Thursday, May 26, 2022


July 1, 2021

I was able to get back on the kiosk before my law library call out. I have been diligently getting ready for inspection again and I really hate this part of Waki.

I am getting aggravated because my bunkmate is getting on my nerves again with his little comments because I have 1 item sitting out and he has a total mess around his bunk and has to borrow other guys’ locker space to put up all his junk. But then gets on me because I left a book out that I was reading on top of my locker. My only escape from the doldrums of legal work and prison, apart from letters. The new book I’m reading is a Greg Isles novel, The Black Cross. It takes place during WWII and is very good. I think you would enjoy it.


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July 1, 2021

I just arrived back in the dorm from the law library. I have had some good counsel with an inmate named Buck Shot and he has been down over 32 years and has a good knowledge of the law and has given me good advice on my 3850 but is really getting onto me that time is of essence and the clock is ticking and can backfire on me if I wait too long to get my appeal filed in a timely manner. He believes in my innocence after reviewing my transcripts. He knew a little about my case before because he is from Tallahassee and my case was in the news for 3 years while he was here at Waki and he remembers how the media was destroying me. 

He agrees that there is direct, irrefutable and undeniable evidence that proves my innocence with Mr. Christiansen and he does not understand why the other key witness, Mr. Christiansen’s daughter Lauren, did not testify to support his statement that they saw Samira alive after I left. 

He can see that they didn’t do a thorough job of defending me, especially with the lack of pruning on the fingers and toes and no rigor mortis or livor mortis. Buck Shot has seen similar cases where the State uses that criteria to help get a conviction and put the defendant at the scene of the crime. If it can be used to their benefit, how can they say it doesn’t apply in my case?

He is willing to help me and mainly organize things. He says we can only center on what happened at trial and some pretrial hearings, with limits.

He has been working for 32 years on his case and had 3 life sentences overturned and is now working on the last one, that he says should have been overturned with the other 3. I don’t know the details of his case, but it seems pretty extreme with 4 life sentences. I am out of time, talk again soon…


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July 1, 2021

Well, it’s Canada Day here. Not surprisingly, a lot of First Nations people are boycotting it. No fireworks. Vigils and protests instead. Another residential school in B.C. has been found to have hundreds of unmarked graves nearby. 

Yes, I agree that Lauren should have been called as a witness. Or Trip Frazee. Trip Frazee would have confirmed the time and date since he talked to the Christiansens just before they passed by your house and that was confirmed in the police report. Wow, eh? You shouldn’t have even been charged!

I’m glad you met Buck Shot and that he’s been good in helping you organize everything and in giving you good advice. That’s a great point that the state has used a lack of rigor and livor mortis and lack of pruning to place someone at the scene of the crime so why shouldn’t it work in reverse? Makes sense. 


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July 2, 2013

… Now to answer your questions regarding the issues with Samira in the summer of 2013. 

Things were going good for awhile and then she had the postpartum depression and the bipolar swings were severe and more regular, so I was having to leave regularly to let her calm down and then she would get mad at me for leaving her, and she had to take care of the baby and Hyrah by herself and needed my help. 

She wanted to get back on the pageant circuit and try and win another pageant with Hyrah who had already qualified for the national pageant in California. I had a medical conference that I wanted to go to in Kansas City and wanted to have my parents and brother and his wife come in to see the new baby. My Mom had been recovering from surgery the year before and was now up for traveling and since it was a short trip, they wouldn’t have to fly. 

The conference was being held at an airport hotel. My parents and brother and his wife stayed at the Hyatt Regency Crown Plaza while Samira and I and the babies stayed at a a quaint hotel downtown. But Samira was getting worse and I was concerned about her outbursts around the babies. 

She could talk to my Dad, so he came over to our hotel for breakfast. They talked for an hour.  But she told him I was leaving all the time and not around to help her with the grand-babies. He knew that I only left her when she was in a rage and got out of control. But that day didn’t go well because she was kind of mad that I had confided in my father about our marriage. 

I wanted to get to the medical conference to sign in and get credit for the day. I was on my way over with Samira and the babies, in a Mercedes SUV rental. We were in traffic. I was a little tired and my contacts were a little dry in the summer heat and air conditioning of the car, and it was early morning…

Out of time, will continue later.


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July 3, 2021

OK, interesting story. You’re in Kansas City. You’re in a Mercedes rental and you’re tired and your contacts are dry… What next?!! Lol I just realized what I did there. Quite unintentionally. Did you ever see the movie Oklahoma! where the young cowboy comes back from Kansas City and is telling them all about it and they keep asking him, “What next?!!” Oklahoma! was my favourite movie when I was young. And the “everything’s up-to-date in Kansas City, they’ve gone about as far as they can go…” is one of the funniest songs in it. 

The kids and I watched Captain Marvel last night—good sci fi movie. At first it just seemed like a typical punch-it-out with the galactic bad guys, but it took some twists and turns and it was enjoyable. 

According to the news headlines, Tropical Storm Elsa is “eyeing” Florida and all of Florida is in her projected path. I will definitely be praying! Also, you have some Delta variant cases of covid there. And nude beaches. That’s one of the top articles. “More nude beaches in Florida?” I didn’t know there were any but now I see that some people want there to be more. 


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July 3, 2021

Back to summer of 2013 and my wonderful wife and mother of my children making my life so hard at time.

I had woke up early to swim in the pool and exercise. On my way back up to the room I checked to see when the Starbucks in the lobby was going to open. I realized it was going to open right before we had to leave for the conference. 

OK, so remember I had asked my father to speak to Samira, and to encourage her to get help to control her aggressive outbursts. But she ended up telling him I would leave her to go off gambling and to buy cars. She didn’t mention that she would go into a rage and I would leave until she calmed down or that she would kick me out of the house after getting violent and hitting me and scratching me and I was just trying to calm her down and tell her that I loved her. 

And now she was mad at me for talking to my Dad about our personal marriage issues. The evening before that had been fine with dinner, and a movie back in the hotel room after getting the girls to bed early. 

As I said, I was up early, 5AM, to swim and exercise in the hotel gym. I went back up to the room and got ready and read the local paper. Then I woke Samira up and the girls to get ready to go to the medical conference, which was about 30 miles away. 

I picked up some Starbucks, drinks and banana bread, because we didn’t want to get fast food for breakfast. 

As I said, we were in the car, I was closing my eyes to get my contacts situated in my eyes and the next thing I know, I have a steaming large cup of hot coffee smashed into the side of my face and all over the suede leather interior of the rental SUV.

It took everything in my being to keep from swerving the car into tight traffic and hitting another car. I was blind in my right eye because my contact immediately fell out of my eye and was shrivelled up and melted on my lap. I gradually was able to pull the car over on the expressway and stop on the shoulder. I asked Samira what in the world she was doing and she said that will teach you for falling asleep from being tired and out with another woman. I asked her what she was talking about and that I was just closing my eyes for a second to get my contacts and tears going to lubricate my eyes.

Then she said, where did you go this morning? I told her that I was with her and the girls the whole night and woke up early like I always did to exercise and swim. Then she said, and what women did you see and workout with and swim with? I told her that no one was in the pool or the exercise room that early in the morning and that is the way I like it, to get a workout in without waiting for machines or small talk with other hotel guests. 

I asked Samira, how would you feel if we were in an accident and me and the girls were killed and innocent other people, and you were the only one that survived? She said that she would tell them that I fell asleep and caused the wreck. This was not unusual behavior and response from her, but rarely in the car with the girls in the car with us. 

The whole side of my face was red and steam was coming off of my skin. I could hardly open my eye and later got iritis (infection of the iris) and was unable to wear my contact in that eye until the 2nd degree burn healed on my eyeball and I had to use special antibiotics and steroid drops in my eye for several weeks from that incident. This is what I dealt with with Samira being bipolar. 


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July 5, 2021

Continuing the Kansas City situation. I asked Samira if she could drive and she said no and was still in her rage moment. I grabbed my lubricating drops out of my pocket that I always keep with me and dropped several drops in my eyes and it burned more than helped. I continued on to my conference and I did not even ask Samira to come into the conference. When I signed in, one of the administrative women that knows me from years of conferences asked me if I was OK and I said yes, got a little too much sun. I was wearing my sunglasses and she probably thought that was weird and why just one side of my face was red. I purposely later in the day sat out by the pool and laid on the other side to have it match a little bit, just looking like a mild sunburn, because we had dinner planned at a nice French restaurant that night with family. 

Anyway, my Mom picked up on my eyeball being so red and told me I looked tired and needed to get some rest because my eyes were bloodshot. If only they knew. I was so embarrassed and afraid to tell them because they would think I was crazy to put up with Samira and her behaviour.  She never even apologized for that incident and I don’t know where that came from. The movie we rented the night before had infidelity in it and I think that is what stirred her false accusations and insecurities. I never knew when she was going to go off like that. There could be a song on the radio, a news report or just a flashback of her hurt of being cheated on or God knows what from her childhood and she would take it out on me. Sometimes when she came back from her crazy train, she would apologize and say she loved me and could not stand the thought of losing me. And I would tell her sometimes that if she did not stop that behavavior and seek help that she would lose me. That would make her upset and cry. And she would even ask me to forgive her. I would, but I would pray to God to help her stop that type of behavior and return to the woman I knew and loved 95% of the time.

I had to really watch and walk on egg shells and try and communicate with her everything I did, even my usual routine, like exercising. Wake her up and tell her I was going to the gym or for a swim…


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July 6, 2021

… Yes, I can imagine the damage hot coffee would do to the skin and eye and it sounds absolutely awful. On occasions, I’ve spilled hot coffee onto my lap and that’s bad enough, but to take it directly to the skin and eye would be appallingly painful.

I can understand how you would be walking on eggshells to avoid situations like that, especially since so many movies and songs include a reference to infidelity. It seems strange she would be insecure, but I guess with the cheating boyfriend in the past and the troubled childhood and the bipolar condition it was the perfect storm for feeling insecure.

Yes, I can imagine not wanting to share that with your family. There was so much I didn’t share with my family.

I just watched INFAMY: Runway to Murder, the latest documentary which someone kindly posted to y-t-b. It aired last night on VH1. Gardner says in his 911 call that he arrived at 10:40 AM. I’m shocked nobody contrasts that with the trial. Clearly the time at the gate was wrong or he was coached to say he got there later so that so no one would think he had enough time to kill Samira. (And in his interview with the police, I noticed that Gardner’s son also says they arrived at 10:40. It shocks me that they can just ignore this, and that cappleman can tell the jury that the time stamp when they arrived at the gate was 10:53, and Gardner can say it took 5 minutes to get to the house, and since the 911 call came in at 11, they can rule him out as a suspect so easily, when really, what your defense should have done was expose that they were actually at the house, not even the gate, but the house, 13 minutes before they even supposedly arrived at the gate.)

Of course, newlin is there telling us that they ruled out Gardner. And cappleman is there. 

“The details of the scene were burned into georgia cappleman’s memory,” we’re told. She wasn’t even there.

In this one, newlin has now elevated it to you saying Samira finished off several bottles of champagne. I looked up the definition of several, it means more than two. And you didn’t even say, two. I noticed you said up to two, as in, a second bottle was opened.

cappleman says that they used the child custody charge as a way of keeping you from fleeing the country since they didn’t have enough to charge you with the murder, so they devised this, in a sense, kidnapping charge. OK, then it went on for a bit longer, showing parts of the trial and making sure that we all know that Mr. Christiansen’s testimony was just all wrong  and that he got his days mixed up. Wouldn’t want any of the viewers to have any niggling doubts that you might actually be innocent! 

OK, moving on. The kids and I are watching Wolverine tonight. We’re sweating it out as I know you are there. I know it’s way worse there, though. Right now our living room is 29*. 

Thanks to that documentary airing yesterday, 75 people visited the Free Doc Frasch blog. So that’s good.


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July 7, 2021

I have had plenty of time to read Black Cross since we are on lockdown and quarantined until they get all the sick guys transferred to a separate dorm. Yesterday, guys all over the compound had explosive diarrhea and were vomiting uncontrollably. They think it is food poisoning but it could be the Delta variant. Mexico is gone and some of the other guys that I had some camaraderie with. I never really say friendship, but whatever this is, hell with some of the most twisted individuals that society has produced.

I will have to ask for an extension on the summons. 

OK, back to the summer of 2013. So you know all that occurred prior to Samira’s arrest and how her lawyers got her charges dropped and got back unsupervised visitation with the girls. Custody of the girls was not granted because I put in a motion to block that order because Samira had not followed through with the judge’s order that we both have psychological evaluation. I had my evaluation and it came back normal, so no recommended treatment, just to follow up with Dr. Vincent Dix, my psychologist. Samira had not done her psychological evaluation and treatment so I put it back on Judge Dempsey and she held the order for custody to stay with me until Samira got her evaluations and treatment. That is why the big controversy of who had legal custody and that was me because Samira had only agreed with me to get treatment, and she said she was going back on her medication but did not trust American doctors. She had a good relationship with her doctor in Paris. I told her that Judge Dempsey may not allow that without a thorough report directly addressed to her personally from her doctor…

Oh, I talked to my mother last night for my free 5-minute call for the week. She was feeling down. Also, she told me that my brother and his wife were in a bad automobile accident and were banged up pretty bad, but that the girls were OK because they were in their car seats. That is confusing because both of them are at the age they would be in regular seat belts. I hope she just misunderstood or it’s the dementia. 


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July 8, 2021

I hope that by the time you get this you’ll know more about what exactly happened. It sounds like your Mom’s mind is going back to days when the girls were little and would be in carseats. 

I’m praying for your Mom, too. I’m sorry she’s feeling down. It’s probably hard to feel cheerful where she is and would take a lot of inner resolve to keep a positive mental attitude.


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July 8, 2021

I still have not been able to get my father or my brother to answer their phones the past week. So it may be true that they were in a bad accident…

I am going to try to get a hold of at least one of them tonight and hope to fill you in on the details. Keep them in your prayers, please, and my mother who might have had a light stroke from the way she was talking… 


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July 8, 2021

I confirmed with my dad after I finally got ahold of him by phone that my brother and his wife and the girls were in a bad car accident with Hyrah and Skynnah in the backseat. They were stopped on the interstate in their Jeep Wrangler when the vehicle behind them did not see that the traffic stopped, they think because he was texting, and hit the back of their Jeep at 65 MPH without even hitting the brakes. (No skid marks from accident report.) Their Jeep slammed into the vehicle in front of them and all three vehicles are totalled. 

The girls only sustained minor injuries and bruises. The front seats broke loose from impact and my brother and his wife had bad head injuries from hitting the front windshield and dashboard. My brother had 12 stitches on his eye and dislocated eye socket. I can relate with having mine fractured in prison by a padlock in a fist hitting me without warning and fracturing my right eye socket, along with my nose. The guy who did it was built like Mike Tyson.  

They are all really sore and have been told to be home and rest for at least a week. Everyone in the accident survived and the driver with the least injuries was the one who caused the accident. I hope he is well-insured.


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July 9, 2021

I’m glad to hear that Hyrah and Skynnah suffered minimally in that car crash!

I’m sorry to hear about that padlock to your eye. When you lose everything, all it does is leave a person with their honour and integrity. Everyday, you have to look people in the eye and let them know you’re still human, no matter how much they want to dehumanize you.

I looked up your Black Cross. I get the impression that the author did a lot of research for this book and that all that experimentation is based on real things that went on. How awful. I wonder how many black-op missions there were in WW2 that never made it to the history books? I have some books about the British secret service which I haven’t gotten around to reading that look good. One of them is called Defend the Realm. The other is just called MI6 and it goes back to when the whole Military Intelligence was started in 1909 and it covers World War 2 ops so maybe I’ll read it after Black Cross. It’s by Nigel West. I’ll let you know the fun stuff I discover in case you can’t get that book there. 

I also enjoy the spy novels written during the Edwardian era when everyone in Britain thought that German spies were on the ground, scouting out England, posing as tourists but really making sketches of vital installations and purchasing maps so that German troops would know which road to march on to get to London. Even Queen Alexandra would read these kinds of things and treat them like truth. And maybe some of it was.

In 1906, William La Queux, who built a literary career on espionage novels, wrote The Invasion of 1910 which sold over one million copies and this was after it had already been run as a serial novel in one of the daily newspapers. In those days, everyone was worried that the Kaiser’s soldiers would be marching through London, even though the Kaiser was actually the King of England’s nephew. But, of course, just being family doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot of rivalry. 

But some people thought that because the King and the Kaiser and the Tsar were all related by blood or marriage, that somehow there wouldn’t be a war. From what I’ve seen of families—my own and others—that’s no guarantee. 

My absolute favourite spy novel is The 39 Steps by John Buchan. It was actually published in 1915 after the war had started and what a good yarn it is! It starts with an American spy being killed and Richard Hannay, a visitor from South Africa, having to track down a spy ring in order to save the Empire.


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July 9, 2021

I may have this letter cut short. I have a law library call out coming up shortly. I had  a terrible night of tossing and turning because of the documentary, Mom’s possible stroke, the accident with the girls, and on top of that, Buck Shot was getting on me because he told me yesterday that I needed to get on the ball on my 3850 and 6 months ago would have been too late, so I need to get things organized and get to work or I am going to spend the rest of my life in prison. He said a person in a black robe determines my fate and they are not going to admit they made a mistake or allowed corruption and fraud to occur in their court unless you can prove they knew and conspired against you. 

Out of time…


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July 10, 2021

A lot of stuff is coming at you, that’s true.

Buck Shot sounds like he’s a good man to have on your side and he can certainly help you along the way. But as Christians, we also have stories that are told over and over again about men who shouldn’t have been in prison but who were: Joseph, Jeremiah, Daniel, Peter, Paul, Silas. And they all got out. What a dismal, dank place people like Jeremiah, Daniel, and Paul endured and yet we still read their writings today. 

I’m glad Elsa didn’t hit you head on. Now it’s heading for Canada but we won’t feel it here. It’s so rare that a hurricane makes it this far inland that Hurricane Hazel, back in 1954 is still considered THE hurricane in terms of damage. After that, Toronto passed a law that low lands and flood areas couldn’t have homes built on them, so whole areas got turned into public parks. For example, the place where we had our church softball practises was in a park that at one time had houses that were flooded by Hurricane Hazel. People in that area had been forced to climb onto the roofs of their homes in the hope of being rescued but I don’t think they actually were. It always seemed a bit eery to be playing in a park where people had died. It was called Raymore Drive at the time of the hurricane but after it became Raymore Park. It was right on the edge of the Humber River which is a big river in the west end of Toronto. It had a bridge at the time that disconnected and became a battering ram of sorts, doing damage to the flooded homes. It was a blue-collar neighbourhood. Some homes were just swept away and 9 people died in one house alone. Some bodies were never even recovered. In total 35 people died or went missing. As I said, it always made me feel a bit eery to be there in that place where so much tragedy had taken place. 

I stayed up reading Black Cross and I’m up to chapter 42. Getting close to the end. It’s pretty intense. 


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July 10, 2021

Good Saturday morning,

The inmates that are left in the dorm after they had hauled out over 20 for quarantine are upset this morning because it is after 9 AM and the officers have not opened the charge station box for the tablets. Thank God I did not put mine on there last night and I listened to the radio last night. Classic rock station, of course. Brought back good memories.


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July 10, 2021

Still Saturday.

I just returned from lunch chow. We had a surprise corn on the cob. I love corn. I guess growing up in Nebraska a cornhusker and having corn as a staple diet for my entire childhood and then carrying that over into adulthood and then going without for several years in prison was enough unjust punishment!


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July 10, 2021

Good Saturday evening,

I just got off the rec yard and had a marathon 2 on 2 volleyball game and it was a close back and forth 2 games to 2 and we were up the last game 10 to 4 when they called rec, so we could say we won that one, even though we usually go up to 21.

Extreme humidity. 91 F today and the first day without rain in it seems like 3 weeks. 


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July 15, 2021

Good Thursday morning to you,

I am just getting up and getting some nasty freeze dried Columbian coffee in my system before I have to go to the law library. My call out is at 10:30 AM. They usually call a little early so I have to be getting ready. I wait til the last minute to put on my shoes (cheap Nike basketball shoes that are so old that I have retreads from the bottoms of crocs sewn onto the bottom black soles with whited uppers.) The things I have to do in prison to survive. The Spanish inmate who did the resole only charged a bag of coffee ($7) and did a good job. 


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July 15, 2021

It is Thursday afternoon about 2:30 PM and I am back from the law library a little early because they just served us lunch late. We usually get lunch at 10 to 10:30 and today they had something going with inspection of the kitchen and the supply esp. of refrigerated foods to the kitchen and kitchen prep protocol since the food poisoning situation 10 days ago. The inmates put into quarantine are still in a separate dorm until they figure out what the cause was.


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July 16, 2021

Good afternoon, I just got off the rec yard and the water was turned off the whole compound and we were out to rec in 97 F hot sun on a sand volleyball court and no water to rinse the sand off our feet and legs. I even got some in my mouth from when I dove for the ball. Good thing I had half a bottle of water from yesterday. When they finally turned the water back on it was brown. 


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July 17, 2021

K and I watched a documentary about Margaret Thatcher and I learned a lot, especially since I vaguely remember her in the 70’s and 80’s and then there was the Falkland Islands war and that got a lot of press attention. She was certainly an impressive politician but I found it intriguing that her greatest strength ended up being her downfall. She was able to get into politics and go far in it by disregarding all her opponents and all the people who were critical. But when she ended up winning a third term in office and was at her zenith, that was what brought her down, the fact that she didn’t listen to people. Anyway, from this I learned that the bottom line in terms of how people regard the Thatcher years in England depends on whether she effected people for better or for worse.


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July 18, 2021

I went for chow but only ate the carrot slices, like quarter chips, but sliced even thinner. The peanut butter and syrup glob between two stale pieces of bread I gave away. The potato salad had green peppers in it and was runny so I just ate the carrots, drank some bland but cold red drink that does not qualify as Kool aide because it is not sweet. 

OK, enough about my terrible dinner. It is now about 4 PM so the kiosk opened up because we are close to another count. I am so sick of prison and I try and keep my head up and continue the fight but sometimes it just knocks the fight out of me. 


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July 20, 2021

Long day today. I had 4 classes and law library call out so I am a little fatigued. Mainly brain drained. Lol 


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July 21, 2021

I hope it’s been a full and productive day and not too stifling hot. These days I’m watching a British show set in Aden in 1965 and it’s obviously dreadfully hot in the southern tip of Arabia. But it’s a busy port and the British need to hold onto it because of their oil interests. I don’t know if BP was ever in the US but growing up here in Canada, British Petroleum gas stations were everywhere. Eventually they became PetroCanada. I’m not sure about the business details of that. Anyway, this show is called The Last Post and it’s set in a very insular expatriate community with lots of drama. And outside their little compound are seething locals who want the British out of Aden and are arming themselves to do it. It’s only 6 episodes so I should be able to get through it quickly. I know this sounds funny for a person who knows a lot about the British in the Middle East, but I don’t know how the whole Aden thing ended for them. I’ve never read anything about Aden, in particular. I could cheat and read up on W-k- but I’ll just let the story play out and then when it’s over I’ll look things up if I still have questions. 

Yes, I can totally understand that a 3850 is a major undertaking.


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July 23, 2021

I was just outside picking some blackberries because it was still cool outside. Then I came in and used them for a topping for a coffee cake. I could have picked more but I was avoiding a particular corner where there have been some reports of a garter snake. I certainly didn’t want to encounter one. I know they’re harmless but if I saw one I would jump a mile high and land in the bramble of the blackberry bushes. And those blackberry bushes are brutal. I get so scratched up they have so many thorns. Nature’s barbed wire…

OK, we had our blackberry pie for tea and everyone liked it, especially F, which was good since he had helped me pick the berries. It always goes faster if there’s someone there to talk to while one picks them. 

Remind me to never do a live interview if I’m ever tempted to. I was just in the kitchen making dinner and I swallowed the wrong way and it took about five minutes to recover.


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July 23, 2021

I am back from law library. Had miserable muggy nap before count time and then got up because they called stand by for rec and then a small storm front started brewing to the north of the camp and you could hear thunder so they cancelled it. I was all stretched out and ready to go although it beats getting struck by lightening. Lol TD

I finally got ahold of my dad after over a week of not getting through to him. He was at the nursing home and said he thought my mom may have had another stroke. I have tried to call him several times today to follow up on how mom is doing but have been unable to get ahold of him. Please, keep my mother and father in your prayers. He gets so stressed himself and at his age it is almost harder on him than her when she has these episodes and health scares.


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July 26, 2021

It’s just me and Butter up early this Monday morning.

Good news. The number of visitors to the blog—both of them—shot up yesterday and there are still quite a number visitors today. Which means some network probably aired or re-aired another documentary. But this time, people had a place to go afterwards to read more about it. I did some poking around on the internet but couldn’t figure it out. There was nothing new on y-t-b or in the news so that’s why I’m presuming that a network re-aired something. Unless you know something I don’t!?


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July 27, 2021

It’s pouring rain out there and today K and I have to go get our second shots. I hope I don’t feel crappy for the next few days. Some people have said the second shot is worse. I hope not. I was certainly tired the next day after the first shot. But I didn’t feel lousy. Anyway, we won’t walk there so the ominous black sky doesn’t really matter. The wind is really blowing through the tops of the trees. I keep saving this letter practically after each line because I’m almost expecting a power outage… 

I’ve been going through the police report just looking for more things that might be of interest to you. Did you ever see a copy of it? They summarize the interviews they did. So it contains a summary of your interview, Mr. Christiansen’s, Lauren’s, Martha’s. At the end of the summary of Mr. Christiansen’s interviews it says

I also interviewed Lauren who stated the same basic facts as Mr. Christiansen provided. Lauren was unable to provide any additional information. 

Contact was also made with Mr. Frazee who confirmed his encounter with Mr. Christiansen. Mr. Frazee advised that it was approximately 1022 hours on 22Feb14 that he made contact with Mr. Christiansen.

So I hope that helps.


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July 29, 2021

Good Thursday morning to you,

We had an early surprise inspection ready this morning at 7 AM but they have not come to our dorm. They had the dogs and went to 2 other dorms. Sometimes they have intel on the drugs and then they call in the dog squad early and unannounced to catch the perpetrators. 

OK nothing exciting today. I have a legal mail callout and I hope it is some good news rather than the usual. 

I really need to address the fact of the newly discovered evidence you obtained of the information of Trip Frazee confirming the day and time of Mr. Christiansen seeing Samira going taking something out or putting something in a vehicle. That information was never given to us before trial and was not brought up at trial.


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