Thursday, May 26, 2022


January 2, 2021

Happy New Year

I got a summons today from an unethical, fraud-provoking lawyer. I get these type of lawsuits about once a year since Samira's death.

The difficult thing now is since the pandemic we don't have access to the law library to look up legal things or type up a motion/response. I don't like submitting court documents hand written... 

Right now it’s almost impossible to write, let alone legibly, with this cumbersome splint. Writing even my signature is severely painful although, when I respond, this time I will be exposing everything. It can sometimes be a blessing in disguise because a court document is public and forces the court's hand to do something for the sake of justice and to uphold my rights under The Constitution of the United States of America!!!


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January 2, 2021

Happy New Year to you, too!

I wish that a new year meant that people would look at life in a new way and see the flaws with old ways of thinking, make changes and move on. I know I hate to hold onto things that aren’t true or good. But I think some people like the little ruts they’ve fallen into. 

I hope Hyrah and Skynnah had a wonderful Christmas! Are kids in Nebraska back to school now or are they still at home on lockdown?

A New Year’s joke…

At the beginning of this year I made a New Year’s resolution to lose 10 pounds…

Only 15 more to go!

J and I watched The Santa Clause 2 together and now he’s doing dishes and I’m back to Netflix and Making a Murderer. Brendan’s mother is hoping Steven’s lawyer will figure out who really killed Teresa. I think you have an advantage there in that it’s obvious who killed Samira. Gardner gave himself away by immediately treating what looked like a drowning like a murder. It’s an easy story to tell, in that sense.


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January 3, 2021

Cat fight in the living room. It’s still dark out and the only light I have on is the kitchen light. I had to shine my iPod on them to see where they were. Thankfully, one of them decided to head for the chair that the beam of light fell on and is now just bathing herself. I think the other’s under the coffee table. 

Back to Making a Murderer: Steven’s lawyer says that telling the story of what really happened is the best way to raise doubt. She says all defendants have a constitutional right to a fair trial and part of that is being able to point the finger at someone else. Yay, Perry Mason! No wonder he wins all his cases! He always tells the court who the real murderer is. The requirements for pointing the finger at a third party are: motive, opportunity and direct connection to the crime. There was all of that with Gardner! And a lawyer doesn’t have to prove the third party committed the crime, only that they could have committed the crime. In my opinion, your lawyers completely missed that opportunity to point the finger at Gardner. In fact, Steven’s lawyer goes so far as to say that part of the constitutional right to a fair trial includes raising doubt about your own guilt by pointing the finger at someone else!

I’m appreciating all that I’m learning from Steven’s lawyer, Kathleen Zellner. She really goes at it like Nancy Drew and Perry Mason to solve the crime and since I grew up reading Nancy Drew and Perry Mason I really like the segments with her.


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January 4, 2021

… Over 90% of the inmates here are guilty and brag about their criminal life and the criminal life they plan to return to on the outside. They brag about how many times they got away or beat a charge at trial or literally brag about getting away with murder or home invasions and beating people’s dogs with a bat and then do the same to the home owners to get them to give up their combinations or money, jewelry or valuable heirlooms. I hope that Samira did not go through that kind of forceful threats. Samira was so strong willed if Gerald tried to get her to give up the combination to our walk-in safe, she would have never divulged anything and told him to F off even with a gun to her head. I know she went down a warrior and without giving up anything valuable of mine, hers or especially of the girls. 

I miss her so much. I came across the song she was playing the day before she died on the way to Panama City…


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January 5, 2021

Yes, I wish your defense lawyers had brought out in court how intensely Samira wanted that purse back and how concerned she was with getting her stuff back. It would have been exactly what the jury needed to hear to knock down the crazy story cappleman told about your last hours together being a search for another woman, not a purse, that culminated in a fight and her death. (Which was subsequently ‘reenacted’ in shows like Once a Princess.) Also, it occurred to me that what they didn’t factor in was that Samira might have thought the purse had been stolen by another woman since you guys had had a separation and she might have been concerned that at that time, some of her stuff had been stolen. 

In Making a Murderer, Kathleen Zellner makes the point that it’s so important to correct people’s misperceptions. For example, when Brendan’s lawyer is before the 7th-circuit judges in Chicago, one of the judges says,“there were shell casings in the garage?” Kathleen is Steven’s lawyer, not Brendan’s, but she says that was the moment to inform him that there were shell casings all over the property because they shot at rabbits and gophers. This is not a residential area where shell casings would be hugely significant and indicative of a crime. 

There were misperceptions surrounding your case, too, like the fact that the purse Samira was looking for was not only valuable, it was sentimental to her.

Another Kathleen Zellner word of wisdom. She says, “It’s like there’s this big tidal wave coming towards you and you have to be able to knock out the whole thing. You’ve got to have an impenetrable wall up where you can just deflect everything they come up with. Everything has to be answered.”

Anyway, it’s the last day of Christmas and tomorrow is the Epiphany, which I always enjoy because I love the Magi following the star to look for a baby king. C might make a cake for it. 

Despite the joyousness of that, though, I do feel a hint of disintegration in the air. As if Christmas was holding things together here and now it’s just the long, bleak winter ahead of us. I would feel more cheerful if the weather were warming up rather than cooling down.

Right now F is asking me if there’s anything to eat. It’s 8:45, I’m going to bed soon and I made him dinner at the usual time (crepes) so I told him, “If you can find something, you can have it.”  He replied, “Pickled boar’s head?” I said, “I have microwave popcorn. That’s more or less the same thing. I mean, you’ll hardly know the difference…” He’s in the kitchen now and he found some candy cane cookies and is having those instead. Lol 


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January 6, 2021

I must have gone into hibernation mode this morning because normally I’m up at 5 and today I slept til 7:30. Lol I’m surprised Butter let me. 

It sounds like those last 24 hours with Samira were hard. Especially with your leg being in so much pain, post surgery. I’ve been thinking about that because that didn’t come out in the trial either. And now what you’re going through with your hand with only prison-level treatment.

OK, I had to go get a coffee because I’m still ‘groggy’ from my sleep in. Lol Actually, it’s probably good I had the extra sleep. I’ll feel better for it later. 


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January 9, 2021

Early Saturday morning, still dark out, mug of coffee, a couple of cats—one sleeping, the other crunching food in the kitchen. Lovely and peaceful. I actually found some one-line jokes about Florida online. Tell me if you agree or disagree. 

Whenever I hear a scientist say Jupiter is uninhabitable I always just assume they’re talking about the city in Florida.

Nightmares in other states are just visions of what’s really going on in Florida.

You won’t find a Jacuzzi in Florida, because if a Floridian wanted to suffocate himself in hot steam he would just walk outside.

I don’t know what goes on at the DMV in Florida but I’m pretty sure they just tell you not to drive into canals and they snap your picture – a hideous picture, which Floridians usually have to show the police officer after they drive into their first canal.

My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that's the law. (That one was Jerry Seinfeld)

I just got wonderful news from my real estate agent in Florida. They found land on my property.

Now Butter, who is the size of a small cow, has just parked herself in front of my screen. She’s looking at the curtains behind me which are shut because it’s 6:30 and the sun hasn’t come up. But she likes to sit in the window. So I pull back the curtain so she can get onto the windowsill but she just keeps standing in front of my screen because she wants the sun to be up so she can see what’s going on out there. When it does, the slightest movement will enrapture her, of course. Lucky for her, even when there’s no wind to blow around the foliage, we have neighbours who step outside their door to have a smoke, so that keeps her interest for hours. I think their full time job is smoking. That and going to the marketplace at the end of the road to buy pre-made food. I can’t afford to smoke or buy pre-made food so I don’t know how they’re doing it on little to no income. Anyway, I’ll never find out their secrets because I say “hi” or “lovely weather” and that’s about it. 

Another mysterious thing - the house on the other side of us is supposed to be empty but a few nights ago when the kids and I stepped outside for some air and a talk away from S’s ears, the light was on in the basement. This whole neighbourhood is odd.


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January 11, 2021

… Well it looks like things calmed down a bit at the Capital and Trump advised his supporters to leave peacefully and he would leave peacefully upon leaving office. He ended with we love you and appreciate your support and that it has been a Great 1st Term so that means he definitely plans on running for a 2nd term.


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January 11, 2021

Butter, has developed a little trick that gets me out of bed earlier than I want to be. She has perfected a whiny meow that sounds like she’s saying, ‘mommy.’ Naturally, this jerks me awake with memories of having small children. And Butter sees the effect it has on me so it’s her new and potent meow in the morning.

I read an excerpt from an essay by C.S. Lewis this morning about how if the Bible is treated merely as a literary masterpiece and not a sacred work it will only be receiving “mouth honour” and that decreasingly. I think that’s exactly what’s happened in our culture. When I was in my twenties and kept up with Bible scholarship, the Bible was treated as an aesthetic masterpiece that had impacted civilization. Now even that’s waning. I think people honestly believe that our culture formed its ideas about the dignity of the human being from the Enlightenment or even more recently, from people marching around waving placards in front of the White House throughout the 20th-century. They haven’t travelled enough to see that where the Bible formed people’s thinking, people have rights that the average North American assumes to be self-evident, to borrow from the Declaration of Independence. 

I see you have a state of emergency down there until inauguration day. We’re getting a state of emergency declared today but it’s all covid-related, of course. It’s supposed to be directed at businesses, particularly manufacturing says one insider, so there goes the economy. Pardon my gloominess.

S ALWAYS takes the opposite viewpoint to mine. So it’s become second-nature to me to achieve a pleasant outcome by holding to the view that is opposite to the one I want him to hold. For example, the current economic situation, if I were to say, “Oh it’s all going to work out. We’ll be fine.” Then S would say, “Are you kidding? My employment insurance runs out in June. What are we going to do after that? No money. We’ll die.” So instead, I say, “Is the government trying to kill us? Shutting everything down again! And you won’t be able to go back to work in June because there will be no economy and we’ll have no money and we’ll all starve to death.”  “We won’t starve to death,” says S. That’s more or less the outcome I want so I leave it at that. 

Crazy, I know. It comes from discovering by accident that the only way anything would happen is if I presented it as an impossible situation. I think I’ve told you about how if I wanted to get a piece of furniture home if someone was willing to give it to us, the only way S would go along with it would be if I said to him, “We can’t accept that couch. There’s no way we can get it home.”  That pretty much guaranteed the couch would be in our living room two hours later. As opposed to if I had said, “Of course we can get that couch home. You can just tie it to the roof, or something.” 

Then the answer would have been, “It will scratch the roof, I don’t think I have any rope and have you considered the possibility that it’s not safe to travel on highways with a couch on the roof of a car?” 

And now the world has gotten absurd, too. At least, more absurd than it normally is. It’s almost like a war is going on without there actually being a war. For us, covid created a sense of food rationing. And everyone trying to make the best of things like they did in Britain in WW2. And now the state of emergency. And the feeling one has that soon it’s going to be over and then there’s another setback, a new and more contagious strain. I think I’m getting the lite version of what it was like in WW2, surviving on the home front.


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January 12, 2021

Oh!! No!! what a bummer we've just been put on indefinite lockdown for not being inspection ready this morning before breakfast at 4:00 AM, before we even woke up the assistant warden was yelling profanities about the shower being filthy and we better have the dorm cleaned up, in our class A uniforms, our rooms inspection-ready or she was going to lock this m-fing dorm down. 

Let me clarify as an inmate “inspection-ready” means everything in our cells put in our lockers and under the bunk, beds made military style (tightly tucked with sheet folded back 6-8'' neat and straight). Everything shiny clean, nothing out or on walls, even towels and any clothes drying must be put up. No drink cups out, even toilet paper rolls put up. Only thing allowed out on floor we are to place crocs and/or shoes orderly bottom bunky next to far wall and top bunky at the end of bottom bunk next to wall toes to heel so they can see inside shoes/crocs from door. 

Pain in the a__ at 4 AM. Some officers want us inspection ready and sitting up at the end of our beds at all count times when we have the mandatory 1 to 2 hour counts and at the door with our ID's and announce loud and clear ''Sir or Mam'', our last name, DC # and then ''Sir or Mam’'. Every other word that comes out of their mouths is vulgar profanity that the most foul mouthed drunken wh__re would be ashamed to say.

I hope my tablet lasts until they come to charge them. It doesn't look like I will be able to get on the kiosk today.


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January 13, 2021

I did a quick survey at the CBC website to see what I’m allowed to do these days. Ontario is now in a stay-at-home lockdown. We’re only allowed to leave our house for essential things and if we absolutely must, we can walk around the block for exercise.

My credit card bill came today, that is, my personal one. It actually worked out well because with everything shut down I couldn’t go out and pay it so it had to be paid online. I gave S the cash. Which now means there’s some cash floating about which will end up making its way back to me anyway since I’m the only one who goes out and actually buys anything. Covid finances around here are funny.

K and I went for a walk last night and we talked about how God wants us to be the people He created us to be, not what other well-meaning, but misguided, people tell us we should be. Sometimes it’s not even well-meaning. Sometimes people criticize and try to change us so that they can feel better about themselves.


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January 14, 2021

… here’s another one.

Why do fish live in salt water?   Because pepper makes them sneeze!

And here’s one I like because I grew up reading Winnie the Pooh.

What did Winnie the Pooh say to his agent?  “Show me the honey!” 

Anyway, I have about a hundred more of those, you know, for those times when you don’t want to laugh out loud, you want to groan out loud.  Gol

Your dad just wrote me and that was so good to hear from him. He asked me about f-b and I told him that we must have been reported by someone. F-b shut us down because I couldn’t prove I was Adam Frasch. (They wanted I.D., like a photo of a driver’s license.) I told him how I didn’t want to just post things on my personal page about your case because no one who knew you would find it there. And that it made me sad because it would have been someone who knew you that reported me for posting things on your behalf. I said I wasn’t sure what to do at this point. Our brief time on f-b brought a lot of people to the blog so it would have been an efficacious way to spread the word that there were so many flaws with the trial. But I said we were working on a book so maybe that was the next step. 

Here’s another good one:

My new thesaurus is terrible. Not only that, but it's also terrible.


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January 14, 2021

You come up with some amazing jokes. Even it they are not original. The ones you choose are truly my kind of jokes!

Ok now on to other issues. I have sent you a rough draft of page 1 of my response for this civil litigation of a lawyer claiming to represent the interests of Hyrah and Skynnah for their abusive/evil money hungry grandmother from Madagascar. Who will now be well over 80 years old. I do not want her having any physical contact especially, if that cannot be supervised by me or my family.

Samira would relay a lot of her anger, and rage outbursts were related to what she experienced from her mother when she was a child and severely beaten, continuously belittled and abused. I will fight for the safety of my girls and as you will see, I can use it for a platform to prove the injustice of the legal system against me by using a court document to make them aware of it. 

Although nothing they can do will compensate or reverse all of the harm they have done to me and allowed evil and true criminals to gain from Samira's death and walk free. While I’ve sat in jail / prison now going on almost 7 years. 7 years when I was in the prime of my life and enjoying life with a beautiful wife and children that were healthy and happy and a lifestyle better than the rich and famous. I was truly blessed by God to know the value of true rewards of being faithful and giving. I also tried to always put God 1st and stay focused on the most important things in life including sharing it with the ones I loved. I enjoyed working hard and seeing the fruits of my labor, but I truly loved sharing it with others and to play even harder with all the wonderful things God put on this earth to enjoy. 

I realized once in a while you're going to take a hit. Living an active lifestyle will sometimes put you in the hospital with broken bones and a broken spirit. I always realized that it was a temporary setback and when I rebounded I would have a memory and one heck of a story to tell. Or learn not to do that again. lol.


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January 15, 2021

I am so sorry to read in detail the awful things that Samira suffered as a child that you laid out in your response. You told me about some of them and this is a reminder of how much she overcame to become the person she was.

Yes, that’s good that you can use it all to put forward the injustice of your own situation.

I’m pretty sure it’s Saturday but with the lockdown time has lost all meaning.

I found a website that has uploads of millions of documents, including legal ones. I signed up for a month to get everything related to your case and I found a lot of things: your letter to the Tallahassee Democrat, Samira’s autopsy report, the interference with child custody charge dated February 24, 2014, the murder indictment, the search warrant for the Nancee Dr. home, a 5-page investigative report, a 75-page investigative file. So I will read over those and let you know what I find. Also, I found the appeal filed by by your appellate lawyer, so I’ll read that, too,

It’s as hot as summer in here today and outside all the snow is melting. I feel sorry for the people who make a living in the winter renting out huts for the ice-fishermen. The lake is too slushy to go out on. And usually snowmobilers like to go across the lake, but not this year. At least not so far.

I have been pleasantly surprised by the way some people are still finding the Free Doc Frasch page on f-b. As I told you, I salvaged most of it and created a page that was a subsidiary to my own personal page. Because there are so many posts in it that include your name it comes up if anyone does a search for your name. So that’s good! It’s not quite the same but it will do for now. Because it’s a business page rather than a personal page I can’t send out friend requests so people would just basically have to find it. Someone commented, “you’re confused hun, her real killer is in prison.” OK, so she obviously didn’t take the time to actually read any of the posts. 

An interesting tid-bit. I watched a clip where Samira’s divorce lawyer tells the media he was scared of you, but he admitted that Samira wasn’t. But the print media is so selective about what they include in their stories and they just include the part where he says he was afraid of Adam Frasch. But it’s like anything, really. I learned that from reading history books. Unless a person goes back to the primary sources, all one is getting is someone’s interpretation and selective quoting.

Today at lunch the girls and I watched a lawyer show and in it a guy is falsely accused of something and then gets out and the state only gives him $15,000 for ten years in prison. His lawyer heroically gets them to up it to $100,000. The whole show seemed very unrealistic. 


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January 17, 2021

I was reading more from the investigative report and everything is consistent with what you’ve said. But I know why you don’t want to relive it all. A truly horrific experience. The thing that strikes me is how it was really a whole bunch of horrific experiences piled up on top of one another: the loss of Samira, the police interrogation, the loss of the children. All in one day. Just one of those things would have been enough to take down a strong man but you kept getting more and more piled on.

I’m reading Winston Churchill’s WW2 speeches right now. Churchill speaks candidly and tells the House that a week ago, he thought he would be announcing to the House of Commons the greatest military disaster in their long history. That he would have to tell them that the whole British Expeditionary Force north of the Amiens-Abbeville gap had either been scattered or had capitulated for lack of food and ammunition. 

And as if things weren’t bad enough, at that moment in the war, the King of Belgium surrendered to the Germans. He had called for British and French help. They had come and the Belgium army was what was guarding the British left flank and their only retreat to the sea. But without consulting the British, he surrendered and exposed their whole flank and jeopardized their only means of retreat. Also as a result, contact was lost between the British and two thirds of the First French Army. 

It’s a long speech and I’m reading the whole thing before I get to the “we’ll fight them on the beaches” part. 

At the same time, the British navy was rounding up every merchant seamen and vessel they could to get their troops off of the beaches. I don’t know how they managed to pull it off, except by Divine will. The weather was horrible. They were under a ceaseless barrage of artillery. And they had to navigate through mines. Not to mention torpedos. And they kept going for days and nights with no sleep to get everyone out of there. On top of all these other perils, the German airforce was attacking. The British airforce was doing what it could but it had the disadvantage of having to operate from their home bases which were significantly further away. (That reminds me, another of the movies I loved when I was younger was the Battle of Britain, 1969, Michael Caine, Ian McShane, Laurence Olivier, Christopher Plummer, Edward Fox, to name a few; also, did you ever see A Bridge Too Far, 1977, with Sean Connery, Ryan O’Neal, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, James Caan, again, to name just a few. Another great one.)

Anyway, somehow the British and the French managed to push the Germans back long enough to evacuate everyone from the beaches. And 335,000 British and Allies made it back to England. 

But, of course, evacuation isn’t a victory which is why he has to encourage them to keep fighting: “Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

Y’all down there came into the war and then the invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge and all that. And, of course, the whole Pacific campaign. I’ve seen Tora! Tora! Tora! Also John Wayne in Operation Pacific. It’s funny because I have seen most of (maybe all of) John Wayne’s war movies but not a single of his westerns! I’ve also seen him in The Quiet Man (set in Ireland) and Hatari, (where he plays a hunter and it’s set in Africa.) Also, Island in the Sky where his plane crashes with a crew somewhere in northern Canada. And The High and the Mighty, which is one of my favourites, where he’s a pilot of a commercial aircraft that is going to have make a crash landing. It ends with the funniest line in movie history. John Wayne is walking away whistling and one of the other officers mutters, “So long… you ancient pelican.”

It reminds me a bit of one of the funniest stage directions in a Shakespeare play, “Exit, pursued by a bear.” It comes from A Winter’s Tale. No one knows whether they used a real bear in Shakespeare’s day or just a man in a costume. Lol 

Except for my walk with F yesterday, I spent most of the day catching up on all the information about the whole insurance policy / Samira’s mom saga and up til now I hadn’t paid much attention to articles or y-t-b videos about that thread in your case, but now I see the full extent of what you’re go through with all of that. And I see it’s been going on for awhile. 


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January 18, 2021

I have been through so much and so many lies brought against me that I almost get numb to it all. Even though it hurts, the Jesus that lives in me knows hurt and betrayal way beyond that. 

The life insurance settlement was done way before the trial and my lawyers assured me it would not affect the criminal proceedings and that it would actually help because the life insurance company did not consider me a suspect and was willing to turn over evidence they had obtained that helped exonerate me. This was the phone call from Samira that I missed on the way to Panama City Beach that morning when she called on her iPhone. This is documented and was a key piece of evidence to exonerate me. I didn’t get the call the day she died since I was in an area with poor reception and she did not leave a message or text. Which was her usual routine. She would leave everyone else messages and text, but not me.

I am so sick and tired of ruthless unethical and downright criminal lawyers. They’ve already tried to sue me for wrongful death even before I was formally charged for Samira's death. I can assure you, the lawyers were the ones that gained from that and got most of the money. 



January 19, 2021

I had to be out for part of the day and sit in the medical waiting area forever to just sign forms for outside medical clinic. Santa Rosa Medical Group is who I'm seeing. Could you please look them up for me. I don't know if they will do the surgery 1st or just have a consultation visit. My bones are probably half fused now in the wrong position and with altered joint alignment to be permanently off with chronic arthritis. Like I said, a stray dog gets treated better than an inmate that is innocent and on appeal and a doctor himself.


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January 20, 2021

I was going to y-t-b this morning and almost typed into my seach “y-t-b.” Lol It was the same when I was texting your father about creating a business f-b page that seems to be working. When I’m sending regular emails I forget that I can spell it out. 

I’m watching both interviews with Mr. Christiansen and he is so sure of what he saw. And Lauren backs him up. Of course, as I learned, they ignored eyewitnesses in the Avery case, too. 

I’m going to try to be a little more original and not just say the same things over and over. My brain is a bit mushy these days from being at home even though I try to get out and breathe some fresh air everyday. 


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January 20, 2021

I wanted to tell you, yes, I love war movies and I like the newer ones now more than the old classics with John Wayne. WWII movies that are best are, of course, Saving Private Ryan, Schindlers List, The HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, Dunkirk, Tank movie?? with Brad Pitt, 

Now the best western is MY NAME IS NOBODY with Henry Fonda and Terence Hill. All of Clint Eastwood’s westerns especially The Outlaw Jose Wales. The Silver Bullet if you love horses, Dances With Wolves. Switch genres a little and Troy and Gladiator are great, Raging Bull and anything with Robert De Niro is great. We watched Brother Where Art Thou today, funny with George Clooney, kind of a Forrest Gump genre but way sillier and far fetched. Of course the classics like The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption and Robert Redford and all his movies especially, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Armistice and the Silence of the Lambs, love Anthony Hopkins.

I could go on and on…


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January 21, 2021

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening to you depending on when you get this. For me, it’s good afternoon. 

I saw Saving Private Ryan quite recently. I think I put it on for one of the kids who hadn’t seen it. I had seen it when it first came out. So true about Robert Redford. Anything with him is good, my favourite being Spy Game but I LOVE Butch Cassidy as well as The Sting. Yes, anything with Anthony Hopkins. I saw Silence of the Lambs ages ago. I’ve watched so many Anthony Hopkins movies over the years that I couldn’t even list them all. I loved him when he was young in the BBC’s War and Peace. He plays Pierre Bezhukhov and it’s a pleasure to watch. And more recently, I was watching him in Nixon but I didn’t have time to finish it before it automatically returned. (It was the online, digital library.) 

I love O Brother, Where Art Thou! Anything by the Coen brothers is wonderful even if some of their movies get violent and gritty. There’s always something meaningful / spiritual in each one. We have all of their movies. Hail Caesar has been the one we’ve watched about three times. If you haven’t seen it, you’ll love it. It also has George Clooney.  

I just watched the nearly 3-hour interview with Martha Moore. Nothing much to say about that except that it’s chilling how once the investigators decide a person is guilty, they manage to make every aspect of a person’s life look questionable. Honestly, one of the things I’ve started doing is looking around at my life and thinking what if they came in here with cameras? What if they talked to neighbours? Or people I’d talked to recently? How much of it would be twisted? ALL OF IT!  Because all of it can be twisted if someone wants to see things a certain way. It gives me chills how a person can be turned into a killer by the police and the media. 

I’m not one of those people who can smugly feel like it couldn’t happen to me. (Those are the people who post comments down below y-t-b videos. They watch one or two things and feel like they understand everything and then pass judgement.) I watch it and feel as if it all could happen to me. 

I loathe the sly, smug techniques the investigators have. They turn an interview into an interrogation. I hate the way they start off friendly, like we’re all just people here, they’ll talk about traffic and what route you took to get here and then it starts to shift to the point where you see where the real power is. The investigators have it and they move like a lion on its prey, looking for a weakness. There are no actual weaknesses in Martha’s story, but they act like it’s hugely suspicious that you would want to come over and fix her car. “On a weekend?” they ask incredulously. Well, sure, I’m thinking, of course it would be a weekend. Would you come over on a Tuesday, for example? Would that be more acceptable to them?

“That early in the morning?!” they ask, as if you calling Martha sometime after 8 AM is completely the type of behaviour you’d expect from the criminally-minded. Well, I’d like to turn it around on them and ask them what they were doing at 8 AM on Saturday. Oh, you were in the shower, Mr. Investigator. Must have been washing the blood of your hands. Lol I’m sure we could take his day and turn it into the MOST SUSPICIOUS DAY EVER. Except that he has the power so we don’t get to find out what he did. 


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January 24, 2021

I am sorry that I did not respond as many letters over the weekend as I would have liked to. It's not just my hand it's this stupid kiosk and the limited tablet access. My hand actually hurts worse holding and thumb tapping on the virtual keyboard on the tablet.

… at the time of Samira’s death, people I knew believed in the media and those closet to me knew Samira had been severely abusive and violent toward me. Therefore, I really think certain people were persuaded by the lawyers, and the way the world looks at the glass half empty, that I finally had enough of Samira or in self defense of some sort retaliated and was responsible in self defense or frustration. 

When Mr. Christiansen and his daughter Lauren's statements were finally turned over as discovery/evidence nearly a year after Samira died and gave me a definitive alibi, then and only then did these people come to believe that I had nothing to do with her death. 

Some people still blamed me in the sense that they said I shouldn’t have married Samira with her bipolar rages, but Samira never cheated on me and was just bipolar and crazy at times with her violent outburst and acts of rage. I myself was frustrated with her at times but forgiving like Jesus would be, especially when I found out she was abused as a child severely by her mother. We were even told by counsellors and her psychologist and I read up extensively on studies and research on people who experienced child abuse how they usually grow up to be abusers themselves and have issues with violence and criminal behavior and high incidence of everything from drug addiction to prostitution, pornography and everything in between.


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January 23, 2021

I’ve been listening to the interrogation you went through on the day Samira died, it’s awful of course, they’re horrible people. But here’s the important thing. Everything you said fits with the evidence. There’s no other narrative that makes sense but yours. Gardner’s story, cappleman’s story, they don’t fit with all the facts. So I’m scribbling down notes and putting it all together into something which, in the end, should make sense of all the evidence I’ve seen. There’s so much material to go through but in the end, I think we can be confident that we can show that only your version matches everything.

Watched a live hearing with Mentour Lawyer. While they all take a 5-minute break, Mentour Lawyer shows us his messy office and says he’s been working non-stop for days on this case. (As I said, he seems obsessed with your case, with getting justice for Samira, as he sees it. It’s really too bad that he’s fighting on the wrong side.) He’s had sanctions imposed on him, $6,000, which he’s been paying at the rate of $500 a month. He’s in some kind of a court case about that where he’s going to argue that those who imposed sanctions on him aren’t doing it for the best interest of the children but to protect their own liability. He’s “fighting to undo all the wrongs.” As I said, a Crusader, sadly on the wrong side of truth in this one. 

Pleasantly mysterious forces are at work. Yesterday I checked the weather because K was talking about buying J some food that he would specifically like and I wanted to know if any of the days in the near future will be pleasant for walking to Walmart. Temperatures all this week were around -10 during the day so I thought, sad, no walks for me. Except that today I opened the door to put a cat out and it was above zero. Weird. So we went out for a walk. Not to shop. We’ll do that tomorrow. This was just an unexpected bonus day. If it’s back to cold tomorrow, I told K we’ll get a drive. Exciting life planning.


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January 24, 2021

It’s still above zero here. If I had to guess I’d say God is showing great favour to our house where we live with a man who came into our room in the night and turned off our heater. C was just coming to bed because she had been on her computer and I said, “What was that all about?” She told me that the power had kept going off and he blamed the heater. The tiny little heater that barely heats a single room. 

I blame that he’s fiddled around with the power in order to connect it to his solar panels and he’s constantly switching the two systems back and forth. He’s an electrician, for crying out loud, but sometimes I feel like I should actually call an electrician to do something about our power outages. The electrician would probably just throw his hands in the air at the sight of all the electrical stuff on the wall of the laundry room and say, “What is this madness?” Then he’d probably legally have to report it all to someone. lol 

If global warming hits us hard we’ll know who to blame. It will have been the way God kept us from freezing because S thinks his private grid is being brought down by a singular heater. 

There is a heater he switches on in the house, but only when he has excess solar. (His batteries don’t store much.) The thing is, when he has excess, that’s always in the middle of the day when the sun is shining and so it’s naturally heating up the house anyway. We’ve seen him switch the heater on when we’re all in t-shirts and bare feet because it’s so warm in our white, aluminum-siding house which attracts heat on sunny days. But that’s when he switches on the heater. I wouldn’t even dream of sharing with him my thoughts on the subject which are, let’s run some heaters at night when it’s dark, cold and the hydro rates are LOW. He runs on a different logic system to mine.


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January 25, 2021

Good afternoon up there in snow country, 

I am so glad it is Monday morning and I am going to receive JPay letters from you after 9 AM.

I look forward to your letters and calls to my girls. I asked Skynnah what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said "a spy". I said wow who are you going to spy on, she said all the bad people in the world. td lol.


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January 26, 2021

Just got your letter. Skynnah’s adorable wanting to be a spy. I did, too, when I was young. It was because I read Harriet the Spy. And then later I read about Mata Hari. Harriet the Spy, I can definitely recommend to Skynnah but I can’t recommend Mata Hari. One of her ways of getting information was to sleep with German officers. Lol 


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January 27, 2021

… I know georgia cappleman didn’t think Samira was a poor little victimized immigrant housewife that was abused, like the way she presented it to the jury. georgia cappleman knew that Samira was arrested for domestic violence against me in September of 2013 in Tallahassee because she dropped all her charges completely for domestic violence with aggravated assault with great bodily harm on me and did not require anger management classes, no counselling, nothing. 

The only thing she did not get lifted was the restraining order that did not allow Samira to be within 500 feet of me or any of my properties. She was given back full visitation rights while I had custody, because I was the victim and the children were present at every incidence when she went into rage and extreme violent outbursts. I was never arrested, ever accused of anything domestic against her. georgia cappleman is hiding behind these lies because early on, even if she thought I had killed Samira, she would have been responsible for allowing it to happen by me finally retaliating in self defense against the aggressive, domestically-violent wife that they dropped charges on and did not protect me or the children from a dangerous person/psychologically bi polar harmful individual off her meds etc. 

I think that was her original fear and that when the truth come out there would be backlash. When she found out that was not what happened and I was actually innocent and all of the evidence was showing that, it was too late. She was going to lose and be held accountable either way. Her best bet was to keep me in jail and build a case against me fraudulently and frame me for Samira’s death. cappleman knew from the start that the Christiansen's account of what they saw that day exonerated me with an alibi. That is why she withheld that evidence for nearly a year. It would have also exonerated me on the interference with child custody charge they were falsely holding me on. Because it meant Samira was alive when I took the children and had allowed me to take them. I have grounds to have her disbarred and to expose all of this.


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January 28, 2021

Got out yesterday to buy cat food and cat litter. S thinks we go out too much. He really likes this lockdown. He loves not spending money on gas for the car and other luxuries, as he sees them. I think he misunderstands the expression, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” From his perspective, not spending money generates revenue. 


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