Thursday, May 26, 2022


September 6, 2021

I told Luis Torres that I would not be coming to Miami that weekend because Samira and I had bad MRSA infections that are contagious and I was in serious pain—we both had surgeries performed on us that week.  I also was suspicious of him padding the price of repairs on the boat.

I wanted to see the repair shop estimate of total repairs and repairs being done and if they were actually necessary—and maybe get a 2nd opinion and make sure I paid the boat repair shop myself. I had bad history with him doing some shady lying for money for maintenance on the boat.

I had purchased the boat from him back in 2013 and we worked out a deal that if he helped me maintain the boat—since I lived in North Florida and only came to Miami on weekends—then he could use the boat when we  were not in Miami, and if I needed him and he was available he could go out on the boat with us and show us the marine access routes in and around Miami. I set up a bank account in his and my name that I could transfer funds to when needed for paying for maintenance and repair for the boat.  

I was honest with him that I had 2 more modern boats—one in Marco Island Florida and one in Panama City Beach—that I may transfer to that slot in Miami. The boat slot he transferred to me in Miami was the best one in all of the Miami area. It was a small predominantly Cuban boat/yacht owner marina.  The owner of the marina did not even speak English so Luis had to interpret when he agreed to sign a new contract over to me and Luis explained to him our agreement. He was happy with that because he had several slots empty and had liens on several boats for unpaid slot rent because this was during the late recession.

Like I said before, I was suspicious of his shady tactics of trying to scam money off of me from phantom repairs. Right after I bought the boat he came at me that he needed another $3000 for the GPS unit and depth finder/fish finder unit on the boat. He said it was actually his son’s and did not go with the boat. (Even though it was  integrated/ hard-wired into the boat.)  He never mentioned any of that when I bought the boat.

To avoid a confrontation I just paid him even though I could have gone to the Bass Pro Shop and got the same GPS equipment new for $1899. So now you know the basic integrity of Luis Torres.

At first Buck Shot was assuming what Luis Torres said was true. Buck Shot asked me ''Why did you tell him something serious had happened and you would not be dealing with the boat for a while or coming to Miami??''  I explained to Buck Shot that I did not say that to him  that day.  On the way to Panama City Beach I went through my voicemails I had not returned  that week and was not feeling good that week to return and a lot of unimportant ones I did not return. This was my normal routine on the way to Panama City Beach or on the road on long trips in general especially if I was alone. 


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September 10, 2021

It is Friday evening here and my bed is still causing me pains and aches. I had a semi productive day at the law library and going over the transcripts from my Grand Jury hearing. It amazes me how much they lie and twist the truth to make someone appear guilty when they think there will never be any accountability even when put under oath. They do this with unscrupulous lies because they feel there will be no repercussions.  

Buck Shot thinks my case will change all of that, not only because I am innocent, but I can prove that the prosecutor, her investigators and her witnesses lied and their stories changed from Grand Jury to trial to aid the prosecutor.  

Buck Shot encourages me to get in touch and have as many signed affidavits as we can of witnesses to prove they are lying and expose the corruption that went on.  

He also encouraged me to get in touch with Dr. Jonathan Arden because he can help confirm that he was not used effectively to help prove my innocence and that someone else was responsible for Samira's death, or that it may have even been an unlikely accident.   


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September 13, 2021

I found some really good stuff from the transcripts of the Grand Jury hearing. One of the jurors put Jason Newlin on the spot about if someone saw a black woman outside our house shortly before Gardner arrives and finds her body drowned in the pool, if it was not Mrs. Frasch, then who could it have been?  Before he could answer, Georgia Cappleman cut him off and answered: That was the problem we had. This black woman had to be the real killer.   

She stated that, but still went after an indictment on me for being responsible for killing Samira.  After making that statement??! That is grounds for not only perjury, but she even admits to someone else being responsible for Samira's death.  

Her and Jason Newlin then spend several minutes downplaying Mr. Christiansen's statements by saying they think he was confused and had the wrong day and he was referring to Erica Tidwell. 


[Erica Tidwell had been in Tallahassee two weeks earlier, to return a Range Rover she had been purchasing from Doc.]

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September 14, 2021

I'm sorry I did not get back on the tablet and send you another letter last night but it was too late and I spent time trying to track down the gentleman I met in the federal holding facility in Tallahassee with the last name Bass who was one of the men Dale Folsom confessed to, that he was given that golf club by Jason Newlin and money to purchase another golf club at a pawn shop. Then permission to break into our empty house and plant the golf club in the house/master bedroom. They would handle getting a warrant to search the house. In return for this he was released from jail and if he followed through with this evil ploy they would drop his charges. If he followed through with testifying at trial, if it went to trial, they would make sure they handled his violation of life parole with the Feds. Otherwise he would spend the rest of his life in Federal Prison.   

I realized last night that I may have had Bass's first name wrong. We all called him Bass. I remembered when we won a bet playing volleyball and the guys we were playing wanted to quit and get out of the bet because we were winning, he got really mad and instead of hitting the other inmates he hit the shelter support beam and shook the whole structure.  I told him to not worry about it and that they had no integrity and another inmate called him by his first name because they were friends from the outside…  

Buck Shot is going to write him a letter and is also going to ask if he remembers the names of the other 5 inmates so we can get their signed affidavits again. I had them in the Tallahassee holding facility and was in the process of getting each one notary witnessed. The prison was slow rolling me after knowing what I was doing and being corrupt Tallahassee blocking me from proving my innocence.

I hope and pray this all works out and does not take too long to file and add these affidavits as attached exhibits of evidence of one of the most corrupt cases in the American legal system.

Buck Shot agrees and can't believe they stooped to that level of corruption and planting of evidence because they were desperate and knew the evidence was overwhelming in favor of my innocence, so they had to play dirty and use the media and the infamous jail house snitch tactic.

I had a little excitement today early this morning. Two inmates told me they called my bunk, 135 lower, to center gate for transfer to another prison and to get my stuff together.  Then I went to the female guard who announced it and she said it was 135 lower on the other side of the dorm I'm in E2 and the announcement was for E1. Almost gave me a stress heart attack. Then low and behold, the old inmate Frank I had befriended and I told you about that writes books and reads a lot, went into what other inmates thought was a seizure and was not responsive and breathing rapidly in bed. They yelled for my help and I ran across the dorm to check on him. His pulse was thready but bounding at his wrist and neck. He had that death stare with deep rapid breathing and his right arm was drawn up to the middle of his chest. I relayed calling emergency medical and I felt he had a stroke or severe M.I. (Myocardial Infarction). It did not look like a seizure.  He had frothy sputum coming out of his nose and mouth so before medical team arrived I turned him on his side. 

They took him out on a gurney and started giving him oxygen and left him on his side.  Please put in a prayer for him and I worry about the quality of medical care he will receive. Also the golden hour of onset of a stroke or MI is so important to begin treatment or perform a cauterization and perform a stint and free the blockage.


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September 16, 2021

Good Thursday morning, quiet here, unlike your prison and all that goes on there. I said a prayer for your friend. Just me and Butter are up and she is on full alert for some reason, surveying the whole room from the coffee table, blocking most of my monitor, doing full body twitches at the slightest noise such as me sliding my mouse around. My mouse is already pretty pathetic and doesn’t immediately respond when I slide it around, so sometimes I’ll have to fiddle with it, blow on it (to get rid of any cat hairs on the bottom) or just turn it off and on again…


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September 19, 2021

I am losing my screen clarity.  I think my bunky stepped on it when it was sitting on top of my locker and he damaged the digitizer. Some inmates will do things like that because they are jealous or just deviants and evil individuals. Like we have talked about before 90+% of them deserve to be here and there is a small percentage of those both ways. Some deserve worse sentences than they got and some less severe sentences than they got. There is a small percentage of us that are totally innocent. Then there is a small percentage that got caught up in crimes because of being associated with the wrong people or doing things they know could get them charged with a crime.  


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September 22, 2021

I’m going to start sending you the Grand Jury transcript, starting with Gardner’s testimony and I’m going to explain the lies or false statements and number them…


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