Thursday, May 26, 2022


April 1, 2021

I am back on the kiosk. Those epic movies in HD, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, have drained my tablet’s battery. fcol

I have been a little stressed yesterday because of my junky cellmate. I had a case of your favorite ramen noodles, that is chicken flavor. I don't eat them unless I am really hungry and have a salt craving. I have had so many of them in prison and the county jails I really could care less to see one the rest of my life. I use them for an occasional bed time snack to put me to sleep. Anyway if I can't trust my bunky when I go to recreation or to a call out like the law library then I have major stress and issues. He would throw his own mother under the bus to get high and is constantly stealing soup from me to trade with.

In here it is a never ending battle and the other junkies and especially the drug dealers are not going to care if their customer is a thief, so even here they make money and gain from my misfortune.

For most people, it’s about the money. Like in The Hobbit it became about the money…


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April 2, 2021

Yes, The dragon’s love of gold. And then it almost destroyed Thorin, too. Except that he realized he was drowning in it and could see that the only thing that is truly noble in life is to fight for a just cause. Yes, you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m more of the Hobbit. And, like Bilbo, sometimes I need to get away from the armchair and the books and have a real adventure.


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April 4, 2021

Happy Easter! It’s 5:15 am here, I’m sipping some coffee and I have to admit, I had an Easter chocolate along with it. Our baskets weren’t too full this year but it was enough to create a festive sense. I’ve been up for 45 minutes now because I wanted to get in the bathroom first and get the coffee going. We have to be out the door by 6:30 to make it up to the church for 7:30. And that means that the bottleneck is always the bathroom. K just got up and then at 5:30 one of us will wake up C. F needs way less time to get ready so he’ll get woken at 6. J is already up. 

Some Easter humor:

Why was the Easter bunny wearing a hat? Because he was having a bad hare day.

What is the Easter bunny’s favorite kind of music? Hip hop.

Why did the Easter bunny cross the road? Because the chicken had his eggs!

What kind of stories does the Easter Bunny like best? The ones with hoppy endings.

What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards? A receding hare-line.

What does the Easter bunny get for making a basket? Two points, just like everyone else!


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April 5, 2021

J and I got back from a walk to the grocery store because they were selling eggs in packs of 30 for $5 which was too good to ignore and when we got back, we had scrambled eggs for dinner. Then J and I watched Manhattan Murder Mystery, a Woody Allen movie from 1993 that I laughed my way through back then and it’s still funny. I have Netflix for a month. I realized I could do that when I watched Making a Murderer—just sign up for a month and watch everything I want to. It’s only $9.99. The crazy thing is, though, I had a list of movies that were supposed to be on Netflix but when I actually reactivated my account, they weren’t there. Maybe they’re on the American Netflix but not the Canadian one. They’re slightly different… 

I hope it’s been a good day for you, productive and all. I know the whole place could go into lockdown, particularly with the Chauvin trial going on. 

Who Killed Samira DS Frasch had another message from the guy who sent me a photo of a p-nis. To his credit, he respected my wish not to have any more p-nis photos sent to me. But he did want me to spread the word that he has some kind of a cream that can add 7”s to someone’s d-ck. I told this person that the page was about exposing a killer and getting justice and that I wasn’t the person to be spreading the word about his product.  

The Ontario Premier has issued a stay-at-home order for the province for 4 weeks. We can only leave the house for essentials and exercise. They’re hoping to have 40% of Ontarians vaccinated by the end of it. 

Hey, you’re going to love this… I found a photo of you online in a yearbook. It was a 1990 Pacemaker and you’re in the D.P.M. Class of 1992.


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April 10, 2021

Saturday morning. Not much going on around here although I imagine there are things going on somewhere in the world today. Prince Philip died yesterday but one can’t feel too bad about a man dying at the age of 99, except that I do feel sorry for the Queen since it must feel awful for her to lose him.


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April 11, 2021

OK, here in southern Ontario, we get about 2 weeks of Spring. Well, we’ve had our 2 weeks of Spring and now it feels like Summer and whereas 2 weeks ago, we had the heater running at night, we are now running fans. That doesn’t mean that we can’t wake up to snow. It happens as late as May. But, for the most part, we’re sweating it out. Is Nebraska like that? Anyway, time to put away the winter boots and get out the sandals. 


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April 12, 2021

It’s Sunday afternoon, after lunch. Hotdogs. I have a feeling we eat very similar meals…

I’ve made a couple of new friends on f-b just by promoting our pages, people who are sincere. Obviously I’ve jettisoned anyone who is just looking for someone to “send me pics. Plsssss!”  Lol 


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April 13, 2021

I just watched what was possibly the most powerful religious scene in all of American television. House of Cards. Frank Underwood, the President, is getting some spiritual advice from his bishop. But he doesn’t like the bishop telling him that people are supposed to love God and love one another and that’s what it comes down to. He asks to be left alone to pray. Then he goes right up to the crucifix and looks up at the dying Jesus and says something like, “Love. I’m not buying it.” Then he spits in his face. Then he hesitates and pulls out a handkerchief to wipe off the spit. But as he does so, the crucifix slips and shatters on the ground. 

It caused a Christian uproar apparently. I looked it up online. I wanted to read more about the scene. I was AMAZED that Christians were OPPOSED to this scene! Christians should be rejoicing at the boldness of the show because it depicted perfectly the milieu surrounding Jesus at the time of his death—all the politics that led up to it, the people jockeying for power. And why is it so shocking that this character should spit on a statue when the actual Jesus got spit on over and over? People online were talking about respecting religious symbols. Fcol What about that fact that it was a depiction of what happened to the REAL man? One astute person did point out, though, that by the statue shattering, Frank Underwood couldn’t atone for it by wiping the spit away. 


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April 14, 2021

There is no reason to be terribly enthused about this day—it’s grey again, we grimly endure the lockdown, I can talk to the kids but I can’t talk to S about anything, even the most mundane things, without it turning into some kind of disagreement…

S is always barking at F, “You’re never going to find a woman like your mother.” He wants all his children to face the cold, hard facts of life. Lol Anyway, of course, F is 17 now and is capable of making his own meals and doing things for himself, but it’s true that of all my children, he’s the one who I’m most likely to have to hang his coat up for him because he’s left it in some odd place.

An old college friend on f-b recommended a free online Western Philosophy class. I’m going to check it out this evening after dinner. It looks good: Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Bacon, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, C.S. Lewis. I’ll let you know the interesting parts….

Update… J volunteered to do pancakes for dinner so I was able to do the Introduction to Philosophy before and not after dinner. Here is what I learned:


Things that don’t decay are perfect. Therefore, since thoughts are immaterial, they can be perfect. Also, God is thought, said Aristotle. 

My own thoughts on it all so far: Justice is also a form of perfection and we are instinctive in our pursuit of it. From a young age we are acutely aware of the idea of things being fair. We see it with kids. Instinctively, they come to their parents to be the judge in all the matters of their life. And if their parent doesn’t give them justice, they’ll take matters into their own hands. If the parent just says, “Oh, why can’t you all just get along…” the injured party will then turn around (and when the parent is not looking) slap their sibling who wasn’t punished. 


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April 15, 2021

I am on the kiosk waiting for my tablet to charge at the new prison. If you did not get my last letter, I am now at Wakulla C.I. It is allegedly a “faith-based facility.” I use that term “allegedly” after what I have been through, and as you have learned from my case, never believe anything you read or hear someone say because it may not be true.

So far I have yet to meet anyone that I feel is faith-based in anything they do here. From the officers and administration, all the way down to the inmates. I started a letter to you letting you know that we were on this old chain-gang type prison bus like you see in the movies with no air-conditioning and an open urinal at the back of the bus where I was unfortunately sitting. So you can imagine the smell. 

I was just feeling a bit better after the corona vaccine. I had had all of the side effect symptoms. Then I felt my sinuses acting up on the way to the new prison with all of the pine pollen and rancid urine odors. Then I really started feeling bad after the exertion of 200+ pounds to carry over 2 miles on this compound with a brace on my hand and wrist and these foul-mouthed officers saying if we couldn’t carry it we had to lose it. I could not let 7+ years of legal work be lost and, boy, was it heavy. And then we were given another new laundry bag with new prison uniforms, towels and cheap rubber crocs weighing another 20 pounds. 

It was like carrying a human my same size in 90 degree humid heat with no clouds. I felt all of those 53 years and realized this sedentary life during this pandemic has resulted in being majorly out of shape. Good thing I have been walking the track at the recreation yard once a week for 5-10 miles for a couple of months and also a mile or so a day in the dorm. I kept going and made it, but I was dehydrated and feeling it today. 

You get no sympathy from the guards. Some guys almost had heat stroke and a couple fell out with only one laundry bag full of stuff. And I had 4. So, I am not impressed so far with this “faith based” prison. I’m surprised they didn’t make me carry a cross and whip us in the process. TD This camp must be led by Sadducees and Pharisees. Fcol Apart form that, it’s the largest prison I have seen and may be the largest in the State of Florida, for all I know. I was so worn out and sore and with the sinus infection that I was unable to get to the kiosk until now.

This prison is a lot older and the dorm I am in now has no AC and is the old sliding-door type of 2 man cells. My cellmate’s name is Mike and so far he’s OK. The sinus infection is causing me to lose my voice…


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April 16, 2021

I didn’t get your last letter because this is the first I’m hearing about the move. I was thinking you might be in a lockdown or God forbid, solitary. But I am relieved to hear that is not the case, although it has definitely been a rough few days for you! Oh dear. 

You made me laugh out loud when you said this faith-based institution must be run by Sadducees and Pharisees. It sounds awful what they put you through in terms of having to carry your own weight upon arrival. 

I looked it up online. I see the sign outside says “A faith based Character Based Facility: We Never Walk Alone.” I thought that sounded Christian until I read down below all of the different Chaplaincy Services which included Christian things but also Odinist study (following the Norse god Odin) and even Wicca Tarot readings. Anyway, I’ll change the address at the blog to this new one. 


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April 17, 2021

I was reading about faith-based correctional institutes this afternoon and I learned that there are a lot of them in the US.19 states have them, along with the federal ones. They’re supposed to be geared towards people not reoffending when they get out. Ones that are exclusively Christian are vulnerable to constitutional challenges, according to the article I’m reading. But Florida’s institutes aren’t because they have more interfaith programs and focus on building character rather than promoting religious content. 

But according to this article, it’s been hard to measure their effectiveness in anything other than a word-of-mouth kind of way. Although one thing I read said it reduces the recidivism rate by 40% whereas other institutes are only 8%.

Now I’m looking at a picture of the chapel at Wakulla during an Episcopal service. In Florida there are three faith-based prisons and seven other institutes that have faith and character based dorms. It says that the longterm goal of the program is re-entry into society. If it’s all about preparing inmates to make better choices once they get back out, how did you end up there since you’ve been given life with no parole? I see from an article in the Tallahassee Democrat that it’s a whole faith and character program that even has a graduation. Anyway, I hope that’s a good sign that something has shifted for the positive with your situation.  

Big event today. (I’m being slightly silly.) K noticed in a grocery flyer that potatoes were $1.74 for a 10 lb. bag so I told S and he, K and I drove to the grocery store where he stayed in the car and I went inside and tossed 6 bags of potatoes in the cart, plus a box of tea and practically dashed back out after stopping briefly at the checkout to tap my credit card to pay for it. OK, so that’s 60 lbs of food. Lol 

OK, I must be domestic and get some things done, such as sticking a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Movie night tonight.


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April 18, 2021

I am now settled in here at Wakulla CI. If there was ever such a thing in prison. fcol. I am feeling a little better this evening. My voice is returning and my fever and chills are going down/away. I had a little energy so when they called recreation for the first time since I got here, I was curious and went out. This rec yard is 10 times the size of Blackwater's. They had basketball courts, a football and a soccer field with balls to play with (Wow!! 1st time in over a year thanks to covid restrictions), a game called corn hole, a track and paved walking trail around the whole yard is at least a mile long for 1 lap. One downside is sand gnats that have an annoying bite less than a mosquito’s, but aggravating, and more elusive because they are so small. Barely discernible with the naked eye.

My new roommate seems to be OK but he likes the stuff that my last 2 roommates Tiger and T.C. liked that made them the junkies they were, and thieves. He says he is in here for attempted manslaughter in which he shot a guy that threatened to shoot him so he was quicker on the draw but only shot the guy in the shoulder and he lived. The guy was allegedly an acquaintance and they had quarrels in the past and even though the guy did not want to press charges or testify against him, his big downfall was that when he was 1st arrested he admitted to it, thinking self defense or even aggravated battery as worse case scenario and maybe 2 to 5 years probation/prison combined. That backfired and he got 30 years. He took it to trial but they had his signed confession and he lost trial. He also had a bad history of minor drug charges and other felonies and therefore was not even legally allowed to have a gun. That all combined helped to enhance his sentence. The only good thing is that he could have been sentenced to life. They recently voted to change the incentivized release program from 85% to 65% so that if inmates qualify and get involved in programs they can have their sentence reduced and get 35% gain time taken off their sentence. So, for example, a 30-year sentenced inmate could get out in 19 yrs 6 months with good behaviour. 

Some good news when I was able to log on and sync my tablet at the new kiosk, some of your old letters we thought were censored popped up. I've been going back and reading your wonderful jokes. lol You and your wonderful humour helped lift my spirits and my misery from the side effects I’m still suffering because of the vaccine.


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April 19, 2021

I am gradually feeling better, but still feel rundown and low energy and low spirits.. The transition to a whole new environment with no advanced notice or chance to prepare is quite traumatic. I hate to admit it but I miss a few of the guys at BWRCF because being that close to individuals in a confined environment they kind of become like an extended family, as Bilbo's dwarf friends. Even though they can be aggravating, they grow on you and if all hell breaks out they will come to your aid. It's hard for people to understand that simple and pure principle of friendship unless they have faced adversity and formed a ''wolf pack'' friendship

They call it Waki here, and it does appear wack. I am getting the hang of things a little and I have now been to recreation yard once and to canteen and been on the phone 4 times. That is more than I could accomplish at Blackwater sometimes in a month. Fcol 

The food here is 2 times the quantity and twice the temperature, even sometimes so hot it almost burns my tongue. The quality is very similar, but they have 1/3 the healthy suff that I used to trade and buy from guys’ trays at Blackwater. With that said, enough about prison life. I want to thank you for your prayers. I’m feeling better. Still waiting to get the tablet fully charged and get the count schedule down, and the kiosk situation, so letters might be hit or miss…


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April 20, 2021

I did some work on the f-b pages and the blog this morning, just to clarify the questions raised about the DNA on the golf club, the lack of alcohol in Samira’s system and the fact that you did not have a motive for killing Samira. So hopefully that will continue to open minds…

Tomorrow I’ll be able to go online and sign up for the vaccine. They’re lowering the age to 40 and above. So I’ll do that. 


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April 21, 2021

Sorry that I have not been able to write you more letters. I have one in my drafts folder on my tablet, but we got locked down all day today and I had my tablet sent out on the charger and they have held it ransom for more than a day now. 

I will try and get on the kiosk and write some letters. We have two separate kiosks in this dorm wing, but we have twice the inmates than at Blackwater to share the two phones and two kiosks. Blackwater had 1 kiosk and 3 phones So I don’t know what is better. I get on the kiosk way more than the phones, especially when I need to charge my tablet. 

Hyrah got on me for missing Skynnah’s birthday and I tried to tell her that I was unable to call. I really thought it was Tuesday instead of Monday. I just had my dates messed up with being transferred and not feeling well. 

I apologized to her because she is very protective of her little sister. I talked to Skynnah and she did not seem to be upset and thanked me for her birthday gift that my dad bought her and gave to her during her birthday party. They celebrated it on the weekend instead of Monday because of everyone busy and now they are back in school during the week. I better not miss Hyrah’s birthday or she will really let me have an earful!


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April 21, 2021

I got my credit card bill today and it was all groceries so I just handed it to S and he surprised me by being cheerful about it. It was $222. Of course, he had direly predicted that if I started buying groceries I would be spending $2000 a month so this must have been a pleasant surprise to find that a family of six, by the grace of God, has somehow got through the month on $222 worth of groceries. Of course, we still had things on the shelf and he bought some coffee and peanut butter and coffee whitener through Amazon. Big contribution, eh? Lol Anyway, life goes on to one degree or another. K’s birthday is next month so we’re going to splurge and have some frozen pizza and cheesecake. I already placed the Walmart order for pickup on that one. S has always thought birthdays should be more or less ignored, but I’ve never felt that way. I know how hard it was for you as a parent to have missed Skynnah’s birthday due to the prison transfer and I know how hard it must have been to explain the logistics of that to Hyrah. But it’s good that Skynnah has such a protective older sister!

Right now, F is showing me a picture of alligator meat. He’s telling me it just looks like chicken. (It does actually. It’s battered and looks like KFC.) I’m telling him if it looks like chicken then I might as well just eat chicken. Lol K has come out to look at it and she said she’d eat some. Now C is weighing in by making a gagging noise. She won’t be eating alligator. I told them that in all my years of vacationing in Florida, I never saw alligator on the menu. Now K wants to know if it’s hard to chew. What I’d like to know is, is it light meat or dark meat? Do you serve it with white wine or red wine? Lol Again, though, I emphasize, I am not experimental when it comes to meat. I didn’t even like trying duck eggs. 


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April 22, 2021

I was glad to finally get some of your letters. I was missing about 5 of them.

… I have traveled extensively around the world and have tried a lot of different cuisines from a lot of different restaurants. Now, for you and your crew about gator. I have consumed the reptile many times and in different ways and different parts of the beast. 

The only thing I actually like is gator bites by one restaurant, a nice high end seafood restaurant in Tallahassee that I went to for all-you-can-eat snow crab legs. I saw people ordering these gator bites as an appetizer and sometimes as a full meal. The waitress highly recommended them to me as an appetizer. I thought she was doing it to keep me from eating so many crab legs! But she assured me that a lot of people loved them and even the kids liked them. I told her that I had tried gator and to me it tasted like fishy chicken that was a little chewy. She assured me that these were prime meat from the tail and were tender and small. 

I tried them and they were awesome, about 1 inch square little bites with a zesty batter to cut down on the wild taste and they were tender and similar to chicken or a fish nugget. Almost a little like fried crawdads. Now that I think of it, a little meatier than a crawdad but similar taste and consistency. Makes sense. They both come out of the swamp or bayou. I never had any of these wild meats growing up in Nebraska. I have tried a little of everything. I will not eat a dog, a horse or a bat, the first two on principle and the latter to avoid getting sick. 


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April 23, 2021

You’re far more adventurous than me when it comes to food. Chicken, beef, fish. That’s me. No swamp food. 

We woke up to a snowy landscape today. Which was funny because last night C was saying that we’ll have at least one more snowfall before May. That conversation came about because she was asking me if I planned to turn the heater on in the night. She had put some stuff in front of it and didn’t want me to start it in the night and not realize that it would be a hazard. I said, “no, it’s been Spring for a month now. I don’t care that it’s going down to zero tonight. I’m not turning on the heater as a matter of principle.” Lol That’s when she said we’d have at least one more snowfall. I said, “still not turning on the heater!”

So I feel like a popsicle this morning. It feels more like the beginning of winter with that feeling that Christmas is still ahead of us. But this chill will pass. In fact, by the afternoon, the sun will have melted all the snow away. What really amazes me is the thought of no air-conditioning down there for you in this new facility! Now that really is wack! I can barely survive a Canadian summer with no air-conditioning and Florida in the summer is twice as bad as here. I hope everyone there hasn’t given up on hygiene if you’re all going to be sweating it out together.


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April 23, 2021

I just lost a letter into the rings of Saturn because I forgot to check a sender when I started the letter. Sorry. I will try to remember what I said. I went to ICT and that is Initial Contact Team that assigns new inmates to the prison and those coming out of the box or fired from a job assignment.

I was given the infamous job of houseman. 90% of inmates are housemen and responsible for cleaning the dorm and showers, etc. I have always been a houseman and I was only out of a job assignment while in electrical class and that is considered a program and gets you out of job assignments. 

… we just got our room shaken down and flipped because an officer walked by our room and smelled smoke. Surprise, surprise!! Eh!! I lost my extra pillow and had all of my stuff flipped and gone through. My cellmate lost nothing except wrappers to smoke with, a few roach clips. (Small pieces of his dope.) He’s like the other roommates I’ve had who steal and sell everything they have to get high, so they have nothing to flip or lose. He has the same leather-embossed Bible I have and today he was tearing a page out of it to get high…


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April 24, 2021

… Yes, I agree, there are better ways to absorb the Word of God than to smoke it!


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April 26, 2021

… I played basketball for the first time in over a year. My wrist and hand are a little sore and it hurt to make shots and pass, but I need to use it more and gain back my flexibility and strength. It hurts a little bit to type right now. 

Hot, even after taking a shower, and no A/C. At least no sand gnats today.


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April 26, 2021

Miracle! The other kiosk was open and I was able to just jump over and get on it. 

My friends from Blackwater who got transferred here two years ago say I have to sign up for the programs that will get me moved from this dorm. It’s not so bad now with no A/C, but it is Spring and not 100 degrees out there. So that is why they say to get out ASAP, especially since this wing gets locked down a lot. We have only been locked down 1 day out of 13, so that is not too bad so far. 

I’m signed up for Advance Keyboard, although I’m already pretty fast. I guess it’s geared more toward the new technology of tablets, laptops and other devices, so I may like it. So far I’m the only inmate I have ever seen that can type with conventional skills and speed with my hands in the proper position. Although I have seen some pick and pokers who have pretty good speed for typing, although I have never checked their accuracy or literary skills. I have helped a few that asked and it is sad. Most have skill levels below Skynnah’s. 


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April 27, 2021

I’m glad you’ve been able to get back to playing basketball. I know how much you must miss playing it when you can’t. And that’s good you’ll be able to build up strength and flexibility by doing that.

Those sand gnats sound so annoying. Soon we’re going to have May flies here and then June bugs. They’re harmless as far as biting but they move in such swarms that a person just has to clamp their mouth shut for fearing of swallowing them. 

It is a grey Tuesday morning here, a bit misty. I call it a Sherlock Holmes morning —one of those days where he would have had to face the hound of Baskerville on the moors. I actually saw the moors when I was in England and they aren’t as terrifying as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle made them sound. But, of course, I wasn’t wandering out in them, just visiting a village on the edge of them. I enjoyed that time when I visited England, Scotland and Wales with my grandmother and uncle. We were such an odd group but it worked and I found my uncle had a sense of humour. Very dry. And lots of sarcasm. I watched Gerard Butler explain some Scottish colloquialisms once and he said most of what the Scots say is sarcastic. I think the Irish are similar. 

J emerged from the kitchen wearing safety glasses because he was using onions for the salad. Now my eyes are burning because I just got back from cleaning the kitchen. He grated the onions just to see what would happen. He’s experimental in the kitchen and I’ve never known his intuitions to be wrong. Between the two of us, he’s the artist in the kitchen. He never uses my recipes. He just lets me tell him how to do something and then he does it his way. 

Speaking of food, your father posted something on f-b about pickled beets and I “liked” it since I have a jar of pickled beets in my fridge. Not the homemade kind like in the picture your father posted, but store bought. Still, I like to always have a jar in the fridge.

What I want right now is a meat pie—the beef kind made with ground beef and gravy. I haven’t had one in so long. I remember one episode of Dad’s Army—set in World War 2 Britain—where they’re talking about how long it’s been since they’d had an orange. One of the funniest remarks I heard in a history show about that time period was someone saying, “Those were the days when you could make a cake with a carrot and an egg.” Lol They had to be so creative.


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April 27, 2021

I just got back from class and the law library. Yes, I was able to get into both in one day. I have been blessed with someone who knows the law and all the ins and outs of the legal system, especially post conviction. He’s been very helpful in listening and giving good advice on my case. I’ve been reciprocating and listening to him and his case and the post conviction hurdles he has gone through. I will tell you about his saga and the mishap that occurred with him in a longer letter on the tablet.

I started the advanced keyboard class and it seems to be really good, especially for someone new to the keyboard, and even an old dog like me that can be taught a few new tricks and shortcuts with some of the keys that I take for granted or underutilize.

I forgot to tell you why there was a delay in my letters. When I get transferred to a new dorm they have to reassign the tablet and my housing location to the kiosk in the new dorm and it takes sometimes 24 hours so that is why I was unable to write you.

I have been in some good conversations with my new bunkmates and I thought I had the gift of the gab but I have met my match with a guy from Chicago with the nickname Mexico. He cooked some chicken burritos that were awesome tonight and I only had to donate tortilla wraps, 2 cheese squeezies and a bag of corn chips. I would definitely pay for them at a Mexican restaurant and be pleasantly surprised. He has a talent for this. He spent about 2-3 hours preparing them and then heating them up at the end. Awesome compared to the bland food that we get here at the cafeteria/chow hall. 

Count time master roster so I will be back shortly to finish this off…


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April 28, 2021

The burritos sound great! That’s a big improvement over Blackwater, to have a bunkmate like that! I’m glad you had some real food with flavour. 

It’s also great to hear that you got some good advice about post conviction cases.

We had a crazy, intense thunderstorm and my prayer was that the power wouldn’t go out. (Also, I said more than one prayer for J who was out in his tent on the front lawn for the whole thing. What a kid. I opened the door just to make sure that he wasn’t hit by lightening, because yeah, that’s how lightening works. If I glare at it, it won’t hit my kid.


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April 29, 2021

I had a long but productive day in the law library, but I am really tired because I woke up for chow at 3 AM. This dorm is one of the 1st to go to chow so we are at breakfast extremely early and I could not get back to sleep and we had one of those extreme get ready for inspection things. Before you go off to law library or class you have to have all of your stuff put up in 1 small steel locker and everything folded up and at the head of the bed. Crappy mattress folded in 1/3’s and sheets and blanket folded neatly on top of that and then toiletries and toilet paper next to that. 

Nothing can be left out, only our laundry bag hung from the end of the bunk and shoes or crocs neatly placed next to our locker that is bolted into the floor and cannot be moved. By the time I got all my stuff organized and put away, I had to find all of the legal things and documents for the summons. I wish I could have taken a nap after all that because I was exhausted. Also, I needed to freshen up and brush my teeth and use the restroom and all of this has to be done sharing with 100 other inmates. If you get out of line or go to do something else then you lose your space in line and have to start over again…


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April 30, 2021

Wow, 3 AM is way too earlier for breakfast! That should be more like a late midnight snack! 

When we watched The Big Short, it had a warning at the beginning like all Netflix movies. I read it quickly and thought it said “perverse language.” I thought, “Wow, that’s a new category.” But it turned out to be “pervasive language.” And yes, it did have pervasive language. There were a lot of angry people in it as they saw the economy plunging into ruin. 


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April 30, 2021

… I have had a long day and I am a little sore especially my hand and wrist from my softball practice last night. The coach of the team really put us through the wringer and it has been over a year since I did anything extremely exertive like that. 

Oh, I forgot to tell you, or maybe I did, that we have Canadian, yes, Canadian geese here on the compound. Eh!! They say they have a bunch of little ones behind one of the dorms and they come out in the morning and follow their mommy in a straight, orderly row. We also have landscaped areas with roses and a variety of plants with well-maintained plots near and away from all the main building, except nothing around housing units/dorms. We have a lot of seagulls here and they love to get fed along with the geese at meal times with leftover bread crumbs.

I talked to my Dad and he is doing better.


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