Thursday, May 26, 2022


September 1, 2020

… Again to clarify the true story regarding my wife's, myself and our history together. I wish to share all of the facts of our lives rather than the media’s version of our lives. I am doing this to protect my wife’s legacy and get punishment served to the true perpetrators involved in her death.

You asked, how I met my wife. I met my wife, Samira DS Mbotizafy, in Paris, France in early August of 2006. Samira was in Paris on a leave of absence from her modeling agency. What had recently happened and why she needed a sabbatical was that she had let another fellow model and relatively new acquaintance from her employer, the Ford Modeling Agency of Europe, Rome Division, stay at her flat/apartment in Rome, Italy. The flat was owned by fashion designer Roberto Cavalli. Samira had left her flat earlier that day to catch a flight and the flight was cancelled. When she went back to her flat she found her new roommate in her bed with Samira's boyfriend. Samira was so upset and in a fit of rage, anger, and with physical aggression kicked them both out on the street naked. Yes, naked. HA HA. She immediately locked the door, called a locksmith friend of her’s, had him come over and had the locks changed. To be continued…


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September 1, 2020

Hi Doc!

What a story! Samira, the bed, the naked lovers. Very European. But how awful for Samira.

I looked up the jailhouse snitch you mentioned. The Tallahassee Democrat (October 14, 2017) describes him as “50-plus times convicted felon, Dale Folsom.”

And I read online today that one of the first-responders said that Samira seemed recently drowned and tried for 45 minutes to revive her. (Which contradicts your maintenance man who said she was “completely gone” in the 911 call.) Another thing that seemed to abound was people’s opinions treated like evidence. I think the official term is hearsay evidence. Is that even allowed?

How is my day going, you ask? Lol Fine, thank you, although for one horrible moment I thought my ex had cancelled our Prime account—and I had plans for finishing up Castle and watching a few more movies. Turns out it was just a Prime thing, for some reason they wanted me to log in instead of it just starting up automatically. 


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September 2, 2020

Hi Jennifer,

I want you to know I appreciate you—your time, energy and talents spent on this venture.

You mentioned dhal and asked about food and my travels. I do like foreign food, although some things that are too spicy, e.g, Thai food, messes my stomach up and I personally do not like foods that burn as bad going out as they did going in. fcol I think people who do are a little crazy. But whatever rocks someone's palate. I am willing to try anything once. I stay away from raw bats as a rule. lol. The Asian cultures eat some strange things. When I was in the Philippines playing BBall, when I went outside at night from my veranda to get a view of the city and a breath of smog filled air, I could hear dogs yelping and barking high pitched squeals. When I asked my live-in maid, what was going on and it was terrible sounding and hard to listen to. She was embarrassed to tell me. She said, "Mr, Adam they beat the dogs while they are alive and sometimes tied upside down from hind legs to bruise the muscle tissue and help tenderize the meat before they cook and eat them". I wanted to immediately go out in the back streets and alleys of Manilla and save all of those poor little doggies. She assured me that was considered a delicacy and they think of an undomesticated dog as we do a cow or a duck. They were raised in small pens as a food source for some rich people and not as a pet. Wow!! What a wake up call for cultural meals. I was overly cautious when at a fine Philippine restaurant to make sure I did not accidentally order Fido. fcol. 


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September 2, 2020

… Yes, I’m with you on spicy foods. Too hot isn’t fun. I gave Tiger the wrong impression, alas, when I mentioned that I like Indian cuisine. I think he got the impression that spices equals spicy, and it doesn’t always. Garam masala is made up of cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, coriander, nutmeg. The spiciest thing in it is black pepper. It’s about flavour, not heat, for me.

Horrible to think of those poor dogs in the Philippines! If I travelled, I would have to go vegetarian just to be safe (unless I could get a sworn affidavit that I was eating beef or chicken. Lol) I didn’t tell you about the food in the Holy Land! It’s awesome. Their tomatoes and cucumbers actually have flavour. Breakfast was usually pita bread and hummus and fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and onions (yes, onions!) and hard-boiled eggs. Lunch 

was something like falafels from a stand or if you’re sitting down, eggplant parmigiana, a side dish of baked sweet potatoes and a choice of about ten different salads. Dinner was something like lamb kebabs and savoury rice.  

I’m making my way through all the trial-related material online. I’m scribbling down notes as I watch/read. So when I’m done I’ll organize it and send it to you. Even at this early stage, I can see why you’re so frustrated with it all. I’m just starting out and already there are contradictions and anomalies. 

I will include that fact about your neighbour and his daughter seeing Samira at 10:32 AM when you had an alibi in Panama City Beach in the blurb for the blog.


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September 3, 2020

Your roommate wrote to me this morning to give me grief for not writing to him. He tends to want assurances I can’t give him. I could lose the internet any day now…


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September 3, 2020

Good morning Jennifer A, 

All hell broke out here in the room this morning Tiger asked who I was writing and I told him you. He got all upset saying "How in the fu__ is my pen pal that I have been emailing every day for 4 years and on my birthday tells me her internet is getting cut off and she won't be able to contact me, but she is contacting you a week later?” 

I assured him and calmed him down that you sounded upset when you were notified by your ex he was cutting off the internet. I told him it just happened unfortunately to be your birthday, I don't think Jennifer, or “Canada” as he calls you, would purposely upset you on your birthday. She seems to be a very nice lady, and is generous in helping us out. I said that you emailed me the same day with the same message of the bad news. I told him you were very upset and depressed because you and your children depend on the internet for so many necessary things. I told him you would probably respond but with money being tight and limited stamps that I paid for, she probably is also trying to limit emails to important help with our blogs and keeping idle chit chat to a minimum. 

Got to go he's waking up.


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September 3, 2020

I have calmed the storm or the Tiger, he just got all into his feelings because he really likes you and maybe he mistook your ex cancelling the internet, and the way you phrased it as something personal against him.

He was already bummed as I was with having a birthday in prison, and then realizing you, one of his only friends, was unable to stay in touch. I understand that. 

I told my father early on when all this happened and the media was being so ugly and I was in a real deep place that if I lose my sanity or stop being a giving and caring person then that means the devil wins.


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September 3, 2020

What a relief that things are sorted out with Tiger! I’ve gotten his blog to a good place if I lose the internet. I was just trying to do the same for you. Alas, I should have communicated that to him.

… I’m sorry that Tiger was putting on one face for you and a completely different one for me when it comes to you and your innocence. Before we started writing he was talking about you a lot and wanting me to go online for him. It was actually really bizarre at the time. He wanted me to try to find pictures of the interior of your house and look for a golf club. At the time, I found one picture of your bedroom and I wrote back that it didn’t look the sort of place to just have a golf club lying around. Now that I’ve gotten to know your case better I understand why a golf club was on his mind….

I signed a petition online today, “Pets are companions, not food.” Thought you’d like that. :)


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September 4, 2020

I’ve been sitting here listening to Gardner’s testimony on Day 1 of the trial. Gardner really reacts strangely to finding “a woman” at the bottom of a pool. (You’re so right that it’s very telling that he didn’t call her by name.) And any normal person’s first assumption would be that it was an accident, a drowning, but right off, he talks about it being a crime scene. 

From an article I read online at True Crime Daily (Exclusive: Incarcerated doctor disputes condition of murder of wife, 05/23/2017) his words to 911 were, “I don’t know what happened. I just got here to do some work for her, I talked to her yesterday… He [sic] got some kids, I don’t know where the kids are, I don’t know nothing. I just pulled up and I just walked back there in the pool area and she was laying in the pool. She’s been in there, I don’t know how long, she, she, she completely gone. And I want y’all to come take pictures of it before I take her out. She’s dead, she drowned. Somebody, somebody had to kill her.”

If I encountered a woman in a swimming pool, I would NOT think that someone killed her. It wouldn’t even enter my mind. My first thought would be to get her out and see if there was still any life in her.


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September 7,  2020

Labour Day. It doesn’t affect us homeschoolers but I said a prayer for any of your children who will be off to school tomorrow.My son and I got out for a walk today to pick up some milk. It was stormy, like Florida before a hurricane or Texas before a tornado. (Been through both. Not in the eye of it, of course, but in Florida we were on the verge of packing the car and fleeing north and in Texas the tornado touched down a mile or two away.) Anyway, I’m just stupid enough to like this kind of weather. I think we’re getting the tail-end of your bad weather. It’s always the way. We hear of something serious hitting the coast of Florida or the Carolinas and sometime later, we have grey storm clouds rolling in. 

I started watching Day 2 of the trial. Joshua Stubbs, the paramedic, wrote in his report, “No obvious signs of trauma.” Obviously the head wounds weren’t noticeable if the people who tried to save her didn’t even see them. Which makes it even more suspicious that Gardner would start talking about her being killed. There’s absolutely no way he could have discerned that from a quick look at a woman at the bottom of a pool if first responders who actually handled her body were treating it as a drowning.

Firefighter, Todd Watkins, who was one of the first-responders who helped get Samira out of the water said, “If rigor had set in we would have not started life-saving measures.” 

And then there’s the lack of pruning on her fingers and toes.

Detective John Kellerman talks about the “small injuries on the body.” Scratches and bruises. There are small bloodstains on the fingertips on her right hand. Would these be injuries caused by the first-responders getting her out of the pool and doing all they did to her? The blood on her fingers couldn’t have been a struggle with you because it would have dissolved off in three hours of being in the water. In Day 1 of the trial there was talk of your DNA under her left fingernail. The prosecution juxtaposes that with a photo of you with a small scratch under what looks like your right eye. (Unless the photo is reversed.) If Samira had really been fighting you off, there wouldn’t have just been one small scratch under your eye.

Anyway, I was assuming the DNA under her fingertips was from the recent love-making. 

I’m watching that interview you did in prison for Crime Watch Daily. Detective Geraldi is saying, “she would confide in multiple friends that Adam had threatened to kill her.” But Cappleman is painting this picture of Samira: “She was very much alone in this country, she and her kids. She didn’t understand the system. She didn’t know how to get a lawyer, how to get custody, she was completely reliant on him.” Well, that’s just wrong because clearly she did—she had the house, she had custody. And in the clips they had of her, she spoke English just fine.

There’s so much opinion, fuzzy words like “I think” and “I believe.” 

Cappleman: “She had to try to find a way to get away from him and I think she was working on that and I think she was succeeding. And that’s what he couldn’t tolerate.” (That’s 2 “I thinks”) 

Geraldi is just as bad: “I think Adam thought maybe he could have Samira, the kids and his lifestyle, too [previous shot was of exotic dancers] and that wasn’t the case…” (You clearly explained that you had dated three women after Samira filed for divorce.)

When they were talking about the bank withdrawal, Newlin (State Attorney), was asked, “Do you know what he was planning to do with that money?”

“No, but I believe he was planning to run.”

On $5,000??!! I asked my ex if he were going to run, how much money would he take out? He said, all of it. And I agree. 5K would be play money for you and the kids in Panama City Beach or Miami. I mean, the whole show has shown that you’re a man with this wealthy lifestyle and now we’re expected to believe that you were going to flee on 5K.

I’m only halfway through it and I’ll plow through. How are things with Tiger? 


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September 8, 2020

… In prison the average inmate brags about a life they never had. The saying is, in prison you can be whatever you want to be, e.g. related to all the famous rappers and professional athletes in the world.


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September 10, 2020

I continued watching the Crime Watch Daily show. It continues to bewilder me. Cappleman said, “It was extremely unusual for him to take the children anywhere without Samira. It was extremely unusual for those girls to leave the house in their jammies. They were celebrity babies dressed to the nines every single time they left the house.”

You had just said you had kept them in their nighties because you didn’t want to wake up Samira. (From what I gather, it was Samira who liked to dress them up.) And then that puzzling idea that you rarely took the children anywhere without Samira when at one point, the show tells us, you had full custody of them.

Cappleman: “You really kind of have to look at the big picture of the relationship, how she really was getting the upper hand as far as getting possession of the house, the custody of the children, alimony, the tide had turned and I think that was not acceptable to Mr. Frasch.” Speculation, at best. She even admitted that when the case landed on her desk she thought, “oh crap.”

Newlin refers to Mr. Christiansen: “He is adamant he sees a black female alive in this driveway. There’s never been anybody at this house before, this house with all the cars. And I just think [he] got the wrong day.”  Is that even LEGAL to ignore an eyewitness?! It’s obvious that Mr. Christiansen’s testimony would have destroyed their case. The thing that shocked me about this isn’t that they did it (because as I’m learning, your case and your trial were both full of things like this) but that they would say it on this documentary. Openly admit it and then just carry on blithely telling us “I think” and “I believe…”

We don’t even have to talk about the Folsom testimony. I can now see why you say you were framed. Up until now, the whole thing just seemed like shoddy fact-finding, like if you had had Perry Mason on your side you would have won your case. But now it is so diabolically obvious that Cappleman had decided that she understood you (her comment about looking at the big picture, seeing how Samira was getting the upper hand and you not liking it) and used Folsom to testify against you. 

Cappleman agrees with the statement that “the scene looked staged?” “Absolutely,” she says. “I mean, she didn’t die from an accident. The medical examiner was a 100% on that.”  That’s such a subjective statement, that the scene looked like it had been staged to look like an accident.

But even more strange is that her own witness, Gardner, phones 911 (they play the whole call for us) implying it’s a crime scene by saying they need to come and take photos and outright saying “Somebody had to kill her.” 

Are we expected to believe by the people that made this documentary that upon encountering Samira at the bottom of the pool, he was immediately perceptive enough to realize that it was not a ‘staged’ accident despite all appearances, that it was, in fact, a murder? And as you said, he wasn’t even particularly good at changing the kitty litter.


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September 10, 2020

I'm sorry if this email may be short but I'm typing it on the kiosk with a short time limit and 10 inmates waiting. Because our tablets are all screwing up with the android system not syncing emails.

Unfortunately, I can only type about 2000 words per session and not the full 6000 like the tablet and they do not save after midnight to continue the next day. 

I had to wait a whole hour, the kiosk does not let us log back in for 1 hour, and then I have to type like a mad man to respond to my emails in a timely manner…


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September 12, 2020

Back to the trial. Butter, my cat, keeps walking in front of my computer screen. Lol Even when she jumps down, she paws at my leg to pet her.

Molly Papania of Homes Association. I figured her testimony couldn’t be too important because Cappleman’s assistant handles it. Lol (And how strange that your romantic history with Cappleman didn’t create a conflict of interest! I agree.) Ms. Papania did answer some questions I had about the security of the whole community. I had assumed that gated communities were literally gated all around. 

I watched Luis Torres’ testimony today. Does the prosecution expect me to believe that you would have cared about sending money to a man who maintains your boat on the day you killed your wife? Or that you would tell him, of all people, that a serious problem had come up—referring to you having just killed your wife? I kept waiting for something big with that testimony but it never happened.

Kendall Lindsey says Samira spoke good English. But in that horrible documentary made after the trial, Detective Geraldi says she spoke limited English. This lie that Samira was unable to communicate with the wider world is getting tiresome. 


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September 12, 2020

I have my tablet back but only 1/2 charged.

… I remember you mentioning the violin. Did you ever become accomplished with the violin?? I never did with the saxophone. I got kicked out of Jr. High band class. Because, after being in there for 3 months sitting in the back row with 4 other sax players I would put cinnamon oil on the wood reed and suck on it and act like I was playing. The band instructor called me in for a private session and asked me to play something. I told him I could not. He asked if I could play anything and I said yes. He said OK go ahead, I blew into the thing and it sounded like a bunch of hyenas mating calls, along with someone's worn out breaks on a car and someone's fingernails scraping a chalk board. The instructor was so mad he told me to go out in the hall and stay out there. 

I just roamed the halls for the rest of the school year. The funny thing is the band instructor gave me an S which meant Satisfactory on my report card for 2 semesters. The high school basketball coach caught me in the hall early on and when I told him my predicament he recommended to go to the gym and help the janitor sweep the gym floor, clean the locker rooms and when I was done I could play basketball with the rest of the time. I think he knew my future was in basketball.


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September 14, 2020

I am continuing on with the questions you have about my trial and about my character and Samira and my marriage. Answering and explaining the false statement that I had recently went out and bought Samira a million dollar life insurance policy. Two years before Samira died, would that be considered recent?? I had to renew my own policy of a 20 year policy I had since I was 25 for 2 million dollars, and the insurance agent convinced me to get a policy on Samira for 1 million dollars because it would help secure our children’s future if something would happen to her. I had listed my 5 children and her as beneficiaries on my policy if something was to happen to me. Georgia Cappleman lied by saying the policy was recently purchased, we had both policies for over 2 years. 

Now with her statement that we were going through a divorce and Samira had been awarded the house and children. Lies. We were reconciling before she died and we had separated because she was arrested for domestic violence and aggravated assault with great bodily harm on me. Yes, I was the victim!! Her lawyers and her had a major scam/ploy, and they filed for divorce to get her charges for domestic violence dropped, and get her off of supervised visitation of our girls. 

She was court ordered to have psychological evaluation and treatment that she and her lawyers refused up until the time of her death. I had convinced her if she wanted any chance for me to come home and for the restoring of our marriage, that she had to get back on her meds and resume psychiatric counseling/treatment. She was in that process and went with me to my psychologist for marriage counseling the weeks right before her death. She was scheduled to see a psychiatrist and have her meds represcribed and adjusted according to her behavior and side effects. The side effects with anti psychotics and mood suppressing meds is sometimes worse than the psychotic behavior that they are supposed to help treat. 

Now onto the false statement of that I lied about Samira drinking the day and evening before she died. Georgia Cappleman stressed this to the Grand Jury and to the media with astute diligence over and over that she caught me in a lie. Therefore, if I lied about Samira drinking alcohol, then I had to have killed her. 

I told the police about the champagne she was drinking during my interview/interrogation by them the day Samira died (while under duress, extreme depression and hurt from finding out my wife and love of my life had died suddenly by an unexplained drowning at our Golden Eagle home's pool0. They continued this interrogation while I was crying so much that my shirt was soaking wet in the front from tears. This went on and off for hours with no bathroom break and not even a drink of water. I asked for these things and some tissue to wipe my tears and blow my nose. They would say OK leave the room then 2 different officers would come in and begin supporting me, acting nice and sympathetic. Then turn and begin the accuasational questions. When I asked about our girls, they said "They are fine. They are right out in the hall playing and we will let you see them shortly, if you answer a few more of our questions". In fact, they were already with someone else by then.

Trick questions and compound confusing questions. I answered truthfully everything that we and I did that day and the days before. It all lines up with exonerating alibi evidence with the truth which is verified by facts, eye witnesses, personal witnesses, technology of video footage and phone records. The time frames and locations all add up to my innocence.

They said that I said that Samira drank 2 full bottles of champagne the morning she died. I did not say that. I said, "she was drinking champagne the day before and the night before she died.” I know because I saw her with a glass in her hand and I could taste it when we kissed while making love in the kitchen and living room at 1 AM. I said, "when I got up that morning I saw 2 bottles of champagne opened and sitting on the counter next to the kitchen sinks.”


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September 14, 2020

In that documentary, Newlin the State Attorney Investigator is asked what kind of relationship did they have? “Everything I can tell, it was pretty violent… physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental for sure.” What no one mentioned was that you were the victim. But everyone would just assume you were the aggressor. Yet anyone in the media could see from the court documents filed that you had not been accused of domestic violence. I’ve seen the court documents, fcol, and all I have is the internet! One doesn’t have to be a lawyer to read all this.

Yes, I thought that Steven Wilson’s testimony was weird. That idea that Samira said, “you’re my husband.” I just couldn’t imagine how that would work. I thought it was strange that he remembered no other details about the conversation and I was also suspicious when Wilson said he hadn’t noticed any pets. How does one not notice cats and a dog?

… I had heard of Dr. Sam Sheppard but I didn’t know anything about him. Wow. It’s eerily familiar, eh? And he was exonerated eventually.


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September 16, 2020


I have to call my mother sometime today. It’s been awhile. How is your mother doing? 

Last time I asked my brother about my old Duran Duran stuff—posters, t-shirts, pins. I wanted to show my children what a Duranie I was since my youngest son likes them, too. But it's all gone, alas.


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September 17, 2020

I am on this stupid kiosk again tablet out. I had one of my emails censored yesterday or maybe yours, because it said for dr g content. I may have mentioned Tigers addiction problem and it red flags certain mentions of those type of words. I'm running out of time. By the time I read your letters and try and respond I am out of time.

Bye for now. The captain threatened to lock us down for a week and take our tablets. I hope not if that happens know that it’s not me and I will be back soon.


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September 17, 2020

I didn’t get an email about Tiger’s problem so that’s probably it. Yep, I understand if I don’t hear from you.

Have you ever had a recurring nightmare? Mine is that I’m late for a class. I’m in a high school and I’m wandering around and I can’t find the classroom. I don’t even know what room I’m supposed to be in. Or even more terrifying (and yes, for some reason it is terrifying in my dream) I’ve lost my schedule and I don’t know what class I’m supposed to be in, never mind how to get there. Did you ever watch Bones? In it there’s Sweets the psychologist and I’ve often joked with the kids that we need him in our living room to explain ourselves to one another or even to ourselves. “Where is Sweets when you need him?” I say.

You said in the interrogation that your friend Kendall told you that Samira’s body was floating in the pool. I know he was getting it second-hand, so it’s an honest mistake. I looked up floating vs sinking on Google and learned that it takes a few days before a body will float and if the water is cold, maybe never. I never knew that because on television they always show someone floating. But, of course, the actor is still alive.

I thought it was horribly unscientific of them to mention more than once that you were crying without tears. I looked that up, too. A person has to be hydrated to cry. And I know they weren’t letting you have water. And we already learned that you’d been crying ever since you heard the news from your friend. (That testimony where Kendall Lindsey said that he heard one of your daughters say, “Daddy, why are you crying?” should have stuck in every juror’s mind. I know it did in mine.). Anyway, I read about how actors need to stay hydrated to be able to cry on stage or screen.


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September 19, 2020

… just Dale Folsom’s testimony alone should have convinced anyone of your innocence.

First, he says Samira kicked you in the back in anger in bed. They took photos of you at the sheriff’s office. Surely there would have been some redness if it had been a serious kick? I bruise just when I accidentally bump into the coffee table. Then Folsom makes a quick statement about you floating Samira in the tub. That gets ignored by prosecution. Your defense ignored it too. I went back and listened to it. Folsom mutters it rather quickly. 

Folsom says you left Samira unconscious on the floor for a few hours, came back, found her dead, panicked and tossed her into the pool and fled. This flat out contradicts the medical examiner saying Samira was still alive when she went into the pool. At this point, Folsom takes a drink of water. It’s no surprise to me that he has a dry mouth from all that lying.

But it gets worse. He says that you said that a victim could be comatose and you can’t tell whether they’re alive or not. Am I seriously expected to believe that a man who went through medical school can’t tell whether someone is alive or dead?

Then I’m expected to believe that a 40-time convicted criminal told your ‘confession’ to law enforcement officials because it was “the right thing to do.”  ?!  Now suddenly he’s going to do the right thing? Your lawyers should have asked him if he had continued to walk the path of virtue and “do the right thing” since reporting your confession or was that just a lapse in his usual behaviour? Lol  That guy was so lacking in credibility he ought to have been considered a witness for the defense. Lol


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September 20, 2020

I played one of Samira’s music videos for the kids today. Wow! She had talent. Great voice. 

Wickedly funny moment in the trial:

Cappleman: Inspector Newlin, why does law enforcement keep going back to using Mr. Folsom?

Newlin: “He’s proven reliable numerous times.” Tugs his ear.

There was just something so funny about him tugging his ear after saying that.


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September 20, 2020

Thank God we got off of lockdown and I am able to get on kiosk. A sergeant here got his panties in a bunch because guys were not in their uniforms and wearing their masks. So he locked us down for the day and threatened the whole wknd…


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September 21, 2020

Now I’m just more shocked by the jury than I am by Cappleman and Newlin. I’m watching Matt Christiansen. His testimony is in direct contradiction to Folsom’s and yet, clearly, the jury decided to go with Folsom, an agitated, drug user vs a guy who looks like the salt of the earth and a pillar of his community. If I were going to buy anything—insurance, stocks, whatever—it would be from Mr. Christiansen. Everything about him says respectability and reliability. 

Matthew Christiansen and his daughter Lauren Nichols, passed your house sometime between 10:15 and 10:45 and said they saw a tall, slender, long dark-haired, black model-looking woman come out of the house, go to her SUV, open a passenger-side door, put something in the back and return to the house.

Christiansen said she put something in bigger than a purse but smaller than a tub. Funny, in Canada we call them totes. I just looked it up. It’s British from the days of toting cargo. I see in America that a tote is an open bag. 

Cappleman also got him saying that he wasn’t sure whether it was the driver’s side or the passenger’s side. It all depends on how the vehicle was parked. Usually the vehicles were backed in and he was basing it on that when he said passenger’s side.

I will keep going with the trial. It’s the end of Day 3 and the judge is telling the jury that things will probably be resolved tomorrow, that it could take awhile, don’t make plans to make dinner.

Dr. Arden is up next.


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September 22, 2020

I did not want to admit it but I was a Duran Duran fan myself and had an art deco fashion poster of a female in purple and black primary colors of one of their album covers on my bedroom wall. The only non sports/basketball poster on my wall out of at least 10. lol It was their popular album from early 80's. Songs I remember, Rio, Hungry Like a Wolf, Save a Prayer, The Reflex, Ordinary World and of course one of my favorite James Bond movie theme songs A View To A Kill. Songs that are unfortunately not available for our tablets. I guess some great 80s bands don't fit the average inmate’s genre. lol. Oh life is bearable with a little laughter and humor. I love telling jokes and making people laugh and smile. Samira would act so serious at times, especially to promote her image of “DIVA SUPERIORE.”  I was always cracking jokes, doing silly little kiddy humor things, and physical acts of Chivalry to make her smile and laugh. I miss those times. I treasure them deep in my heart, mind and soul. Sorry, I'm about to cry in prison again.


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September 22, 2020

I'm on the kioskj again with ttypos galore I haope you can bear with me on that. the backspace delete bbutton is totally gone. I also am trying to type at rlleocord speed.

When you get this message I hope you recieved my other message, and ypu and yours got a laugh from my jokes…


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September 23, 2020

Let’s see now where did I stop. Oh you have probably found out that I had so many cars, over 100, and motorcycles 30+. and many, many other toys. Georgia Cappleman made sure to bring that out. 

You understand how I was overwhelmed and betrayed. Also, I was caught in a nasty web of deceit and blind sided. With the jury's and public's prejudiced opinion that no matter what emotions I showed, they would take it as negative and use it against me. 

I felt comforted, and maybe God gave me the patience, and peace as I went through it. If I kept my composure and followed Jesus’ example as my Lord and Savior, in his name and with his spirit dwelling within me I could persevere…


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September 24, 2020

I woke up at 2:48 AM and got up to use the bathroom. It was occupied. Yes, occupied at 2:48 AM. So I sat down to check my mail, saw two from you so here I am. I’ll go back to sleep at 9 or so which is probably when I’ll run out of steam. But I just went straight to the kitchen, found some tea left in the pot from yesterday, microwaved it and settled down to read. Finally did use the bathroom.

I’m wide awake now so I’m going to watch the trial some more…

At least one juror was paying attention during Dr. Arden’s testimony. I’m pretty sure all four of the jury’s questions came from him since he was the only one scribbling away on his pad—the white male, mid 40’s maybe? Sometimes the camera man slips up and lets us see their faces. lol

I don’t know the name of the black guy who is part of the prosecution team but it was funny when the judge accidentally called him Mr. Cappleman. Mr. Mood, maybe? That’s what it sounded like when he corrected himself.

I’m into the rebuttal now. The defense’s closing statement was much better than the prosecution’s. I hate the way, though, that the closing arguments feel like a manipulation of the jury’s ego. 

The prosecution will certainly make honest citizens hesitate to come forward with information about what they saw after how Mr. Christiansen was treated on the stand. The funny thing is, his confusion over the colour of the vehicle makes it more likely, not less likely to be true. It’s happened over here plenty of times where we all witness something and we all see different things. And that’s just five minutes after something’s happened. Not three years later. In fact, there’s a case like that in the Gospels. One of them says the soldiers put a purple robe on Jesus, another says it was a red robe. Two different Greek words. 

A thought occurred to me, even if the jury had been astute enough to see what was going on, even if the verdict had been not guilty, the way the media portrayed you was enough to cause people to doubt your innocence. Hopefully an exoneration would turn that around.

I’m listening to Judge Hankinson talk to the jury right now. I didn’t know there were so many circumstances under which a person could be justifiably killed. I wonder if it’s the same in Canada. I always got the impression that we’re just supposed to somehow call the police when in mortal danger and then try to stay alive until they get here. 

Judge Hankinson: “If you have a reasonable doubt you should find the defendant not guilty. It is up to you to decide if the evidence is reliable. You should use your common sense in deciding which is the best evidence and which evidence should not be relied on considering your verdict.”  I guess the jury ignored that one. Although, ultimately, this injustice goes back to the State charging you in the first place.

And I know for you, the thing you must be so grateful for is that you had the kids that day.


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September 24, 2020

… With regards to the police being called 6 months before Samira died. She had gotten violent and Kendall called the police. We reconciled and were back together before her death, because I was stern about moving on if she didn't straighten up and get some help and back on meds and also stop the binge champagne drinking. Only, in moderation unless we were both celebrating and had no responsibilities and it would be appropriate for 2 adult parents and one professional doctor to let our hair down

I had loved before I met Samira but when I met her, she was the woman who rocked my world. I consider myself the luckiest man on the earth, in that category. Prison is a real setback in all of the others.

Oh, by the way, the answer to if I have any groupies or people who are interested in my case and trial junkies. Yes, too many. I deny their requests all the time.


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September 25, 2020


Ok still no tablet and im on the kiosk again and trying to send you a letter and to get some issues resolved here. While reading your letters I only have 15 minutes so I have to type and really think at the same time and that can be difficult… lol 

… I have peace and no regrets with my Love and life with Samira. I also have peace knowing she was Saved and accepted Jesus into her heart 2 weeks before she died. I warned her she needed to get the evil people out of her life and surround herself with fellow Christians. The last 2 weeks before her death her demeanour and bipolar went away 180 degrees and I thought I had the perfect wife. Up until the day before she died and she was so upset that her purse and personal items were stolen. I tried to comfort her and make sure that nothing else had been stolen from our other properties. She finally realized that it was someone that had access and someone we knew. I told her it had to be Gerald. She did not defend him so I know now she realized it was probably him and she may have been playing possum and waiting to see if he would show up and start snooping around and taking things. 

Since then I have known betrayal at its ugly head like Christ went through. I hope that I don't end up with the same ultimate results. Although it’s pretty bad as it is. I have lost the love of my life and been falsely accused of her death. Going through this ultimate test of faith, I have grown closer to God. I also have learned to love and forgive in the most extreme circumstances.


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September 25, 2020

… On occasions when I’ve had to watch my kids suffer for different reasons, I’ve taken it to God and He tells me, “Now you know how I feel watching mine suffer.” Somehow, these dark experiences take us straight into the heart of God.

I’m looking out the window and we’ve gone from summer to autumn in about three days and the trees are different everyday in their transition from green to full glory. Autumn for me is like walking through a living art gallery. I can stop and look at each tree like each one is a painting. Did you ever miss autumn in Florida? 

What I liked best about Florida was the little lizards that run around in the stones of the landscaping in parking lots. Every time we would get out of our rental car, I would look down to see if there were any lizards dashing around. 

The crisis that we might lose the internet, thank God, has passed. My ex informed me that the government has announced that once the covid assistance runs out they’ll be moving everyone on it over to the employment insurance. So he hasn’t talked about the internet since that.


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September 27, 2020

I am so frustrated having to use this darn kiosk today my tablet only had a partial charge yesterday. Because I forgot to pray to God for a 100% charge cycle. I forgot to tell you that we don't have full access tablets—we only have JPay approved contact lists. So I can’t look up stuff on the net. We can download a massive music catalog for $2 a song. ridiculous prices. Movies are $7.99 each. Crazy prices even for me because we can only have $100 on our accounts a week for hygiene, canteen items and JPay funds and that includes stamps. 

Regarding my trial, I wish I had interrupted and asked questions at least 947 times. (That’s how many lies I counted.) I also regret not taking the stand…

I talked to my little ones tonight on the phone and they got word of the blog.


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September 27, 2020

… I will email your Dad in the morning at a more civilized hour about the blog. I don’t want to send him something now if his phone beeps when he gets a message. It’s 1:07 AM here and I woke up for no reason and wandered into the living room to discover 3 of my 4 children were up. C was just heading off to bed. But my boys are going to pull all-nighters and then go to 7:30 Mass and then come home and sleep for most of Sunday. It drives my ex batty that they don’t keep to a schedule, that is to say, his schedule.

I’m off to get some more sleep. Wouldn’t want to doze during the homily. Lol 


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September 28, 2020

It's 4:30 AM here and we just ate breakfast, oatmeal, stale blueberry cake thing and a dab of mixed fruit. We get oatmeal every morning almost and usually one small apple cut in half to fit on our trays that are smaller than in a grade school cafeteria with smaller portions and way crappier food. lol col.

Tiger is sleeping and snoring. If I even get up and move or rustle a paper he wakes up, swears and gets all grumpy/angry.

Before I forget, y-t-b has some of my favorite classic clips for Father Guido Sarducci from the 1970s and I want to know what you all think.


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September 28, 2020

Sounds like our food situations are about the same in terms of a lack of variety and quality. About the only advantage I have these days is that I can use spices for more flavour. But it’s rice and beans and lentils and bread day-in and day-out. And tea, of course.


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September 29, 2020

… I watched some Father Sarducci. 5-minute university made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. Then I saw a clip from Letterman. And then I found Pay for your Sins. So I’m watching that now. Funny. One woman in the audience looked genuinely concerned that it’s going to be $10 per lie. Sometimes the people in the audience are as entertaining as the person at the front. I remember when we went to a Gaither concert in Toronto, they invited someone in the audience to join them and he was a better singer than they were. I don’t know if he was a plant but I’d never seen him before and I’ve seen a lot of Gaither DVDs. In fact, I have a whole tote full of them. I’m using the American form of tote here, a large bag. I probably should have them in a Canadian tote, a tub, but we’ve maxed out on how many totes/tubs this house can hold. 

Father Sarducci mentioned bocci ball at the beginning, how it’s his sport. That reminded me that a charming older Italian man taught me how to play that once. A college friend invited me to the family cottage in Midland. He had a classic Italian family. Lots of people there: kids, aunts, uncles, that sort of thing. The family would eat Tim Hortons doughnuts for breakfast, but real Italian meals for lunch and dinner. And red wine with it all. The father called me “Jeneefra” because that’s how it is in Italian. And he taught me how to play bocci ball. The son took me to the Midland shrine where the Jesuits had established an outpost in the 1600’s that included an enormous stone church. 


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