Thursday, May 26, 2022


August 17, 2020

Hello Dr. Frasch!

Thank you for your kindness! I received your father's letter today with the $25. I'm glad to be able to take this opportunity to thank you personally.

I understand from Tiger that you're interested in a blog like the one I created for him? If so, I'd be happy to post any words you'd like to share. A blog is easy to set up and if you have anything you wanted to say, I could copy your words straight to it.

A bit about myself. I'm 50. I've been writing to prisoners for about five years now. Made some good friends. I used the St. Michael penpal ministry online and one of the first people I wrote to passed my address onto Tiger when he got out. I like to write fiction in my spare time but most of my life is taken up with my mostly-grown kids—four of them. We live with their father but we're in the process of separating. 

At college I majored in Theology and minored in English. When I'm not writing fiction I love to read—fiction and non-fiction. That’s why I'm happy to help anyone who wants me to post their life story online. I would make a lousy editor or ghost writer, though. Fiction has always been an escape for me—I love to start a story and see where it goes. When it comes to real-life people, though, I'd rather get to know them for who they are and not to try force my viewpoint or my style on them. Like I said to Tiger, he's got a real strong voice of his own when he writes. I wouldn't want to change that in any way. 

Anyway, that's about it for me. I grew up in Toronto but now I live in a small town about an hour north of the city. My kids keep me busy offline but I'm always happy to exchange emails with anyone.

God bless!


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August 18, 2020

Hi Jennifer, I'm glad to hear you finally received the money from my father. We were worried that it was taken/lost in the mail. There are also continuous delays here in the US with our USPS postal service.

I'm glad to finally meet you and correspond. Wow! I did not know you have an undergraduate background in Theology and English. I took some classes in Religion, Twentieth Century Theatre, Classic Literature, Culture and Communication and even some Psychology courses. I mainly had a core science curriculum being pre med. I wanted to get a well rounded education and I enjoyed the Arts and Literature. So, ultimately I went for a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science degrees with triple majors in Chemistry, Biology and Math, with minors in Theatre and Theology. We have something in common.

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me with a blog site and moral support. I have been through one of the worst travesties a man could ever face. I am trying to stay focused on proving my innocence, and being not only exonerated, but getting "True Justice" and avenging my beloved wife Samira DS's death. I hurt so bad sometimes, that I have to pray to God continuously to give me patience, strength, sanity and forgiveness to get through this tragedy. If it were not for my devout and ever enduring Faith and belief in God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I would not have been able to endure all of this evil.

I as yourself have been on God's beautiful earth for over half a century. Ouch! that reference makes me feel old at just a Mere 53. Good rhyme, maybe I should have been a poet and didn't know it. There I go again. lol

I love Toronto, I have been there while visiting Niagara Falls, Canadian side. Once we spent a lot of time there with a film crew filming a high end baby clothing line and baby/infant accessory line that my wife was designing and launching on an online store. We had a wonderful time in Toronto and almost got arrested going up in the CN Tower with a film crew without permission. I did not realize that Canadian mounties got their panties in such a bunch over a baby being filmed in a public place. lol And it's only the 3rd tallest tower in the world. lol Samira was ready to tear their heads off and went into one of her bipolar rage tantrums on them. With a little sweet talking, apologizing for my ignorance, and our film producer flashing his international press pass and credentials they calmed down and allowed us full filming except for trademarked Canadian and/or anything with CN Tower on it. Besides this little incident, we all enjoyed Toronto immensely. I was impressed with the cultural diversity and an extremely clean city. Great transportation system with nice wide roads. The people and workers were all very polite and extremely professional as in Paris, France. As a mixed couple we never felt uncomfortable or looked at with prejudiced eyes.

I'm sorry if this email is a little lengthy, but in prison we have a lot of free time and at 39¢ an email for 6000 characters I try and make full use of each and every letter. I was never a big texting or email person and very rarely wrote letters. Except romantic letter when I was in love and there was a distance between my lovers and me. Maybe that's why we stayed in love when there was distance. Lol Col I know I have a strange sense of humor. I guess that’s why I'm a Doctor and not a Comedian. I will leave on that light note. I hope to stay in touch and hear back from you soon.

Your new friend, God bless, Adam M Frasch DPM aka “Doc”

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August 18, 2020

Hi Doc!

I love that you've been to Toronto! I loved growing up there. Queen Street with its second-hand bookstores and cool fashion. The Eaton Centre for shopping. Yonge and Bathurst to meet my closest friend for lunch at a pub. We left the CN Tower to the tourists. lol But I did go up it a few times with visitors to the city. Great view.

You’re right about the multicultural aspect. I had no idea what it was like elsewhere. When I was in Texas, I made the mistake of going to a shopping mall with a black friend and he and I had a near-disastrous encounter with a pickup truck full of rednecks in the parking lot. They let us know what they were going to do to us although by the grace of God, we made it into the mall entrance in time. 

But I had four wonderful years in Texas. I went to school there. (The Theology/English degree.) You have an impressive litany of degrees! Lovely! I’m guessing you like to read? Right now, I’m reading some Nero Wolfe novels. They’re a lot of fun and I’m working on a mystery novel myself so they inspire me. 

You have been through a horrific experience. I didn’t know much about the American legal system until Tiger started writing to me. That is to say, I’ve written to people in prison, but we didn’t talk about their cases.

You have a wonderful style of writing. I read questions 14-21 of the interview you sent me and your story flows so well. (Things are pretty slow with the prison email system so if you sent other things, they’ll probably come in a day or two.) I’m glad to have read it. It’s so clear that you loved your wife. I’ve been reading a bit more about the American justice system and I’m shocked by the number of people who are wrongfully incarcerated. I grew up reading Perry Mason and had the naive sense that in the end, everyone wants to dig deep and put the right man in prison. But it seems more like the goal is to just get a man in prison and if there’s enough circumstantial evidence, that’s good enough. 

I’d be happy to put together a blog for you. You can just tell me what you want me to post and I will. I can’t promise that it would be anything more than a place to vent and to share. I mean, it’s a blog, not the front of the New York Times. But something in your own words would certainly be a worthy project. You have a strong story to tell. (I’m guessing you’ve told your story quite a bit already. But, of course, that was with other people who had their own agenda and their own profits to think of. The nice thing about a blog is that it’s entirely your own voice, no editing anything out by producers, no spin by people just wanting to sell the story.)

I’d love to hear more about your travels. Paris sounds incredible. I’ve never been. But I have been to England, Scotland, Wales, Israel and Jordan. All awesome. And, of course, many of the States. Florida, of course. Family vacations to Florida too numerous to bother adding up. Daytona Beach (with my mom in the autumn, not for spring break—ha ha!), St. Petersburg, St. Augustine, and of course, Orlando and all the attractions.

Anyway, that’s about it for now. Look forward to hearing from you. It’s lovely to have a new friend!



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August 21, 2020

Hi Jennifer, yes we enjoyed Toronto immensely, we enjoyed the square downtown next to the Planet Hollywood. I don't remember the name?? (May have been Eaton Square)…

You have had an interesting life. I'm sorry to hear that you are currently separated. I am no expert at marriage that is a fact. As a Christian I don't even believe in divorce, and I was divorced twice. Moses allowed for divorce, but neither God nor Christ condoned or encouraged divorce. Although for happiness and to avoid misery it is sometimes the only alternative. Question?? Do you know why divorce is so expensive?? Answer: Because it's worth it. lol:-) :-) Wow. 4 years in Texas would be interesting for a young Canadian college student, just the weather alone would be a shock, along with the culture and racist environment of the South. Samira and I had a lot of issues in the South being a mixed couple. Once Barack Obama became President, it eased up a lot and all of the sudden we became the popular and politically correct couple. Go figure!! Do you have that Kool Canadian accent. Do you say Hoser and A a lot? lol

… all I have, like most people now with this pandemic, is a lot of free time, an e-tablet and "New Friend". I enjoyed your correspondence/letter you actually wrote more than a few sentences like most people who email me. It not only costs more in emails but the back and forth and waiting for short responses to my long letters and questions is more than frustrating it is AAAAARRRRRGGGGG!! as Charlie Brown used to say when interacting with his frustrating and sometimes stubborn, and what he thought at times, ignorant friends and crazy beagle Snoopy. I love the Peanuts cartoon, especially Snoopy and his side-kick little ol' Woodstock.

Back to you, what University did you get your Bachelor's degree from? You are a lot more of the "World traveler" than most people. I have to be honest before jail/prison I did not have a lot of free time, nor did I appreciate a good book/novel. I read a lot of journals (medical related) and short magazine articles. I will have to look into the Nero Wolfe series, you have me intrigued. It will give me a break from Tiger and I talking and working on our cases. 

Take care and God bless,


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August 21, 2020

Hi Doc!

Nathan Philips Square. The one in Toronto. That’s my guess, anyway. When I lived there I never did find out who Nathan Philips was and I’m too lazy at the moment to Google it. :)

… My accent is pretty neutral. Kind of like when you watch a newscaster on TV. To be honest, when I was at Ambassador College, I could relate better to Americans from cities than I could to Canadians from rural areas. Still, we Canadians hung together in terms of national solidarity—if only to laugh our heads off when the college would shut down after a powdered sprinkling of snow. Then we would all sit around and tell stories of how if we were back home, the snow would have to be up to our eyeballs before anything got cancelled.

Yes, I think you’ll like Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe. His assistant, Archie Goodwin, is the one who really steals the show. They’re all told from his perspective…



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August 23, 2020

Hi Doc!

… I am so sorry to hear that your mother is in the hospital. It must be doubly hard knowing you would be able to help her if you were there. My mother lives with my brothers and she's pretty fragile. They've basically barricaded themselves inside because Toronto is a coronavirus epicentre here in Canada and they know it would probably be the end of her if she got it. Anyway, I'm glad my brothers are with her…


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August 23, 2020

… I am a cat lover also, and have owned many different breeds although the last 5 cats I owned were all Bengals. They are a cross between a serval leopard and a domestic cat. They have the rosette coat pattern like little leopards. The breeder I bought most of mine from is from Homassa Springs area of Florida and has a kool web site. I've owned about every breed of dog there is. The good thing about dogs they are more loyal than humans, because they have to be. lol. No really, they don't ever let you down, a dog is truly a loyal friend whom will die for you and cheer you up by their never ending love. I'm about to tear up. I miss my pets.


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August 23, 2020

… I went to Blogspot and created an account for you. Once we post something, it will be online at At the top it reads, Free Doctor Adam Frasch. You even have an email that goes along with it which is


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August 24, 2020

Hi Doc!

… What an interesting life your wife had as a model! Though I know it’s not always glamorous and requires a lot of hours of hard work. It’s obvious from the interview that you were each other’s soulmates and that you were meant for each other. I can’t even imagine how hard it is to go through what you’re going through. From Tiger, I learned that it was a high profile trial. The stress must have been horrific. Tiger asked me to look up your case online. I get the impression that it was highly-sensationalized. I think the role of the media should be to act as a free press that safeguards democracy and reports to the world when corporations, or any other entities, are doing things to threaten our life and well-being. But when it comes to celebrity things, I’m wary. Unless it’s an interview straight out of the person’s mouth, I’m not really interested. (And even then, I suppose, there’s room for manipulation by cutting things out and not running the whole interview.) I can’t remember what magazine it was in, probably Hello, where it showed Russell Crowe out for a jog and then stopping for a taco. I personally wouldn’t want to be photographed eating a taco… 


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August 24, 2020

Good morning Jennifer,

I hope you get this letter in a timely manner. My other emails are getting error messages and yesterday JPay conveniently sent the same email 12 times to you and my friend Stephen. I wonder did you get a mass email of 12 duplicates?…

I appreciate you setting up the blog site…

I appreciate your letters also. Your friendship and moral support has been the wind beneath my wings lately.

Stay healthy and happy. God bless, 


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August 25, 2020

I liked what you said in a previous email about being prayed up. It’s really good advice. My only time slot for uninterrupted prayer is 6 AM, so that’s when I’ve been getting up. It’s peaceful. The only one up is the cat. (Of course, Butter thinks I’ve gotten up to feed her and won’t give me any peace until I do! In fact, sometimes she anticipates my alarm and comes in meowing at me at 5:30 or 5:45 to let me know that I’ll be getting up soon!)…


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August 26, 2020

Hi Jennifer,

Good early morning Jennifer, can't sleep so I was reading my emails and I love your letters and wish I had more battery life on this stupid cheap tablet to respond more efficiently.

… Yes, I do love motorcycles from childhood I've always ridden and at times raced, especially dirt bikes. I owned 37 motorcycles and 100+ cars not including my other toys e.g. 4 wheelers, shifter racing go carts, speed boats/mini yachts and almost anything that is cool and has wheels and/or a motor attached. My last venture was getting my rotary wing (helicopter) pilot’s license completed. I had all of my flying hours, passed the med/physical and written exams. Only thing left was solo hours and flight performance/safety qualification to be completed. I never received my fixed wing pilot’s licence even though I've logged hundreds of hours in my friend’s planes especially those with dual controls. I love flying, but I hate all the meticulous prep, upkeep, planning, paperwork, high cost and other logistics with owning and piloting a plane. So having several friends with nice planes and taking over controls, was enough for me. A lot of them would fly Samira DS and I and sometimes the children anywhere within continental US as long as I just payed for fuel and short term terminal/hanger fees to where we were flying. Most needed the logged flight time to get their hours in to keep their pilot’s licence up. I know these material things seem narcissistic and grandiose. Believe me that I truly had my collection as a personal hobby, and love cars, motorcycles, and like I said, most anything with an engine attached to it.

I never ever forget that God blessed me with any and all these worldly possessions, and if I continue to be a good steward he will continue to bless me. He also taught me in his divinity that he could bless me with so many of the "Things of My Heart’s Desire" that they became a burden. 

When I get out I'm going to finish my last project, get my rotary wing licence and purchase a small to medium size helicopter. You can see the world above, get to places in less time and virtually land anywhere. Seeing God's creation’s and man's from the world above at relatively low speed is AWESOME!!!! Next to my scuba diving certification and underwater adventures of God's beautiful underwater creations, flying is at the top of my list of my accomplishments and true joys. I loved the thrill and beauty of sky diving, but after a near fatal accident and being in an electric wheelchair for 9 months and multiple orthopaedic surgeries, I gave that hobby up before it started/nearly ended me. lol col…


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August 26, 2020

Hi Doc!

I would have liked to have learned to fly when I was younger. The college I went to even had an airstrip, although it was unused at the time I was there. But if they had offered flight instructions, I would have taken them.

I was re-reading the whole interview you sent me and I don’t know how I overlooked this the first time but I see that you’ve played golf and tennis. Me too. Of course, nothing like you. I took Golf for my PhysEd at college and loved it! I really wished I could have continued with it but a Golf and Country Club membership was no option once I got home from college. And tennis… I took my first tennis lesson when I was 11. (The year Charles and Diana got married. I remember getting up super early to watch the wedding and then going to my tennis practise afterwards.) Loved it. Practised whenever I could. And then took it up again at college, again for my PhysEd. Funny story, our tennis class was taught by an ex pro football player. Not sure why. He had one of those championship football rings. But he was so adorable to watch. Light on his feet despite his mammoth bulk. I think how he trained us was hugely influenced by football practise drills.

I see you went quite far in basketball. Cool! I enjoyed basketball in high school but I was much better at softball.  I was on a ladies softball team in my late teens. We had a great coach. He got it into his head that I would be the pitcher and I was, like, that’s just not me. I’m the kind of player you put out in right field. But his instincts were right and I was actually good at it. 

I was less successful in volleyball. I didn’t mind playing it but I wasn’t brilliant. In fact, one time, I hit the ball right over our heads and into a second-story spectator balcony behind us. It was a church teen team and it could get really competitive. All the churches all over Ontario would meet for a tournament and it was a matter of pride for the guys from Toronto to utterly crush everybody else. The teams were mixed so they only wanted their strongest female players. They sent their best player, a muscular black guy who could charm pretty much any girl he wanted to, to sit me down and explain why it was for the good of the team that I stay on the bench. I nodded sombrely but was secretly relieved that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to bump the ball up into the second-story bleachers again.

So you say you have some grey hairs? (We spell ‘gray’ the British way. Although you Americans are having an effect on us. Sometimes we actually spell doughnuts, donuts. Not always. But sometimes.)


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August 27, 2020

[My ex was threatening to cancel the internet at this time to save on money.]

… his survival strategy for this pandemic completely perplexes me. Our whole lives are on the internet, including the government website where he can fill out further forms to see if he qualifies for government assistance. There’s a reason why someone came up with the expression, he’d cut off his nose to spite his face. And, he’s sawing off the branch he’s sitting on.

I’m rereading your email. What a wild and wonderful combination of ethniticities you are! I especially like the unusual meld of German and Cherokee! As you must have noticed, I too, have a German last name. The ex’s father was from Darmstadt, Germany. My younger daughter is considering learning German and she asked me if I knew any. “Eins, zwei, Polizei,” was my reply. One, two, police. Do you remember that dance song that was popular in the early 90’s? Anyway, I think she has more ambition than me. 

Languages aren’t my strength. I know some French from high school. (Standard Canadian curriculum since we are, in theory only, bilingual.) And at one point I started to learn Italian. But the only thing that seems to stick with me is “dove la stazione?” And I don’t know how many stations I’ll need to ask my way to. 

… I worked for a marketing company before I went to college but that’s a long time ago. And we’re not in Toronto so the jobs up here are basically Walmart, fast food and taxi services. Not the greatest selection. Not that I want to go back to Toronto. The kids and I have had long talks about our future and one thing we all agree on is staying here. (Though not here in this house.) The town is right on a lake. We like our church. There’s a lot of nature nearby. Clean air and all that.

Sorry to hear about Tiger’s snoring. Close quarters and all. Can’t be fun.


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August 28, 2020

Hi Doc!

… Yes, there are a lot of Jennifers out there. I was always Jennifer A in school because there was never just one of us in a class. 

… Yes, this pandemic is having an effect on people’s mental health, myself included. But like you, I prefer to see the glass half full. And I’ve tried to see all problems in my life as something that God is working through for my good and the good of the kids. 

Since we’re poor now thanks to the pandemic, I’ve been making more dhals lately. I am not going to insult a world traveller like yourself by telling you what a dhal is. Today, I’m doing a Pakistani dhal that uses split chickpeas instead of lentils. I would love to travel to Pakistan for the food! (And to see Mohenjo Daro, the ancient Indus Valley city as old as Abraham.)

OK, about the blog. If you want to use the interview to tell your story, I think it would really work. I read through it again and made some minor corrections. Just added the occasional word when needed, like “to” or “the.” Elsa’s sister in Frozen is Anna. Corrected the spelling, seperated to separated, step son to stepson, that sort of thing. 


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August 29, 2020

Good morning to you Jennifer A,

I agree with you, and your plan for the blog site and your content recommendations. We may want to add to or change the order as needed and tweak it here and there… 


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August 31, 2020

… It think it is a wonderful sacrifice you have made to forgo your career, and I'm sure many other individual life dreams and opportunities, to homeschool your children. I hope S and your kids know this, and tell you regularly how much they appreciate you, and how much they love you. 

That is one thing I am so glad I never forgot to tell Samira every day and sometimes multiple times a day. Even on some days when we were not getting along and I did not like the way she acted or hated some of the things she said. I always told her I was sorry and I loved her. I even told her regularly, and now I realize not enough, why I loved her. I tried to constantly compliment and encourage her. She always smiled and said in her cute, feminine and sexy voice, "Merci' " and if I said another she would raise her eyebrows, straighten up, whip her hair to the side and say in perfect "Gone With the Wind" Proper Old High Southern American English, "Why thank you, my dear sir.”

The main reason I have not written a book on my life on this corrupt travesty is that I have been literally fighting for my life. If not fighting off these evil vultures and parasites of society/the average prisoner, I have been spending thousands of hours studying the law to help fight my case. 


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August 31,  2020

Hi Doc! 

I was reading a bit about your case for the blog and it would be highly relevant to combine your story with the terrifying reality that anyone at any time in America could be incarcerated based on circumstantial evidence. I confess, today I did read one article about your case from the Tallahassee Democrat (January 26, 2017) This statement shocked me:

The speedy verdict in the ‘unruly’ case surprised Assistant State Attorney Georgia Cappleman.

“I felt like I had some obstacles to overcome,” she said of the conflicting testimony and imperfect medical findings during the trial.

“The defense definitely had some good, what I call, 'red herrings' to work with. That does make a challenge for the prosecution,” she continued. “It was a hard-fought, long-anticipated verdict.”

What really bothered me was that she knew it shouldn’t have been that easy. 

And I found two things bewildering. There was no murder weapon produced by the prosecution. And there was someone who said that he thought he had seen Samira outside after you had left. How did this trial go so wrong? No wonder you’re upset with your lawyers for not defending you! The alarming part to me is, if every couple in North America was put under scrutiny like you two were and a man is arrested more on whimsy than on actual evidence, then we’re all in danger of incarceration if our spouse should have the misfortune of dying. 

Here’s a lawyer joke for you:

How many lawyer jokes are there?

Only three. The rest are true stories.


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