Thursday, May 26, 2022


March 1, 2021

I’m 98% better than I was a couple of days ago when I felt awful. For now, though, I need a morning coffee. Clear my head a bit. Not a Motrin, thankfully. But I need something to jumpstart this day. 

I don’t even know what it was I had. I hope it’s not Sick House Syndrome because there’s not much I can do about that. But I have heard of people feeling sick because of their houses—and the kids and I have some odd symptoms. Oh well, as the old prayer goes, God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. (I have to admit, I looked that one up online. Otherwise I would have said, “as the old prayers goes, God give me the something or other, something about knowing the difference.” Lol)


I watched a documentary last night about Wallis Simpson and the King. It turns out that, based on her private letters, she didn’t even want to marry the king. She just wanted to be his mistress and keep moving in royal circles. She certainly didn’t want him to abdicate and have them end up living in exile somewhere. Awful. She was writing to someone about how it was all such a muddle. They just recently found her letters. Funny to think about people finding letters and going through them all. Historians, scrolling through them and saying, “Now, here he says… and look at her reply…. It’s interesting to note…” I wouldn’t mind that because I’d rather they made documentaries using my actual words than the way they fabricate things about you!


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March 1, 2021

I’m glad to hear from one of the few letters that has come through so far that you are feeling better.

… Now to help clarify some misconceptions/rumors. Martha was not a mistress I met being a player or a cheater on Samira.

The whole story of Martha goes back to the time when I wasn’t officially engaged to Samira, so early on in our relationship. I was still in legal battles with my former wife and like I told you, I had gotten full custody of our child. I needed an older woman to be a nanny. I had tried several babysitters and the only one my daughter would allow to watch her was having some health problems and not able to even be a part-time nanny. 

Samira came over once and that was good in terms of her having a mother figure who was stern, but loving. She was afraid that I was the type of Dad who spoiled my children. We talked about hiring a nanny and at that time, Samira was going to retire from modeling and move to America and we were talking about marriage. 

Then something tragic happened. Her modeling agency’s top black female model drowned in the  Seine in Paris. It was an accident after her and her fiancé got into a fight. She fell down an embankment and landed in the freezing river. Her fiancé jumped in and tried to save her and almost died of hypothermia himself, but could not recover her. Crazy story, eh?

Anyway, Samira was offered career advancement and moved up on the agency list of ranking of models and she would return to Paris being their #1 black model. So she would be offered more pay and opportunities. She felt like it was a chance to be rewarded for 14 years of hard work and being worked to death and sometimes not appreciated like she felt she deserved at times. Out of time on the kiosk, I’ll continue next time.


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March 2, 2021 

I think I see where the Martha Moore story is going. She was your daughter’s babysitter / nanny? I didn’t realize that. Yes, that’s good to know.


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March 2, 2021

… I was thinking I would have to cancel the American Juvenile Diabetes fundraiser charity dinner. I was on the Board of Directors of the local chapter and that was one of my favourite charities. 

But then Kendall called me from work. I had called him earlier to see if his wife could babysit my daughter but she was out of town. My daughter liked going to their place. He said that he may have an option for me, a babysitter and a part time nanny. He had a woman that wanted to buy a car at the dealership he worked at, but she needed a little more income to qualify, and if I was to agree to hire her, he could could get her into a car and make a sale and I would have my babysitting issues, maybe, solved. 

I told him my daughter was picky and he said Martha was in her late 30’s, had a college degree from FSU, and had worked for the State of Florida for 17 years. He told me she loved children but had not been married and was picky about the man she wanted and if she could not find the right one, she was happy being single. She came from a large family and had plenty of nieces and nephews to love and spoil. 

I met Martha to talk and just discuss logistics. We met at a wine and cheese bar and I was impressed with her moral integrity and she did not even order any drink or expensive item. She was available that night to look after my daughter, if I was OK with that.

She then followed me to the house and met my daughter. Martha was impressed with the house. I think my daughter was a little confused because she almost mistook Martha for Samira because of how they resembled one another. 

Martha knew how to get her attention by wanting to see her room, have her show her her favorite clothes and dolls, etc. Then she wanted her to show her our pets and their names. So my daughter took to her right away because she took an interest in her. I was amazed because my daughter didn’t even follow me to the door and ask when I was going to be home or anything. I was a little jealous but happy and relieved that she was not upset about me leaving.

I went to the fundraiser dinner and met some really nice and influential people and was encouraging them to give generously to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Then I went from there to play a large home game of poker. Several of the players were at the fundraiser and they had been inviting me for months, but I told them I had full time Daddy and Mr. Mom duties, so poker was the last thing on my mind.

They were glad to see me and glad I had things under control and was balancing my life back. They were all interested in Samira DS and seeing my latest pictures of her. They were intrigued that I had a French fiancé and a model. I did not stay too long and I was a little concerned because I had not heard from Martha or my daughter, so I called and Martha said they were doing fine and I asked if my daughter wanted to talk to me and she said she was busy coloring me a picture and she was excited for me to see it when I got home.

That was my first time out in a long time. So that’s how I met Martha. Martha said she could try and leave work early to make sure my daughter did not have to stay in the after school program too long. School got out at approximately 3 to 3:30 and she could stay in the after school program until 5:30, but I usually picked her up or had my staff pick her up early and bring her to my office, or if I could get through my patients, I would pick her up right after regular school time because she had separation anxiety.

Martha picked her up the next day and I met them in Tallahassee at Books A Million where my daughter loved to have me read her books and play with the interaction toys at the store, like a wooden Thomas the Train and other little puzzles they hoped you would buy and take home, where kids play with them once or twice, then stay in their toy box until you take them to Goodwill and donate them. lol

My tablet is out for charge and I am in limbo right now. I have been working on the civil suits full force and finishing up my response to the summons. I plan to use the meat of that response and cut-and-paste some of that into the civil suits and use it as a reference also, to the massive fraud and the travesty this has placed on my family, my children, and myself. Then justice for my beloved wife being delayed and our legacy destroyed.


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March 3, 2021

I am trying to type without my splint. They still have not taken me to the physical therapist to have a brace without metal stay/support fitted and start therapy. I am doing my own therapy by typing right now without the makeshift splint and ace bandage. I am able to type at warp speed again, but it is a little sore. I am tired of my hand being so cumbersome and weak. I used to have to get on my patients 6 to 8 weeks after injury and/or surgery because bones usually heal between 6 to 8 weeks if everything goes well. Some earlier, some later. 

I would have to get on my patients to start weight bearing and physical therapy, even on their own to save money and the aggravation of going to therapy. But to do things gradually, a good rule of thumb is, if it hurts, don’t push it and back off or quit and try to do a little more the next time / day. 

I also saw that when it comes to fractures and surgery of their bones, men healed a lot faster than women. With that said, their bones were on average bigger and stronger. Women’s bones were smaller and more prone to early osteoporosis or decreased calcium and prone to fractures and arthritis. 

The bones of women over the age of 40 who smoked were so low in calcium they looked gray and low intensity on x ray. I didn’t even have to ask if they smoked. I could see it on x ray. I had so much trouble with that category of patient that if I had a woman over 40 that smoked, I would not do elective surgery on them unless they stopped smoking for a year. Most would listen to me once I explained why and I helped a lot of women in North Florida and South Georgia stop smoking. Those that were stubborn and went to other doctors to do their surgery often ended up having problems, threatening to sue the podiatrist or orthopedist who performed their surgery. They would then come back to me demanding I straighten and fix their problems of non union or worse, infection, and sometimes threatened amputation. At this point I was obligated to treat their more emergent self-inflected situation. But I would use it to witness to them that I would pray for them a speedy recovery and that between the Good Lord, them and me, we would work on getting them better! But they still needed to stop smoking!


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March 3, 2021

I’m glad you’re a doctor and know all there is to know about bones and healing since clearly in prison, you have to be your own doctor! 


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March 4, 2021

Martha sounds wonderful—the ideal nanny. I like the way she kept your daughter creative and enjoyed spending time with her. We don’t have a Books A Million or anything like that in this town but we loved going to the library and they had toys and puzzles and books there. We would leave there with books piled up to our noses! Lol I have to confess, I love children’s books as much as I love adult books. Those were the years I never read adult books. Everything I learned was from the things the kids and I were learning together when I homeschooled them.

K and I kept going together every Saturday afternoon until she was in her teens. Of course, by then she was taking out things in the adult collection. But I would still browse the kids’ books and sometimes I would use the younger ones back home as an excuse to take some things out for them. With boys, you can’t go wrong with pirates and Vikings. Lol Even C was interested in pirates. Those were the days of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I’m pretty sure we saw them all. 


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March 5, 2021

I had a friend send me a JPay email the other day and she was bummed because her boyfriend did not give her anything for Valentine's Day and she gave him a gift early enough in the day so even if he forgot, he might actually feel a little awkward from getting a gift from her and out of sheer common decency at least return the favor. fcol.

I told her that I am an old romantic and I always went all out for my love interests on Valentine's Day. Even early on when it was young puppy love. I always made sure I gave something that was unique and special, from my heart, and that had a special meaning or something that could be kept forever as a keepsake. I gave a lot of gold necklaces with locket's with a special picture inside. As I got older and more financially secure the jewelry got a lot more extravagant and unique. 

Sometimes I would even go to the lengths of having my children help me make little crafty things like little tiny special envelopes and cards out of fancy gold and silver or red gift wrap. I would sometimes go over the top.

With Samira, my soulmate and beloved wife, when I proposed to her and asked her if she would marry me, retire from modeling and start a family, I said that she could have any of the cars in my collection or I would buy her any car or truck she wanted. No sooner than she said yes and I put the ring on her finger, she said, ''I want a bright red Ferrari like the one in the movie with Nicholas Cage. I had to say yes because I was holding up traffic at a busy intersection with the traffic light about to turn green. I was on my knee outside her passenger side car door with her door open. It was a crazy proposal. I kept the ring in my pocket for weeks until she brought it up for the hundredth time during our long, 5 year unofficial engagement: when was I going to officially propose to her and give her an official engagement ring?? So we we were driving down the road in busy rush hour traffic and she asked me again and the time was kind of precarious, so when we come to a four way stop red light, I put the car in park got out and opened her door, got on one knee and officially proposed with ring in hand.. After she said yes and the Ferrari comment, I told her Thank You and gave her a kiss and said, ''I love you''. I signalled a thumbs up to the the cars waiting and watching and 10+ cars honked their horns in celebration. Crazy official proposal, eh!!

Now fast forward a couple of years after our 2 weddings and Hyrah just a baby, I planned the most awesome Valentine's Day present. I hired a hot air balloonist outside of Orlando with Valentine's Day theme on his large bright red balloon with large heart logo on the balloon, to take us up for a Romantic Hot Air Balloon Ride with her favorite bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. While listening to my CD player playing ‘'Up...Up and away in my beautiful balloon'' over and over. lol. 

On the ground from our launch site I had someone remove my and the balloonist’s cars and replace them with a ''bright red'' Ferrari Modena 360 like in the movie ''Gone In 60 Seconds'' with Nicholas Cage and Angelina Jolie. I had a large red silk bow tied over the entire car. To top it off... in front the car I hired a florist to place 50 dozen red roses in a pattern spelling out, I LOVE YOU SAMIRA DS 6 feet high by 60 feet wide on the ground in front of the car. You could see it from the balloon from a mile away and 1000 feet in the air. The smile on her face was Priceless. She took a hundred selfies and videos from our phones that day. The balloonist asked if we could send him a copy for a momento and to help advertise his business. Samira agreed if he would edit out the DS because that was her trademark TM. He agreed but had to ask what DS stood for??? We told him that it stood for Diva Superiore, which he hadn’t heard of.


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March 6, 2021

Today I went for a walk with K. Before I left I made a batch of English muffins. When I came back, half of them were gone. All the evidence points to F. Lol Teenage boys. If I buy a box of cookies, they can last for two weeks. But if J discovers them, they’re gone in a night. Lol  I’m that way, I can make things last. I told a former cell-mate of yours that I can make a bottle of gin last for months and months because when I have a gin-and-tonic, I just sort of wave the bottle over the tonic water. 


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March 6, 2021

What a crazy day. They got me out to physical therapy but it was halfway to Pensacola. The therapist and their staff were nice and helpful, but the patients looked at me like I was Hannibal Lector because I was wearing a mask and being black boxed with cuffs pinned to my waist and shackles around my ankles and chains in between both and around my waist. With two armed officers. They took the cuffs off for therapy.

They form-fitted me with a rigid brace/splint I do not like, a blue piece of hard plastic and attached velcro straps. It slows me down on the kiosk because my 5th digit (aka as little finger) and 4th digit are locked in the brace/splint. But it makes me not hurt and protects me so it has a few good points! I wanted a a brace more for my wrist and hand that just extends to the knuckles/metacarpal phalangeal joints. 

I should not complain, but 2 months later, I should have more of a simple wrist brace like you can buy at Walmart with neoprene sleeve and stretchy figure-8 straps with velcro closures that cost around $10-$20. This little venture today cost the Florida taxpayers probably over $600 and was totally inappropriate for daily routines and difficult to wear compared to the simple, inexpensive brace. As a doctor, I was always conscious of that and treated my patients as I would treat myself or my own mother. (Sometimes I would even say if Jesus was sitting in that exam chair, I would treat him the same at the same cost. Lol)

I always treated patients, especially when it came to cost, as how I would like to be treated when I was poor and my family struggled paying the bills. The podiatrist who did my reconstructive foot surgery on my big toe joint right out of high school was a good surgeon and treated me well, but did not give us a discount on my surgery bill. So one of my summers, half my summer job money went to the podiatrist to pay my surgery bill. My parents could not afford it and I was almost an adult so I felt like it was my responsibility.

Therapy made my hand sore with just simple ROM movements. Then when I got back from outside, the wing was locked down because they found a knife and a lot of inmates not wearing their masks…


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March 7, 2021

A coffee cake turned out OK despite the fact I had no eggs or milk! It really is like living through the days of rationing in WW2 England. What are the least amount of ingredients you need to make a recipe becomes the driving question in the kitchen!


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March 7, 2021

How are you doing this Sunday evening? I just watched one of my favorite movies for, like, the 100th time. “Law Abiding Citizen” with Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx. I had at least 20 inmates come up to me during and after the movie and say don’t get any ideas from that movie, Doc! I told them I have to pray everyday to God that I don’t want to get revenge on the State of Florida and the dark army that still falsely holds me behind the walls and razor wire. I also told them that that doesn’t stop me. God’s love and forgiveness within me does. 

I modified my brace/splint to help with dexterity of my 4th and 5th digits of my right hand. It’s much better with comfort and stability with my modifications. Heck, I should have been a physical therapist. Lol


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March 9, 2021

 I downloaded Johnny Cash’s Greatest Hits last night and it was good, especially his original hit, “A Boy Named Sue” the live version at San Quentin is the best. 

Getting back to Martha, I was a season ticket holder for years of the Orlando Magic basketball team. I had 2 seats center court/courtside right next to the player’s bench. I went to the home games, 600 miles roundtrip from my office in Thomasville GA to Orlando. I would also go to some away games that were not much farther, Atlanta, Memphis, New Orleans, Charlotte. 

I could sell my tickets and easily get 2 to 3 times my face value. For playoff games I could sell each ticket for a minimum of $10,000 a piece. If they made it to the finals, it could go 6 figures for the pair. Crazy, eh!!! I could sell a game during the playoffs and pay for the whole season’s ticket cost of $23,000 for the pair. I did that several times, not because I wanted to. I would rather be there and root for my team, but sometimes I had other things come up, like visiting Samira somewhere all over the world or in the US. 

Martha would usually watch my daughter. Sometimes we would even all go down there together. She was a big NBA fan…

I was just called out for a conference call with lawyers and a judge for an hour. It was a combination of lawyers and some wanting to represent me and the girls and my brother in a wrongful imprisonment, and many other things that I had to give permission in front of the judge on teleconference. Everyone was either there in Tallahassee in the courtroom or on video conference. 

I had to interrupt several times trying to be polite and not getting too emotional. I had to have a few things explained and the judge would cut me off when I started calling out georgia cappleman and jason newlin and saying this hearing is not set to establish those issues. It was set for establishing me giving permission for civil representation for myself, now that I am Pro Se and still in the process of filing my appeal. 

I put the judge on point that if the court he is presiding over and in for the State of Florida and the court in and for Leon County and I expose and bring it to his attention the fraud and false statements and illegal activity that has gone on in my case, does he not have an obligation to arrest the individuals involved and at least investigate my exposure of what went on in my case? Or let me have an evidentiary hearing to prove it? He still tried to downplay it and switch the subject and take a “blind ear” is the legal term or prevent me from exposing the “fruit from a poisonous tree” brought upon the court that he took an oath to defend justice. I hope all that is on record now.

I brought to his attention my answer to a civil summons in which I explain in detail the illegal and corrupt activity by the State of Florida. At least he called me Dr. Frasch.


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March 9, 2021

J is sitting down with me to watch the trial. It’s the second time for me. I told him, “Just be the average juror. Don’t watch this in order to agree with me that Doc is innocent. Watch it and see if you’re convinced that he’s guilty!” I want him to give me feedback that I can work with, namely, how can a jury be presented with solid proof of your innocence and still find you guilty?!!

Here’s J’s feedback after listening to the opening statements. He said it was hard to keep up and perceive it in a meaningful way. He couldn’t concentrate on all the numbers that were put out there: lots of talk about timing but at the end of it he wouldn’t have been able to tell anyone what was going on when.

I could see his point if someone was hearing it all for the first time. I mean, I have the whole chronology in my head now, but if on that first day in the opening statements I was hearing 8 AM, 11 AM, 10:32 AM and a bunch of names of people I’d never heard of before, it might not stick. And then cappleman’s simplicity might be appealing. I told J to be COMPLETELY honest with me. I wanted his impression, even if his impression was that you were guilty because I need to see it through the eyes of someone experiencing it all in real time. The first time I watched the trial, I didn’t do it in real time. It took me 3 weeks to get through 4 days! So I was able to absorb all the information.


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March 9, 2021

…as I told you, J and I are watching the trial together and we finished the first day. I asked him for his impressions and he said, he doesn’t know why 8 AM was mentioned. He says that at first he thought that was when the body was found, but now, with all the testimony, he knows the body was found at around 11 AM. But he doesn’t know why 8 AM was ever mentioned.

I told him that I wasn’t going to tell him why it was significant. I want to see if it comes out in a way that he realizes its significance. So we’ll start Day 2 tomorrow. 

If a juror missed that you had left the gated community at 8 AM they wouldn’t realize how significant it was that when the firefighters took the body out of the water and started performing CPR after 11 AM and there was no rigor mortis, it was a sign of your innocence. 

Another proof of your innocence is the robe. Gardner says that she was completely covered by the robe at 11 AM, nothing exposed. (I know he’s a liar but this may have been one of the few times he told the truth because the robe would have completely been covering her when he put her in the water.) Womble, the officer to arrive five minutes after the 911 call, says that the robe was tied but open. And then finally, less than five minutes later when firefighters arrived, Tod Watkins says the robe was on her arm. This progression of the robe coming off in ten minutes would have long since been finished if you had done it. The robe would have been floating somewhere in the pool three hours later, not still on her. 

Also, Gardner gives mixed messages on the stand. 

cappleman asks, “What did you do when you saw Mrs. Frasch in the pool?” Gardner says he took off running, top of the driveway, to call 911.

cappleman: Did you call anyone for help?

gardner: Yes, ma’am.

cappleman: Who’d you call?

gardner: The 911.

cappleman: Alright, did you ever get in the pool?

gardner: No ma’am. 

cappleman: When you saw Mrs. Frasch in the pool, did you see anything that led you to believe she might be able to be resuscitated or alive?

gardner: Uh no, ma’am.

cappleman: Did you think she might be alive?

gardner: I kind of thought she would’ve maybe once they really got her out.

cappleman: You mean, once they started working on her?
gardner: But there was no surviving. She was just flat in the bottom, wasn’t moving.

cappleman: So everything was still when you got there?

gardner: um-hmm.


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March 10, 2021

I was trying to multitask this morning working on my summons while writing you a letter every time I am able to get on the kiosk. My hand and wrist can only take so much. This is a frivolous summons filled with inaccuracies, blatant lies and defaming and slanderous statements. 

What happened to me shouldn’t happen to anyone. They try and cover it up and downplay it, like it’s no big deal. We lose and mess up on a few, but we have a high conviction rate. 

I planned on having more of a productive day but was sidetracked because we were told by the warden to get our rooms inspection-ready and up to code which is like military-style, everything put up in our totes and under our bunks and nothing out on our beds which have to be made with 8” cuff fold back of our small short sheets that would be a dollar at Walmart and our crappy blankets that they sell 5 for $10 in Mexico, the classic wool blend gray blanket you see draped over homeless dudes. col

If we keep inspection ready for 2 to 3 weeks straight then they will start lifting some of the covid restrictions. If we do not, then they will take away wall phone, TV, kiosk, recreation, canteen and tablet-charging privileges. It is like they have found a new way to put pressure, stress and punish us by using covid as an excuse. It isn’t like we are not under enough stress as it is. 

Truth about Martha. Continuing on. Samira was supposed to fly in for the Super Bowl but now she was telling me she was unable to fly out of Paris. I was going to pick her up in Orlando. Tampa Airport was slammed packed for the Super Bowl, of course, so I booked 1 hour east to Orlando, a much larger airport that was not that busy in February due to the Disney time of year being slower. 

I was at a crossroads with my relationship with Samira and very frustrated and hurt at the Super Bowl. I had been looking forward to proposing to her.

My daughter was staying with Martha and she was taking her to Pre K, since she was still 4 and she would go with Martha no problem and stay in after school care until Martha or one of my staff came. Before Martha, sometimes my oldest daughter would work it into her schedule to take her to school, just to prevent the drama and me feeling bad seeing her cry every morning, and the teachers having to pull her off of me because she did not want me to leave. My older daughter understood the situation and did not want her little sister going through that every day even though my office was only 2 blocks away from the elementary school. 

It was nice going to the Super Bowl knowing she was in good hands.

Out of time, I will continue with this story later.


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March 11, 2021

Sorry to hear about the need to be inspection-ready just to hold onto privileges that sound like they really should be basic rights! I have to admit, there’s a quality out here that’s similar, like the way the government can just shut down churches. And then reopen them as if they’re giving us back a privilege when in fact our freedom to worship is a right. In fact, it’s so much of a right that in Ontario it can be treated as grounds for divorce if a spouse ridicules their spouse’s religious views. It’s considered a type of abuse. I’m pretty sure that calling the church your spouse attends the “church of Satan” qualifies, but of course, I don’t need to resort to telling anyone that S feels that way because he’s agreed to a divorce, so I don’t have to prove abuse since we’ve lived separate lives for way over a year now which is all it takes in Ontario—a year apart or abuse. In fact, it’s been four years.

It’s been a long day watching all of Day 2 of the trial and I think I have a better insight as to why the jurors came back with the verdict they did. Like I told, y-t-b has it broken down into portions, so Day 2, for example, is 8 portions and the first time I watched it I would only watch one portion and then I would research online about pressure-washing houses, and the effect of cold water on bodies, and all sorts of things. And it made me see that there were so many flaws in the testimonies. But the jury would be sitting there, just taking it all in at once, missing a lot of it, not knowing the point of some of it. And then the golden-haired cappleman tells them at the end what it all means and what to believe. 

I thought your interrogation with Detective Revell worked in your favour, but in the trial the audio quality seems poor. It’s on y-t-b so J and I listened to the one there instead. I don’t think the trial even played it all. 


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March 11, 2021

One thing that didn’t come out in the trial was how my dad filed a police report after seeing that the garage door had been busted in from outside and the door to the kitchen was opened with a pry bar, or something of the equivalent. 

The very next day, a search warrant was applied for and the house was searched. Then this golf club was found in an empty house that was put up for sale and listed with a real estate agent, who had created a virtual video tour that was online, showing there was no golf club in the master bedroom. This video was created just weeks before that break in. Also, all the pictures and video of the master bedroom on the day of Samira’s death did not show a golf club in the master bedroom.


[The Arthur hearing held to determine whether Doc could be released on bail brought out how the golf club was not in the original photos of the master bedroom taken on the day of Samira’s death. State Investigator Jason Newlin was shown several photos of the master bedroom, specifically the part of the room where the golf club had been found a year later, just leaning up against a wall. Newlin had to admit he could not see the golf club in the original photos.]

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March 12, 2021

I watched another movie last night on tv that was similar but different to my case. It was called Double Jeopardy with Tommy Lee Jones and I think the female was Ashley Judd. I won’t ruin it for you in case you watch it. 


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March 13, 2021

The kids and I watched Day 3 of the trial yesterday. It was painful to watch Folsom but I picked up on some things I missed the first time. This is a quote from him, he “tried to make it look like a murder by someone else.” THAT’S CRAZY! But, of course, he was speaking so fast, I guess your defense missed it. I missed it the first time.

cappleman won the court case because no one else was presented by the defense as having a motive. So when the jurors looked around that courtroom, all they saw was you.

Day 4, Cappleman’s closing arguments. You guys were in a battle. She says that last word with emphasis. Where was your defense to show us all the videos on your phone of a smiling, happy family vacationing a weekend earlier in Miami? Obviously, you were being very persuasive in showing her you were on her side and that you loved her and she was the only one you wanted. So I know she died knowing that. Unfortunately, she was surrounded by people who stood to gain financially from her divorce, including Gerald, for lying under oath in the child custody hearing about never seeing her out-of-control or in a rage. If she wanted to hold onto full custody of the kids, I can see how she would be vulnerable to extortion. He couldn’t have been too happy when it became apparent that you guys were reconciling.

And in your interrogation, you brought out many people who might be a danger to Samira. But I was shocked that at that point, they had issued a warrant for your arrest and they weren’t even looking for other suspects! They were just pushing you for a confession. 

J went for a late night walk by himself to the south end of town where it’s all just marshland and it’s a bit wild. He said he was lost at one point but he used the stars to navigate back to the main road. Believe me, I didn’t teach him how to do that. Thank God for the internet. Lol Later he showed us on g-gle maps the route he took and I think the whole thing was something crazy like 20 kilometres. But he’s at that age where he’s restless and has energy and needs an adventure. It makes me think of Bilbo saying to Frodo “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

And that just makes me want to watch The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings—which we always do the week before Easter. And we have the extended versions so 6 movies adds up to almost 24-HOURS OF MIDDLE EARTH!! Yay! 


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March 13, 2021

My hand and wrist are feeling much better so I will start using the tablet more so I can send longer letters… 


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March 14, 2021

Double Jeopardy was on Prime so I watched it—so much like your situation in terms of the emotions and the way the court handled it. And prison scenes were pretty gritty, but, at least, things got better as time went on and she even had a lawyer as a friend. And there was the cake they made for her for her son’s birthday. I cried at the end when she was reunited with her son. That was another huge similarity between you and her, being separated from your children. I’m glad that Tommy Lee Jones came to realize that justice was on her side and helped her instead of hindering her.

I’m watching another Mentour Lawyer video about your case. The comments below these videos show that they just want to think the worst.

“Just the mere mention of the house burning down in general creeps me out, coming from him. But Thank God he didn't choose that route at least.”

All you you had mentioned was having your papers in a bank security box, just in case the house ever went on fire.

Under another video, someone posts that it sounded like you had bought Samira from the modeling agency she worked for! Somewhere else, someone suggested that you made your money from human trafficking. Even the prosecution never got that zany.


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March 14, 2021

Good Sunday morning to you!

I’m back on the kiosk because my tablet was acting up and not syncing to the kiosk yesterday [to retrieve emails] and my memory issues are still problematic so I am having a hard time all the way around with this archaic tablet. I lost all incoming emails so I hope it was restored today. Yesterday, every time I went to sync it I got an error message. 


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March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patricks Day! I read somewhere that he was never even formally canonized. The people of Ireland canonized him, so to speak, by making him so popular.

On this end, things are quiet. Yesterday, I went for a walk with K to pay the credit card bill and I had enough money in my wallet to buy some more shampoo and some bread yeast. Then we came home and I made some ramen for dinner and we watched Doctor Who. Then J got out an enormous tote (or tub as they say in America) of LEGO and made a rudimentary guitar out of it with an enormous elastic band he had found. I read some of a Nero Wolfe novel I bought on my Kindle but never had time to read. J gamed. 


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March 18, 2021

… as I was listening to the interrogation again I could hear that you were an emotional wreck. They justified it by acting like they were interrogating a cold-hearted murderer. 

I was listening to it imagining if one of my sons went through something like that, or how I would be if my babies had been taken from me and I had just lost a spouse. Because I knew that if I were in your situation, I would have not been able to hold it together and still provide the police with helpful information about Gardner and all the things you shared with them. They kept interrupting you at points when you were telling them things that seemed important! But they were so obsessed with their timeline they missed the obvious—that in the final week of her life she had some dangerous people in the wings. It disturbs me that there is no police accountability. They just lie on the stand in court and the jury believes them. 

And no one is fact-checking the things that cappleman says to the media. The media just quotes her and does not have to worry if it is true or not because they hide behind the fact that all they are doing is quoting the prosecutor in the case. Yes, I agree, there was no innocent until proven guilty. And law enforcement can have their  little feeling of satisfaction that they have supposedly caught a killer and they put you away, and never think about you again and continue on with their lives. Meanwhile, they train-wrecked your life.


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March 19, 2021

…the day I was arrested was the worst day of my life. Then those rude investigators were continuously cutting me off and then making insinuations and asking leading questions. No one on earth could understand the emotional wreck I was and hoping it was all a bad dream/the worst nightmare of my life.

I was hurt the worst I had ever hurt in my life and I was worried about Hyrah and Skynnah losing their mother and how I was going to be able to tell them and hold it together. I was worried more about them than myself and I did not know what to do.

The police, instead of being supportive and public servants, were being terrorist interrogators. If they could have tortured me with water boarding to get a false confession, they would have.

The high conviction rate makes them look like they’re hard on crime. They realize now that they’ve put an innocent man in prison, and that they made mistakes early on in the investigation, and that they made a false arrest. But now if they admit it, they look bad and incompetent. 

And for that lawyer to air videos saying that it was Samira’s wish to return to Madagascar and raise the children there is irresponsible, and that Hyrah and Skynnah should now be raised by their maternal grandmother. Samira did not communicate with her mother and only went once during our 5 year marriage to Madagascar when her dad was in end stages of cancer shortly before he died. Easy to prove from her passport and homeland security records of her international travel the 10 years prior to her death…


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March 19, 2021

OK, it is 7 PM here and you are probably wondering what I did with myself today. Listened to some music with the kids. Made dinner—pizza bread. Pizza bread is pizza for po’ folks. It’s just a homemade loaf of French-style bread cut and spread with seasoned tomato paste and sprinkled with parmesan cheese. 

Now I have a cup of tea and I am settling in for more of that Nero Wolfe story I started last night. Nero Wolfe stories revolve a fat man solving mysteries —usually murders—in his office in a brownstone in New York City. A fat man who spends four hours a day with his orchids and cares more for them than for people. But Archie Goodwin more than makes up for it by pounding the pavement of New York City looking for clues and running errands for the great man himself. And being particularly amiable with the more attractive female clients that come to Nero Wolfe. He never ends up with them but he never needs to because if you do the math based on the number of Nero Wolfe stories and the fact that they never age, a new client must come in about 3 seconds after the old client has left. Lol There are a lot of descriptions about food in each of the novels because next to his orchids, Nero Wolfe’s favourite thing is food and he has a private chef. So maybe not the best thing to read when hungry. I am always jealous when Archie eats out at one of the New York delis. Anyway, as you know I am big Nero Wolfe fan and Archie Goodwin is the greatest American invention since, I dunno…peanut butter, maybe? No, I like Archie Goodwin better.


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March 20, 2021

We got out today and went to a small stream where there are some ducks. I was with K and J. The ducks were splashing around and it was quite amusing.

So what did you do there before the pandemic and before the lockdown? Your dad was right that at their website they make it look like a resort with activities and facilities. I see they have vocational training, not that you would need that. And that along with the law library there’s a regular library. They have a poetry night, that was on the homepage of the site. 

J and I were looking at it with Google maps and I didn’t see much to do outside, though. Not that we’re ones to talk. There’s not much to do around here outside, either. Lol

I had an enjoyable evening with J last night looking at old guidebooks. I have one from Palestine during the British Mandate, 1930’s or so. I have an old London guidebook from 1927, as well as one for Egypt and the Sudan from even earlier. We had the map out for the Nile. And I said to J, “does this have the source of the Nile on it?” And he said, “No, mother, it’s much further down.” And I had a momentary sense of how funny it would be if we could travel back in time with this guidebook and be on the Nile on a steamboat along with all of the other British travellers. He and I would be the zany mother and long-suffering son who has to answer all of her birdbrained questions.

Have you ever had an egg cream? It has no egg and no cream. It’s milk, chocolate syrup and club soda. J and I went out tonight and bought the ingredients because we like them and hadn’t had one in ages. This was the first day where I went for a long walk with just a spring jacket instead of a winter coat. It was a good feeling. Then we came home and watched some telly with the rest of the kids and everyone seemed sane and stable so it was a good evening. 


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March 22, 2021

… I meant to update you on my mother's health status. Unfortunately she is still in the nursing home and with all the strict covid restrictions I have not spoken to her in several months. My dad visits her daily and some times more than once a day, but has to visit her from outside her room from the window and he talks her by the cell phone behind the window. She got covid 2 months ago but, thank God, only had mild symptoms.. We still encouraged her to get the vaccine to boost her immune response even more. So she did, reluctantly. 

I just received your letters in bulk because like I told you, 1 week ago I lost my entire inbox.


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March 23, 2021

My years of reading Bon Appetit are paying off in these odd times. I had some parmesan cheese and some garlic powder. So I made some pasta just using that and some salt and the starchy water from the pasta to thicken it. Bon Appetit said that the starchy water from the pasta is what restaurants use to make their sauces. I learned so many lovely little tricks from Bon Appetit that I still use to this day.

… just when I thought I was done with Mentour Lawyer, last night he premiered “Adam Frasch’s Exotic Dancer: Police Interview Erica  Tidwell.” And I just went on y-t-b to unwind and listen to some music! She said some other girl was selling Samira pictures. I thought it was Erica who was doing that. Mentour Lawyer said that he has a lot of new materials he’ll be posting. So I’ll have to keep my eyes open. 

In this interview, she primarily talks about how she was just trying to get her car fixed. I saw them apply the usual techniques for extracting information, particularly in the way they wanted to know if you had ever made any remarks to suggest that you might hurt Samira. Erica Tidwell could only say that she knew that Samira attacked you on occasions but that she never knew of you attacking her and you never said anything to the effect that you were going to hurt Samira. In fact, when Samira called you would say things like “Baby, calm down, I love you.” 


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March 23, 2021

…we have been under lockdowns with inspection-ready strict threats all the time or they will take away our basic privileges.

I went back to the orthopedist last Friday and he took follow up x rays and said everything was healing well and it will take 6 months to totally heal with that degree of injury. He admitted it would have healed faster if I would have had immediate surgery with internal fixation.

My girls are fine and they seem to have grown up so much during this pandemic and my 9 y/o Hyrah talks like she is 20 y/o. TD fcol. She's really upset at the people responsible for falsely imprisoning her daddy and worries that I may never get out. It makes me cry thinking of her worrying about such sad adult things.


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March 24, 2021

Your family must be spreading the word about the blog because the Free Doc Frasch blog is getting more visitors these days.

Grey day and a bit chilly. Gingersnaps and tea and a mystery novel. Not a bad way to spend part of the afternoon. 

What else did I do with my day? Made chapatti for lunch. Had a conversation with J about how I state the obvious. For example, K and H went out for a walk and I said, “We’ll see you when you get back!” 

I also read Jeremiah 20 today and thought you could relate to what ol’ Jeremiah was going through!

Sunday is Palm Sunday but for some reason, covid protocol doesn’t allow for any palms. Then there’s a Holy Thursday evening Mass, and then, of course Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Tonight we start our marathon of Lord of the Rings, starting with first Hobbit movie. I practically have it memorized but I always look forward to watching it all again each year in the week leading up to Easter. So I’m off to the kitchen to make sure there’s some food to go along with it!


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March 28, 2021

… I’ve been working on the summons and I sent you page 12. I think it is one of my best pages so far for a good synopsis and to put forth the truth. I even use a good quote from one of my favorite people in history, Abe Lincoln. I know I said that if I were able to meet someone in history it would probably be Alexander The Great but I would love to have dinner with President Lincoln.


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March 29, 2021

I’m glad it will all be part of public record what you went through on the day that Samira was taken from you and how badly you were treated. You brought out so many strong points in your response with regards to the interview that turned into an interrogation, your concern for your children that day, not to mention the duress you were under having just lost the most important person in your life. 

I liked the Abraham Lincoln quote. I almost said, I liked the Abraham Lincoln movie, lol. But I did like the movie, too. In fact, one of his political opponents in that movie is the same actor who plays the elf king, Thranduil, in The Hobbit. I remember when we first watched the movie Lincoln and he was there opposing Lincoln about civil liberties for black people, I couldn’t help thinking, he has to change his views. He’s not fighting orcs anymore. Lol Now, you definitely wouldn’t want to give orcs their freedom. I noticed how in Middle Earth, friendship is a key to politics. You can have intense conflict between dwarves and elves, but you can also have personal friendships between the two. And to me, that means that there is hope for political healing. There was never a friendship between a man and an orc, but there were plenty of friendships between a man and a Hobbit and all the other kinds. I think about that with our own wars and how if two people from any religious group or political faction can be friends, then there is hope for alliances and understanding at the higher levels, too. 

Anyway, as I said, that was an excellent quote by Abraham Lincoln regarding the truth being the best vindication against slanders and lies. You and Lincoln are both 6’4”. But you probably knew that already! I love Lincoln’s courage and sense of humour and his humanity. And Mrs. Lincoln sounds pretty spunky! She certainly was in the movie, played by Sally Field. 

I have book about Lincoln on my Kindle so I’ll have to get into that one when I’m finished what I’m currently reading. Right now I’m reading one of Joseph Campbell’s books, about myth. I don’t agree with all of his conclusions but I do like what he says about heroes, that they’re different from celebrities. Celebrities are self-aggrandizing, whereas heroes suffer for the sake of service to others and to their society. I’ve heard talks about the hero myth. Of course, Lord of the Rings is a classic example. Frodo carrying the ring despite the pain it brought him. Aragorn sacrificing to protect the Hobbits and battling evil to see peace come to his Kingdom. 

Some of the stories I read growing up were about self-centred people living debauched lives, but the stories that really stuck with me were about the people who would sacrifice personal comfort for the sake of someone else. Even Sherlock Holmes is an example of that. He was constantly living in uncomfortable situations for the sake of protecting someone from evil. In The Hound of Baskervilles he was living in a cave. On other occasions, he would stay up all night to keep an eye on someone’s window. (I think that was the Speckled Band one.) And then he would put on disguises and go to the scariest parts of London for the sake of a client. 


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March 30, 2021

What a day it’s been. First, in the morning, K wanted to go back to the Church to pray so I went along with her. 45 minute walk each way, plus about half an hour or so to pray. Then we came home and after lunch F and I walked to Walmart and did some grocery shopping. That’s about 40 minutes each way. I bought S some peanut butter and when I came home, I just told him, “I bought you these, plus some coffee that was on rollback so when the credit card bill comes in, I’ll just pay it off.” Of course, I had bought more than that. He actually asked me if I had bought any frozen vegetables. I hadn’t. So that will give me an excuse to go back when I need some more things. Nothing is straightforward. But when I’m straightforward, it doesn’t work.

It all works out but I just don’t like the whole feeling that I’m living in some Oriental court where courtiers have to be sneaky just to get basic tasks taken care of. 

Butter has parked herself in front of my monitor and wants me to pet her. Now she’s pausing to stick her face in my mug which used to have tea in it. Now she’s wandering towards the kitchen to go stare at the full food bowls and act like they’re empty. She only likes it when the food has just been put in. Otherwise, it’s like she doesn’t see it. Funny thing, though. If another cat comes along and starts eating from the other bowl, then she’ll start eating. She’s a very pampered cat despite that she comes from humble beginnings. 

Her mother, Patches, just showed up in the compost one day and was eating out of it. For me, it was love at first sight. My first thought was, how do I lure that cat into my house? Lol I knew she was a stray from the way she was eating. Anyway, as it turned it, it wasn’t that hard to get her inside. She still liked going outside but she got into the habit of always coming back here to eat. And then one Spring (or was it Autumn? I really can’t remember. C would be able to tell me. She knows all the family history.) she had six kittens. She kept them hidden under F’s bed but one day when I was shamelessly lying on my stomach trying to get a glimpse of them, one of them, a tiny little grey one, came out and looked at me. And I fell in love a second time! I named her Ink. And alas, she was the smallest of the bunch. She had a short but good life. She never got big although she did appear to eat. And she would just sleep in a heap with her siblings. Patches took good care of all of them. Ink died at about six weeks. And I said to Jesus, “please be holding Ink for me when we first meet in Heaven!” 

The remaining five kittens were one female (Butter) and four males. We got Patches and Butter spayed. S put the boys out. And they ran wild although they came around for food and often hung around our front yard. But one by one, they just disappeared. We have loads of photos of them, though. Over the years, the kids have taken more photos of the cats than they have of each other, although we’re not lacking for family photos, but if I had to guess, the ratio is probably 3 to 1 in terms of cats to humans. 

On our walk to Walmart, I told two of the jokes I had sent you to F. And then my mind went blank and I couldn’t think of any others. Lol You’d think with all of the jokes I’ve sent you I would be able to do a stand-up comedy routine by now. But, nope. My brain just doesn’t seem to work that way. I usually have to look for things I’ve scribbled down on a piece of paper or use the internet to find the quotes I want. This would be me, for example, trying to quote Dickens to the kids. “Remember how there was a little kid and he was an orphan? I’m not sure if it was Oliver Twist or David Copperfield. Was David Copperfield an orphan? No, he wasn’t, was he? Was he the one raised by his sister and her husband and they called him Pip? No, wait, that’s not David Copperfield, that’s Great Expectations. I can’t even remember what happened in David Copperfield so it definitely wasn’t David Copperfield. It must have been Oliver Twist. Anyway, I’m not even talking about him. I’m talking about the girl who had the fiancé, you know, the pretty one who took care of him and then got sick. Or maybe she didn’t get sick. Maybe I’m thinking of the young woman in Bleak House who got sick, you know, the one with the fiancé who was also her guardian except she ended up with the doctor? Anyway, I’m not talking about her either. I’m talking about the one in Oliver Twist…” Yep, that would be me trying to recall something someone said in a Dickens’ novel.


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