Thursday, May 26, 2022


October 1, 2020

I was reading a Christian article about prisons and it was interesting. The author felt that the current system wasn’t the ideal because in the Bible the focus was on restitution, not incarceration. The penal system in America, apparently, started as a Puritan way of isolating people to give then a chance to reflect about what they had done and then to hopefully repent. But this writer pointed out that the current system isn’t reflective of that original monastic quality. 


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October 1, 2020

Back to the stripper stories fuelled by the investigator Jason Newlin that gave him a chance to go to every strip club in Tampa and Miami looking for Erica and trying to dig up some dirt on me and wasting tax payers dollars and I’m sure he enjoyed it and he is a married man. I wonder how many private dances got billed to the State of Florida prosecutor's office. 

I only went out with Erica briefly and only had contact with her because she was in the process of buying one of my vehicles and she owned over half of it and was trying to make payments, then it broke down and I ended up with it back with the engine blown when all of this happened. No, I did not buy her a Range Rover. I did buy Martha a Range Rover HSE because I wanted Trista in something safe and it was a peace offering for her not to cause problems with my marriage and understand that we were coparents and we did not have a connection. We agreed to stay friends and raise Trista in a stable and loving environment and I agreed to give her the same quality of life that all my other children enjoyed.


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October 1, 2020

… Ok I know I’m trying to get as much kiosk time as possible. No Thursday night football, although I did watch 1/2 of the NBA finals last night, but then I wanted to finish this letter. I did get a letter out to my lawyer today and worked on one to my girls. Then found out someone stole my regular mail stamps and we both know who that is but I confronted him and he denied it, of course, and accused someone else. I'm so tired of prison life. I can’t wait until all of this is behind me.


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October 2, 2020

… Continuing on with our 1st wedding in Las Vegas, I had also scheduled her favorite makeup artist to do her makeup, We had a tight schedule so a large 6500 series GMC limo picked us up and we were shuttled to the private airport to a large helicopter with pilot, preacher and film crew waiting. We were then delayed and it was well over 110 degrees F that day and on an airport tarmac even hotter. 

Samira looked hotter than the temperature that we endured in her beautiful white wedding dress with short train. Samira liked it, because she and I took photos and videos with bank foreclosed private Leer jets. We asked why the delay and they said, Air Force One was landing with President Obama so we had to wait. Go figure. The President of the United States trumped our wedding. President Obama landed, and before he got into his motorcade he looked over at us and waved and gave a thumbs up. We captured that on video. We took off, or I should say went up right at dusk, had a short flight and procured our vows by the preacher. All on video and still pictures over the city of Las Vegas at early nightfall. What a Wonderful and Romantic day that was. I hold that day dear to my heart. Samira was glowing. 

I knew she still had to finish her modeling contract and we would be apart again for a while. We were used to that for the previous 5 years. We went on a long honeymoon to Bordeaux, Lyon, Monte Carlo/Monaco, Nice, and Marseille in the South of France and had a wonderful time. I went to the famous casino they based Casino Royale on, like James Bond and Samira as a beautiful Bond spy girl. We had a fabulous time there. I highly recommend it for someone who has never been. We enjoyed it 5 star. She had VIP access at the clubs, restaurants, and vineyards. One of her high end fashion designer friends let us use their yacht with captain and crew provided at no charge to enjoy our Honeymoon as a personal gift from them to her. We floated around on the Mediterranean Sea and ported in Corsica, Sardinia, Naples, Italy, Sicily and ended in Barcelona, Spain. 

We both wanted to stay longer but after 1 month we had to go back to our careers and extended families. Then after she finished her modeling contract, she began working on her music videos she had always dreamed of pursuing post modeling career. Her music videos are on YouTube under Samirah DS Frasch. Very well done for a first attempt at her music career. She was an eclectic éclat, multitalented. She loved music and singing. She also had an uncle who was a famous musician and vocalist in Madagascar, her home country, that encouraged and helped her with this endeavour.

Then, several months later she planned a very extravagant formal wedding with all the family and friends in Madagascar. We had this at the largest and nicest hotel in Anttenanavera, Madagascar. During the wedding and after wedding party, she premiered her music videos on two large jumbotron screens and also played still photos of our wedding in Las Vegas. 

We had another honeymoon and she showed me Madagascar and we went for a short retreat/2nd private honeymoon (discrete details to remain secret and dear to my heart, mind and soul) in a remote area of Madagascar. It was like a private paradise to ourselves. Pardon me while I take time to wipe my tears. 

I miss her so much and the memories feel like yesterday they are so dear to my heart. Especially now that I've lost her, or I should correct that and say, she was heinously taken from me. I always told her that she "Rocked My World" and she always told me that I was her Dream Man.

She and my memories of her is what keeps me going at times. Along with staying alive to get justice for her death.


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October 4, 2020

I appreciate you picking up on the blog site error. I was going from memory.

As I am typing, one of the most evil ones is standing behind me on the kiosk. Have to talk discretely… 

I had a good talk with my Dad this morning and he is telling family and friends to go to the blog…

I hate to vent to you right now, but I almost went off on these 2 inmates/demons from the soul of Beelzebub himself. I am still here on the kiosk and trying to type but there are things going on here that are definitely devilish.

I appreciate all the work you have done on the blog…


[It would be weeks before I heard from Doc again. It took me awhile to learn the full story, that the two men I had been writing to were no longer sharing a cell, and both of them had ended up in solitary confinement.]

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October 23, 2020

I'm out of the box. I believe in the power of your prayers. I felt Jesus’ presence on those days freezing and sleeping on that cold hard metal bunk.

I am still adjusting to being on the compound again and to my new bunky. I am getting tired and I am still hurting and almost have a bed sore from the hard sleeping surface/torture rack in the box. I hope you never have to feel that pain. My sacrum feels like an ice pick is pressing in it and twisting. I need to get moving and exercising again.

I'm looking forward to my Nebraska Cornhuskers playing this weekend for their 1st game of the college football season.


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October 23, 2020

I am glad you’re out and that you have a new bunkmate. And I’m glad you didn’t miss football season! Though I hope you recover quickly!

Today it’s as warm as an autumn in Florida. I should know. We always vacationed in Florida in the autumn. The reason we always went there in autumn was because of the Feast of Tabernacles. Worldwide Church of God had Feast sites all over the world including the one closest to us, Niagara Falls, but my mother always wanted to go to Florida. Usually it was in St. Petersburg but one year it was in Daytona Beach. The Feast only lasted 8 days but we would go for 2 weeks. We spent the other 6 days at the beach or in Orlando doing WDW and Busch Gardens. 

It was awkward with school. School would have just started and then I’d have to go around to my teachers telling them I’d be gone for 2 weeks. I always had to take work with me and do make-up tests when I got back. So that diminished the fun. I feel edgy just thinking about it because I always did well at school but missing 2 weeks right up front like that set me back. It was a relief to go to Ambassador College where everyone kept the Feast and the college shut down for 2 weeks. Those were the only four years I went to Florida with my family and didn’t have a third of my suitcase filled with schoolwork. 

I found Brian’s Song on YouTube which you mentioned awhile back so I started watching that. I thought it was funny that it had a young James Caan in it and the other movie you recommended, Seven Days in Utopia, had an old Robert Duvall, both of whom were in The Godfather. The Godfather is my bar for how I rate movies. Strong actors. Strong characters. Moments of moral decision. On the Waterfront with a young Marlon Brando is like that, too. I rarely watch a movie unless someone recommends it. A Catholic bishop recommended Gran Torino and it’s definitely a strong character making a moral decision. Disturbing in parts and intense the way it all plays out.  

I pray your new cellmate will be easy to get along with and that he keeps to himself.


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October 23, 2020

I am on the kiosk because my tablet is tablet is being charged. I am trying to type but inmates keep interrupting asking who's next in line and they are amazed at how fast I can type. this kiosk is much better and the keys don't stick and aggravate me. I'm going to hope this saves for my next session and I can continue with this letter…


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October 24, 2020

… I was able to go to canteen and replace some of the items stolen by —- and —- when I went to the box. I am on a caffeine fix, had my 1st cup of columbian coffee in 3 weeks…


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October 24, 2020

That coffee must have been euphoric. I have a cup or two a day now, too, thanks to the fact that my stress levels are way lower than they were in the past. Otherwise, I’d be a nervous wreck dealing with my ex AND drinking coffee…


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October 24, 2020

I was amazed to get a letter from you on a weekend and I am trying to not use my battery life on the tablet and am typing at warp speed here on this kiosk.

I used to love Thanksgiving here in the States because I love turkey and pumpkin pie. I ate so much pumpkin pie when I was little one time I was sick for 2 days and was so mad I couldn't play basketball against the family in a very competitive game that was always held on reunions and holidays with large family gatherings, then it would go to baseball at a local field if possible and sometimes even hockey in the winter. Yes I played hockey in junior leagues until I was about 13, when I wasn't playing basketball.

I love the fall holidays because we have football and basketball rolling around and I had never even heard of your favourite sport, curling, until I was in my 30's watching the winter olympics when they were held in I think Canada. fcol lol


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October 25, 2020

We had chicken dogs/hot dogs half cooked 2 with stale slices of bread. crappy pork and beens, 2oz of coleslaw with no mayo, and a 3oz mixed vegetables that are half cooked. It is far away from a gourmet meal and the portions always leave you hungry for more. I got to canteen today so thank God for that and got some hygiene items too.

… Did I mention it’s cold here as well?


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October 26, 2020

It’s awful to be cold and hungry. The crazy thing is, I know exactly what you mean. The house is cold and damp. The food feels like we’re living in World War 2 Britain when they had to survive on rations. We’ve watched comedies set in World War 2 (the British are good at laughing at the hard times) where the green grocer will get onions and use them to bribe the people of the town into joining the ARP (he’s head of the local air raid patrols) rather than the Home Guards which he has a rivalry with. J was making a joke about that when I went into the kitchen and caught S using one of my onions that I had bought with my own money. “It’s always about the onions,” J said, shaking his head. “In hard times it’s always about the onions.”


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October 27, 2020, 

Sorry no letter yesterday. We were locked down, 2 inmates got into a fight and sent to the box…

… I was up writing you a marathon story telling letter on my tablet and I noticed that they did not charge it all the way so now I'm back on the kiosk and typing my little fingers away with no typo check and these keys are too worn out they don’t stick but I get going too fast ... I'm so thankful to God for curing your headache and I know what you mean, there is nothing worse than a bad migraine. I would get them so bad I would vomit profusely.

I saw a couple of your emails have been rejected for content. If you have to, use spaces or underscore to prevent being screened and cancelled. Also you have to watch making references to the state of F___ida and any references to social media sites and direct links etc. We don't have access to those things or full media searches so if you say those things in reference or direct quoting things from media sites, esp social media, they will block it, so just do the G____le reference or avoid direct key words They just flashed the lights so I am going to have to send this one unfinished.


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October 28, 2020

2:30 AM

Can't sleep. Upon awakening I remember I was telling you at one point about the last precious, but crazy, 24 hours I had with Samira and the girls before she was taken from me. I think I ended when we woke up and were planning to take Bella, the little Bichon Frise, to the groomers. 

Samira was getting herself and girls ready, when she noticed that her most prized possession in all of the world, her Roberto Cavelli purse, was missing from her collection in her closet. The closet itself was a showpiece for her high end designer all stiletto high high high heeled shoes, 100+++ pairs in all. Displayed with all her other accessories and clothes as an organized show place with leopard carpet and glass automatic drawers and enclosures with remote motorized rotation and openings, custom made by a designer closet cabinet guru gay guy out of Palm Beach Gardens and designer Hilda Flack. Look that woman up on Google. Her interior designer had designed millions of dollars of fabulous (savour faire) work on just the interior of our main house in Tallahassee. 

He was working on one of my yachts in Marco Island designing it into a showpiece on the inside with Samira. This minor project was going on at that time with very little input from me. One day she would love this interior designer’s plans, and his ideas. The next she was so mad at him she wanted his ass on a platter. lol Makes me reflect that a farm boy from Nebraska had come to this point in life. fcol It made me love her when I would spend an hour on the phone calming down this Nicaraguan interior designer, and keeping the peace for whatever project Samira was working on. Get things back on schedule and organizing all the logistics of people involved in her projects and ordering all necessary items/safety equipment required to complete her never-ending design renovation projects. lol col Happy wife Happy Life!!! I miss that because I loved making her happy and seeing her finished "Master Pieces" of interior design, clothing designs for the girls, her and my clothes, cars, motorcycles, accessories, utensils, toiletries, sunglasses, watches etc. etc She always had to put her finishing designer touch and of course logo/signature or name on everything.


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October 28, 2020

Yes, Samira would be justifiably upset at having something precious of hers stolen. 

Now I realize where the media, including your hometown paper, got this idea that Samira was “brutally beaten” before ending up in the pool. It comes straight from Cappleman’s lips. It was all to make you look like a domestic abuser despite the fact that there was nothing in the autopsy or put forward by the medical examiner to suggest Samira had been “beaten.” Even if Gardner had been on trial, he didn’t brutally beat her.

I hate newspapers with their inaccuracies. We’ve fallen so far from the days when Hemingway talked about writing a true sentence. There are no true statements in these articles. Just fuzzy sensationalism.


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October 28, 2020

I'm on the kiosk by choice for a change because I put my tablet up in my locker because they called for recreation for the 1st time in over 2 months for me and it got cancelled because it started raining. I saw the kiosk was open when we came back in the dorm.

So I jumped on and here I am and I sped read your letters from and I have not had any messages that your letters were blocked for content…


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October 29, 2020

… Did you ever do Hemingway things when you were in Paris? He talks about it all in A Moveable Feast. One of the things he says is that he went to the Luxembourg Museum nearly every day to look at the Cezannes and the Monets. He says, “There you could always go into the Luxembourg Museum and all the paintings were sharper and clearer and more beautiful if you were belly-empty, hollow-hungry. I learned to understand Cezanne much better and to see truly how he made landscapes when I was hungry.” Of course, as much fun as that sounds (lol) it would also be nice to have beer and potato salad like he did at one of the brasseries he frequented on the Boulevard Saint-Germain. Or have coffee or cocktails at one of his favourite cafés. 

My father went to Paris before I was born but the only thing I heard about was the Champs Élysées. My dad was a teacher, seventh-grade Canadian history—in a school in a tough neighbourhood and from everything I heard, he was good at it. But he dutifully left that behind for the family bakery when his father retired. So I have memories of opening the door to the bakery on a cold winter day and feeling all the warmth and wonderful scents of cinnamon buns and savoury meat pies. My dad would give me and my brothers small paper bags and we could fill them up. I still remember the agonizing indecision. One couldn’t fit everything into a small paper bag. Should I go with an Empire cookie or a chocolate doughnut; a Chelsea bun or a meringue?

He even expanded into pizza and to this day, my life is a quest for pizza as good as his. A little shack in Atlantic City right on the boardwalk came close and it was just a weirdly simple combination of cheese and broccoli but I think it’s about the sauce and the crust and then about the right amount of cheese. 


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October 29, 2020

I do not cook. I don't even have the patience for boiling eggs properly. I only have one thing I do decent. That’s fried eggs and fried green tomatoes, that’s because no one knows how to cook them like I like them except good old mom. I like the simple things like raw vegetables and fruit and simple foods like my eggs over easy but brazened on the edges and a little crispy so they have to be cooked on high heat and then flipped and taken off the heat and let sit until cooked just a little on the turned side and eaten while still warm and I dip fresh toast with real butter spread on it heavily and dip the toast in my egg yoke that is runny. Oh my God I am so hungry right now thinking about it. 

I am not a big into spice guy. Oh l forgot, I like popcorn the old fashioned way, not microwave popcorn which is ok if your in a hurry, but I am picky about my popcorn and I had it down to a science when I was out on bond and almost house confined for 2 years awaiting trial or being dismissed and exonerated. Two months before trial Georgia Cappleman offered me manslaughter with a crime of passion and time served with a maximum of 5 years deferred probation. Of course I refused because I am innocent and my lawyer said I could counter offer and I said for her to shove that offer… and that I wanted full acquittal with restitution…


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October 30, 2020

You asked about Paris. 

When Samira and I first met, it was, let me say, our 3rd day in Paris together we went to a museum that has a lot of items connected to Napoleon Bonaparte. I enjoyed that and they had the narration headphone digital player in English through all the exhibits there, and at the Louvre, so Samira and I had our own versions, hers in French, mine in English, and synchronized timing as you punch in the code for each exhibit, statue, painting etc. I was most impressed with the detailed large—very large—tapestries from the middle ages. The detail they created on a rug was mesmerizing to me and some took a lifetime and the lifetime of the original master apprentice to complete. Lifespan back then was, like, 37 years for a man though. fcol. Wars, disease famine etc. Those tapestries were commissioned by some rich royal someone or king to hang on one of the many large walls in one of their many large castles or country homes chalets. Samira would have loved to be some rich duchess back then. td


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October 31, 2020

Yes, those tapestries sound amazing. I watched a National Geographic documentary that went inside the Vatican and all the work behind the scenes to organize events and preserve the art. One large room was just for tapestry restoration. And if people once gave their lives to make those tapestries, others are now giving their lives to restore them!


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