaviour. I had nothing to hide and even if she approached these women or wanted to know the truth, it was all out in the open. I was honest with each of them from day one of my situation and my love for Samira, but the problems I was facing and I was not going to live in a shell and be unhappy. I was going to get on with my life. Two of them wanted to confront Samira. I told them that would not be a good idea if they valued their lives.  

I just finished the class Trauma and Recovery and Empowerment which deals mostly with those that were abused as children and dealing with all the emotions and problems associated with that, eg.fear, shame, anger. It is led by an inmate who has been down for over 40 years for a crime he admits to doing but his co-defendants testified against him for lesser sentences and because he kept his mouth shut and did not take a plea he went to trial, was found guilty as the primary in the crime and was sentenced to life in prison. 

With that being said he has matured over all of those years and he is definitely institutionalized. But he does have remorse and is hoping for parole and clemency in which he meets this month for, but will not be granted unless he finds a place to say, eg. a halfway house or someone willing to let him put down their residence as an address of where he is to be staying. It sounds like he would have to register as a sex offender, so it is almost impossible for those types of inmates to be released, especially this many years later when all of his immediate family has passed and his siblings are all in prison themselves or could not help even if they get released. They are not going to allow him to stay with an ex con…


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June 20, 2021

Good Sunday morning to you.

I lost a letter by not sending it in time on Friday. The kiosk was down most of the day yesterday and then when it came back up, it was raining out and no rec or canteen callouts in the afternoon, so when it rebooted, the line was a mile long.

I played volleyball yesterday before the storm front moved in and was playing well but my wrist and hand are not 100% and setting the ball still hurt. But I have my legs back and blocked a lot of spikes and spiked the ball myself a few times, hard and straight down with no chance of return. Not bad for a 53 y/o recovering from severe injuries less than 6 months ago.

They wanted me to play basketball on a team and tournament yesterday, but my wrist gets really sore when I shoot even one basket. I hope that gets better with time because basketball is my favorite sport. 


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June 21, 2021

It’s a cool and breezy summer day and I wish I could send some of the cooler air your way. We have our hot days, too, though. Poor people in California. 53*?! That’s like being on another planet!


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June 23, 2021

I am sitting here talking to my bunkmate about all the food he wants to eat when he gets out in 2028. He loves food and it shows. He is about 5' 4" and weighs over 300 lbs. He was talking about getting a half gallon of milk and whole box of frosted flakes and putting it in a big bowl and smothering it with chocolate syrup. So healthy. Lol 

I told him if that’s what he wants and that will make him happy, then go for it. As his friend and as a doctor, though, I have to warn him that it may cause him instant diabetes!

The last thing on my mind when I get out is food. It will be uniting with children, the youngest first, unless the older ones come to see me when I get out. 


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June 24, 2021

It’s funny what inmates miss about the outside world. Frosted Flakes and chocolate syrup. Sadly, I think a lot of them know their family isn’t going to welcome them with open arms so instead they look forward to things like Frosted Flakes. And getting a car and just driving no place in particular, that sort of thing. That’s what Juan was looking forward to. And tacos. Like you said, so many of them have addiction problems and have been in and out of prison so many times that their family members have just learned to move on. I think deep down they know what all those mistakes have cost them.

I see in the news that a Tallahassee tutor is preparing Kim Kardashian for the Bar exam. I’m sure she’ll have a line a mile long outside her law office! Lol 

I sat outside this morning and did my morning prayers out there instead of inside. S was up early and I wanted to be alone. Anyway, the sun was coming up and there was a murder of crows on the neighbour’s roof squawking at one another. What a funny name for a pack of crows. I would think that a clowder of crows would be better. But it’s a clowder of cats. 

OK, what am I doing today? Probably making a quiche for lunch. That’s always popular and when I took F to get his covid vaccination, eggs were on sale at the pharmacy so we brought home 5 dozen. It’s been eggs and toast ever since. Lol

It’s grey and moody here. Some of the hurricane weather making it north, no doubt.


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June 25, 2021

It is Friday and I am waiting for my law library call out and trying to keep my head up and walking forward, but it is so frustrating. 

The tough thing is keeping focused and trying to respond to these summons in a non-emotional, assertive way, but to bring out the injustice I have endured and how I continue to be punished with these frivolous lawsuits by people and their greedy lawyers trying to make my life even more stressful.

The world and the people in it can be so cruel sometimes and then there are those that just enjoy hating and hurting to make themselves feel better for their insecurities and miserable lives. 


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June 27, 2021

I had a rough couple of days. I got food poisoning and I have been as sick as a dog. I’m back to being able to get up and move around but it exhausts me and my stomach is still queasy and I don’t have an appetite. 

TV has had old Westerns that I love, from Gunsmoke to Bonanza. Unfortunately, I have seen them all about 3 times in my lifetime because I grew up with them. Gunsmoke used to be prime time. I loved Festus, and him and Doc arguing all the time and ribbing one another although underneath they were best friends and would die for one another. 


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June 28, 2021

Food poisoning! How awful!! I’ve never had anything more than a mild case of that. I think I may have eaten something that wasn’t lettuce the other day because I had some awful cramping. It took a day or two to calm down. I think I must have picked some leaves from the garden that weren’t edible. 

I was on f-b and ran across some comments about you and your family that chilled my blood. The people must have seen a documentary and felt like they were defending Samira by posting extremely hurtful things. Rightfully, people think that Samira was a beautiful, accomplished woman and that her life ended all too-tragically and all too soon. But then they lash out at the wrong people…


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June 28,  2021

I just got back from rec and I felt pretty good, because of the ibuprofen I took earlier. But I played volleyball like crap today. The sand was still compact and wet from the storms we’ve been having, so it was hard getting footing. And I was not going to dive and get hurt, so it took me out of my game. 

And wow was it humid and hot out there.


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June 29, 2021

You asked about the court activity up to and around the time of Samira’s arrest. I will go back and give you the whole story. And if you want to contact people who were close to us and worked for us, friends, my parents, my older children, they will all tell you story upon story of witnessing and experiencing Samira’s bipolar behaviour with rage and violence one minute and then normal to nice behaviour the next minute. Sometimes she would go on rampages for days They can confirm that I responded in love and usually left the situation until she calmed down. 

Shortly after having Skynnah she was an emotional wreck, and she was trying to handle her dream of getting her high-end baby clothing line store launched and getting the girls in all of these pageants and other activities associated with their agent in New Smyrna Beach. It was tough on her and she was taking it out on me. 

Anything and everything would trigger her that summer when she was off her medication, refusing counselling and help. I was seeing my psychologist almost weekly to deal with the emotional trauma that comes from being married to someone with these issues. He would listen mostly. He understood my love for her, but did not agree with putting up with the abuse for the make up sex. I put up with it because I knew she had a psychiatric disorder and felt sorry for her and compassion because she was abused so badly by her mother as a child. I wanted to make her happy and tried to avoid doing anything that would upset her. I knew that leaving her to do any kind of activity I loved would upset her, so those accusations that I would leave her for extended periods of time was a lie. I would leave her until she calmed down, sometimes for a couple of hours and at most a couple of days until she calmed down. 

I will continue to explain all of the issues going on before and after Samira’s arrest. I have only told it to certain people I trust because it is difficult and some bad memories and stressful times. 

I also do not want to ruin Samira’s legacy. But if it helps expose the lies and negative issues of her behaviour that they turned on to me and that plague my case, I feel I may have to, at least, correct the lies and expose how corrupt the legal system is. Even how they unethically and illegally advised Samira to do things to get out of trouble and gain an edge, and mainly money, in a divorce with no concern for Hyrah and Skynnah and their safety and well being.


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June 30, 2021

I understand that you want to protect Samira’s legacy. And as you say, those were stressful times. Samira’s legacy online is currently that she was a beautiful, talented mother of two children who were her princesses and that this fairytale was destroyed by her beast of a husband. That’s the story that gets told over and over again.

… OK, what’s going on in the world? I glanced at the headlines and got the impression that a Grand Jury indicted one of Trump’s companies in New York. It was a quick glance so I don’t know if I’m getting that right. I looked at about four headlines and that’s the only one I remember. I really have to do some mental exercises to retain information! OK, I went back to Apple News and I can see why most of the headlines didn’t stick. There was something about Britney Spears that I just read and immediately forgot. Something about how vaccinated people can still get covid but with less severe symptoms, but I didn’t retain that because I knew that already. Then there was an article about the Montreal Canadiens suffering a demoralizing defeat in Game 2 vs. Lightning. I read that quickly and briefly wondered who the Lightenings were. Now I clicked on the article and I see they’re from Tampa! Well! That IS demoralizing. Canadians losing to the Floridians! Lol


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