Thursday, May 26, 2022


November 1, 2020

Christmas is on my mind these days, specifically Christmas on a budget. Sounds rather Dickensian. We had our first snow last night so now it’s officially winter in southern Ontario. Lol  

This year Christmas doesn’t feel sentimental. There’s just been too much going on recently for me to take comfort in ginger cookies and hot cocoa, if there are any this year. In some ways, this year will be the closest to how it must have felt for Mary and Joseph holding the newborn Son of God and wondering, what is God going to do next??!  Where will we live? What will we do? And then to have to trudge across the Sinai to Egypt and live in exile. Well, it’s not a comfy picture. I’m not being gloomy, I’m just saying I feel the heavy weight of it all, the real story as opposed to the cozy Christmas cards.

I know I said I would avoid the topic of food but right now I’m thinking about how my favourite sandwich in better days was a bagel with cream cheese and smoked turkey slices. What do you miss most? Juan, who gave my address to Tiger, said he missed tacos most of all. 

Here’s a joke. What is Forrest Gump’s password?



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November 2, 2020

Believe me when I tell you I have prayed for God to deliver me from this. He has given me powers to defend myself and also patience beyond my humanly abilities. Also I have learned forgiveness and perseverance and ultimate tests of faith going through this trial and these major tribulations. I can have peace with the fact that it is an honor to go through them for God’s glory and it is an honor that he knows that my faith is strong and unbreakable so the devil has no dominion over my soul and my self will unless I allow him.

The rewards in heaven are worth the tribulation and persecutions that I have gone through and continue to go through. 


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November 3, 2020

… you are making me so hungry. You know I’m in prison and the food is bland and the amount of portions is less than a grade schoolers lunch! It's OK. I don’t mind hearing about your favourite foods.

Ok they are holding tablets more than the usual 5 hours today, is more like 8 to 10 hours. So I'm back on the kiosk.

… I loved Forrest Gump. Long story about what was going on with my life when that movie came out. I was just off of nasal septum surgery for a deviated septum in my nose along with a basic rhinoplasty to remove a bump on my nose from fracturing it 9 times. 1st from a high jump bar breaking it, and 8 other times mostly playing sports and taking elbows to the face by guys taller than me. In competitive basketball, I was one of the shortest players on the court. Anyway when I was 1st starting out in practice I was having terrible migraine headaches and at times making me nauseated and I worked through it, but I had MRIs, wisdom teeth removed that were not bothering me but we thought that may help, allergies ruled out as not being the cause. 

Nasal lavage and surgery was the next step since I had problems breathing and was diagnosed with sleep apnea and severe nasal injuries/fractures. I almost bled to death after the surgery so the surgeon had to emergency cauterize the inside of my nasal cavity to stop the bleeding. Later I realized that my bleeding was because of taking a large amount of aspirin in Alka seltzer cold plus packets at least 2 times a day to help with sinuses and migraines, along with Excedrin that has aspirin in it. So my blood was too thin and he had to give me massive amounts of prothrombin and iron to help save my life along with pints of donated blood…


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November 4, 2020

Ok its a crazy night with the election and so far it is the closest I've seen in my lifetime it seems to me the nation is divided in the most controversial way that I have ever seen. They are flashing the lights early I may lose this letter.

I am being yelled at to get off the kiosk soryy will use my tablet for a long letter.


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November 5, 2020

It looks like Trump has a chance to win again. At least, as of 3 AM. I just got up to use the loo and couldn’t resist checking. The Economist certainly got it wrong. They gave him a 10% of winning. I’d say it’s way higher.

You probably wonder about my politics. I do, too. Lol I don’t know where to stand. The political party that I would support wholeheartedly doesn’t really exist. Aristotle said, “man is by nature a political animal.” Of course, he literally meant ‘man’ not women. 

Anyway, I pray it’s peaceful there in the prison when the results come in, especially if it’s a Trump victory. I know that could lead to a lockdown…


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November 5, 2020

I just had a legal call from my appellate lawyer’s secretary who said he was doing oral arguments this morning and could not talk with me. That is par for the course. She said she was calling because a producer for HLN/CNN wanted to do an interview with me because they are doing a documentary on my case and want to schedule a phone interview. My lawyer does not advise me doing an interview with the media because I'm still fighting my case. I told her I was agreeing to the interview with boundaries…

[The show ended up being called, “Dead in the Deep End” and was part of HLN’s Sex & Murder: When Liaisons Turn Deadly series. Due to pandemic restrictions, there was no live interview and Doc was only able to provide answers to a written interview. Quotes were selectively aired.]


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November 6, 2020

Still no president for y’all down there but some history professor who has accurately predicted every American election since 1984 says it will be Biden. (He predicted Gore would win against Bush and Bush became president, but apparently, Gore did win the popular vote that year, just not the electoral college vote.)

Yes, I agree, the whole murder weapon thing should have been a fiasco for the prosecution. No murder weapon produced except for the one that was so obviously planted, and that the medical examiner said wasn’t it, anyway. 

I read an article about jury selection. Some jurors are actually selected for their low IQs, while in other cases, they want a jury with high IQs, It’s naive to think that prosecutors and lawyers aren’t intentional about what kind of person they want listening to their arguments.


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November 8, 2020

We were on lockdown yesterday so I was unable to read my letters and or send you one. They took our tablets and are still holding them for a few inmates not wearing their masks. Do you have to wear a mask in public in Canada? 

It’s psychological warfare, when you have a privilege or a semblance of something, you enjoy or look forward to, they take it away from you for the actions of others and then it is worse than if you did not have it at all.

Alert::: :{ :(

The whole dorm just got locked down again for the rest of the day for a few inmates not wearing masks.


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November 8, 2020

Sorry to hear about the lockdown. Yes that psychological warfare is terrible. When someone has nothing, what little they have is super important to them. I remember reading about life in Iraq in the 1940’s. The peasants had only one pleasure in life that they looked forward to at the end of a day’s work, a sweet cup of tea. And then the government increased the tax on sugar and it nearly brought the regime down with the reaction. 

The only places we have to wear masks here are indoor public places—stores, church. Not outside, thankfully. I hate them. My kids are more adaptable. 

It’s like Texas in autumn outside, balmy and euphoric. I used to love Texas in autumn because the weather was cooling off and the school year was beginning and I loved my classes.

And to make things seem even more Texan today, I’m doing pinto beans in the Instant Pot right now. But I’m not doing them Spanish-style. I’m going for the classic British-style where they’re in tomato sauce and served on toast. 

I know it’s going to take some time for you to go through all the pages of the blog and see what else we need to include. If you’d like, I could browse the media again and we could tackle some of the things that were said about you there.

If you do want to include a page for the media, it could include things like the following:

From Norfolk Daily News Feb 1, 2017: “It took six jurors only 90 minutes to decide that a former Northeast Nebraskan, Adam Frasch, brutally beat his estranged wife, Samira, and killed her by pushing her unconscious body into their swimming pool three years ago.

A few moments after the guilty verdict was read in a Florida courtroom, Frasch's jet-setting life as a successful podiatrist rife with lavish cars, women, houses and cash, was over…”

DISTORTIONS: The source of this is Cappleman’s closing argument: “The evidence in this case has shown that Samira Frasch was brutally beaten and then callously tossed into the pool.” But the medical examiner said a single blow had led to a fall onto a hard surface.

Cappleman pushes this idea as well in “At the Bottom of the Pool” when she says the blunt force trauma would have killed her. But this contradicts the medical examiner who said that it was unlikely that that alone would have killed her. Cappleman was really trying to create a picture of domestic abuse. 


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November 10, 2020

… they shook down our room and tore all my stuff up and destroyed legal papers, my radio and damaged my hygiene and few canteen items. My cellmate has nothing and smokes up everything, so there was nothing much for him to lose.


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November 10, 2020

So I found that clip where Newlin ruefully grins and admits that, yes, he did go around the state going to strip clubs asking anyone who was a tall, slim black woman if she had ever been to Tallahassee? It was all because of Mr. Christiansen saying he saw a tall, slim African American woman in the driveway and they were hoping to demonstrate that it was a jealous girlfriend, and not Samira. How outrageous considering that at the trial Mr. Christiansen said he saw her put something in the vehicle and return to the house. But the ‘documentary’ “Mistress Roulette” depicted it entirely as if a tall, slim African American woman was just loitering outside the home. It was extremely misleading because it conveyed that it was NOT Samira since Samira wouldn’t loiter outside of her own house. 

That friend of Samira’s, Jackie, says about you having the kids, “I know she would never give the kids. This is for sure.” So it’s like we were saying before, we definitely have to have a page for the child custody issues otherwise these ideas will just be floating out there unchallenged. They also put forward that the kids would have never been allowed by Samira to leave the house in the pyjamas due to them being celebrities. “Which simply wouldn’t happen if she had anything to do with it,” the interviewer agrees. I find this strange considering you were giving her a mom’s day off. Why would she get up and dress the kids to the nines?

Furthermore, Cappleman has the audacity to say that when you took the kids that morning it was “Really unusual that he would depart with those kids at 8 AM after getting in at midnight the night before and to load up and pack up with the kids for the first time ever off on a trip somewhere and his wife happens to be discovered dead a few hours later…” But she knows that at one time, you had full custody of them, so of course, you would have packed them up and taken them places. Martha confirms all this in her interview. You took them as far as Disney World without Samira one time!

Phone messages. That’s another thing you said we’d have to address. And I can see why since it comes up in the Dateline show that you left messages for Samira after Kendall called to tell you that Samira had passed on. From the interrogation, though, it’s pretty obvious that you left messages for Samira after Kendall called about what he’d heard but before he was able to actually confirm that it was true. That’s quite different from what they’re saying!

With regards to the Medicare fraud, the Dateline show has Cappleman saying that in order to make that much money you would have to have seen two patients simultaneously 24/7 for the amount of billing. But then the interviewer says the Feds investigated but didn’t press charges. Any thinking person would have to conclude that they didn’t think you were over-billing.

It’s mentioned that you didn’t accept the deal to plead to manslaughter with a maximum of 15 years in prison. That’s hugely significant. I would have taken that if I were guilty rather than risk the death sentence or life in prison.

A clip of Folsom on the witness stand is in the Dateline show. He mentioned at the trial that he had been to Bible college. I presume that one of the things they would have covered was the Ten Commandments, including, thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbour…

Today S complained to me that we do too much laundry around here. “That’s called civilization,” I told him. Lol 


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November 13, 2020

The mental stress and psychological torture has been worse than the physical…

It never comes out that Gardner entered our subdivision that day by tailgating.

[Security camera footage showed Gerald Gardner, chauffeured by his son’s mother, parked in front of one of the security gates. When a car pulled up behind him and used the clicker to open the gate, Gardner was able to reverse tailgate into the Golden Eagle gated community.]

I had a robbery before Samira came to America and when the security guards reviewed the cameras at all 3 gates the time stamps and date stamps were all different. So that idea that Gardner entered through the gate at 10:52 AM could be off. 


[The prosecution’s timeline for Gardner allowed him no time to kill Samira before calling 911. Gardner told jurors it was a five or six minute drive to the house from the gate. He discovered the body, and then called 911. In fact, it was only about a one minute drive from the gate to the Frasch home. Furthermore, in the police report, Gardner told officials he arrived at the house, not the gate, at 10:45 AM. This gave him more than enough time to have an altercation with Samira and then call 911 at 11:00 AM when he realized he had killed her.]

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November 14, 2020

I just took a quick dip into a book about Oxford and the Inklings to clear my head a bit of the Cappleman/Newlin myths. Right now it’s talking about the vague dissatisfaction one has in Oxford which promises so much and can’t quite deliver. 

“Yet for all its whispering, Oxford could not possibly deliver the full draught  of the Middle Ages—of holiness, wisdom and beauty—for which its inhabitants longed…”

How did they think Gardner got in through the gate if Samira didn’t let him in? I’m watching the footage, he punches in some numbers then stands around waiting. Then a white vehicle pulls up behind them. He continues to wait and then slowly walks back to the passenger’s side and gets in the back. At this point Newlin says in the documentary, “You can see him get out of the car, you can see him make a phone call and hitting the buttons and waiting for somebody to let him in and eventually he was able to get in.”  He’s so vague about it. But what I want to know is, did they question the white vehicle behind Gardner? Did that person get impatient and use a clicker to let them both in? The gate obviously didn’t open because of the call he made because he stood there for so long.

Furthermore, in the 911 call, he tells the dispatcher she has kids but he can’t get in the house. However, in the trial, when Deputy Richard Womble arrives, the deputy said the door was open and he went inside to look for the kids. So that is another blatant lie on Gardner’s part.

One small detail… one of the documentaries has Samira having all your cars towed away as a retaliation of some sort. But I gathered from the police report that it was due to Golden Eagle people wanting less cars in the driveway. Part of the insinuation was that Samira was hurrying the tow-truck people because she didn’t want you catching her doing it.

It’s a lot to sort through but it’s coming together. 


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November 16, 2020

Last night I noticed that the fan in the bathroom is dripping. I thought it was just condensation from someone taking a shower. But this morning, the floor was wet and so was the toilet seat. Brilliant. It’s dripping at a rather steady rate. If S has used the loo he should have noticed this because it would have dripped right down on him. But he is on YouTube watching Better Bachelor which is all about how hard it is to meet a good woman these days. 


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November 17, 2020

Continuing on with clarification to your questions. Yes Gerald tailgated into the neighborhood in the minutes before he killed her. He was never allowed to just start working without us being there at home and logging him in and verifying his time and rarely, if ever, did he work without us picking him up and or taking him home.


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November 17, 2020

OK, back to work. I went through the blog to see what we say about the time of death. On the Media Distortion page: “When it came to the murder itself, Dateline NBC had to admit, “No rigor mortis, no livor mortis, no wrinkling of the skin. It all pointed to the same thing.” That Dr. Frasch was innocent because he had left three hours earlier. Especially when combined with the expert opinion of forensic pathologist Dr. Jonathan Arden who said, ‘In my opinion she was dead for a relatively short time before she was discovered and removed from the water.’”

From the Scapegoat page: ”In addition to the lack of pruning on her fingers and toes, EMT personnel confirmed that she had no rigor mortis, the stiffness that begins shortly after death. She had no livor mortis, the settling of blood from gravity to the outer skin layers causing blotchy patches that start appearing shortly after death.”

And I added this to the Trial page: “Neither science nor the two medical examiners were on Cappleman’s side. Samira’s time of death was never exactly pinpointed, but it was most likely less than 30 minutes and definitely not the hours that the prosecution needed to make Dr. Frasch the viable suspect.”

Another thing I wondered, did they ever find Samira’s purse and other stolen things? Of course, I know the answer to that. It would be no because they didn’t look.

Now I’m looking at pictures of Panama City Beach. I found them when I was looking up what all the major cities in the Panhandle area are. It looks SO nice especially when I turn around to see ice and snow out my window. Guess what?  When we first started writing, I couldn’t spell Tallahassee. Talahassee. Talahasee. Tallahasee. Tallahhassee. Every time I wrote it, it was underlined as a spelling error and I just let my computer correct it. And then I got the rhythm of it. Double everything except the h. 


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November 18, 2020

More about my trip to England…

I was hungry all the time. That’s because my uncle is emaciated and doesn’t seem to eat and my grandmother also seemed to get by on very little and food in England is twice what it is here. My uncle was in charge of deciding where we would go, my grandmother would stop in the gift shop of every castle we visited, and I would remind them that it was time to get a bite to eat. Lol 

We visited more castles in Scotland than we did in England. One of them was Glamis which is where Macbeth is set. Another was Balmoral which is where the Royal Family stays when in Scotland. Once you’re in a castle, they’re all the same though, aren’t they? I’m sure you’ve been to a few. Just a lot of tapestries and armour and paintings of the castle you’re in with some Lord in front standing there with his dog. I remember going up winding steps, looking out at the view and then turning around and going back down again. 

Edinburgh is my favourite city (next to Jerusalem). I liked that everyone was pale and dressed in black and grey and brown—people like me, in other words. Lol 


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November 20, 2020

I want to thank you for doing all the work on the blog.

Can you look up a few people I have lost contact with over the past few years and even recently since the pandemic?…


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November 20, 2020

I know what you mean, I’ve lost touch with some people because of the pandemic, including one of the prisoners I write to regularly.

Now S is just standing in the living room loudly clearing his throat. Earlier this morning he was explaining the stock market to me. I told him I’ve known about the stock market since 13. I did a speech on it in school because I thought it was interesting.  

What are your thoughts on French toast? I ask because my computer is open to a French toast recipe. It wasn’t what I was looking for. F mentioned something called cheesy egg toast and everyone in the living room took an immediate interest. Food is a topic of interest here due to the fact that we live with someone who has the sense that food is not so much a right as a privilege. Lol I looked up cheesy egg toast and it’s just egg-in-a-hole with some shredded cheese on top but nonetheless, everyone was gathered around the photo looking at it as a man might look at a beautiful statue and wish that it would come to life. I told them I had to go to Walmart next week. We’d get some cheese and do it. 

But my search also brought up a French toast recipe and what fascinates me is all the names for it: “Eggy bread,” “Bombay toast.” “German toast,” “Gypsy toast,” “Poor Knights.” Its place of origin is the Roman Empire.

Anyway, when I make it, I like to do it with cinnamon or nutmeg and some vanilla. 

Normally I wouldn’t talk about food but I know you have Thanksgiving coming up and I know that’s a good meal there. 


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November 21, 2020

Oh you are really rubbing it in. One of the few breakfast items I eat that is sweet and bad for you is French toast. I will order it every morning out in Las Vegas or staying at a nice 4 to 5 star resort just to compare the quality of their French toast even if I'm not hungry. I will take a bite or 2 to see and try and rank them in my worldwide quest. If they put real whipped cream and real butter on the side with mild maple syrup and strawberries to cut down the sweetness of the syrup a bit they go up on my charts. I have probably ate French toast in thousands of different restaurants and hotel’s room service and I am very picky. The Beau Rivage Casino and Resort in Biloxi, Mississippi is #1.


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November 21, 2020

I am back on the kiosk on a boring Saturday afternoon, a few college football games on. No canteen today and I wanted to get some healthy snacks. I was hungry after my letter to you on my infatuation with French toast. It has been a lifetime thing. My mother was one of the only women I ever met that made French toast regularly.

I was bummed because I met a guy in his 40s from Indiana when I came into this wing and we have a lot in common. He liked cars, motorcycles and had been raised with some basic midwesterm morals. He was in here for stealing appliances microwaves, dishwasher and stoves from new construction houses on a large scale. They caught him several times and he would get probation and a slap on the wrist. Well they started a major task force to track this type of thief and caught him with proof on hundreds of thefts and sales to a ponzy appliance store he sold the stolen goods to in central Florida that was fronting as a certified manufacturer new appliance sales place and even offered in house full warranties. 

Some people would call the manufacture and when asked what the manufacturers # was, it had been removed or replaced with a fictitious one... Anyhow, he could not give it up and went 10+ years without getting into major trouble. Making $1000s of dollars a week just going into new construction subdivisions with a rented mini van and loading up several stoves, microwaves and dishwashers and occasional washer and dryer. He was an atheist and did not have any remorse like most of these criminals that deserve to be in here. He was just upset he got caught. He hates the special prosecutor who formed the task force to catch/apprehend him. Otherwise he was an intelligent, nice guy and someone I considered a friend in the most dire of circumstances. I also witnessed to him and was getting him to talk about Jesus and the Bible. out of time


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November 25, 2020

… I went through some deep depression in the county jail and at one time wanted them to falsely execute me as they did my Lord and Savior Jesus. I did not fear death. I wanted to be with Samira and Jesus in heaven. I was through with this life on earth and the rumors and betrayal I faced from day one of Samira's death by the police, the prosecutor, lawyers, family and friends. Up until that day of Samira’s death, I felt I had a good life and great memories and accomplishments. I was not suicidal but fed up and disappointed with everyone and everything. 

Samira came to me in a dream and told me to fight for our babies and fight for my legacy and fight for her legacy and for justice. She was even mad at me in the dream and said I had such a zeal for life and energy for doing good and overcoming obstacles and adversity and she wanted me to fight and so I have…


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November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving to you, my friend. I know you Canadians do not celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time as we Americans.


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November 27, 2020

I have some memories of American Thanksgivings due to my four years in Texas, as well as staying with friends who are American.

… OK, when I was digging deep and going back over my life to share what I could remember, I think I left off at Grade 1 when I wrote the first line of a novel. And then I got distracted and jumped ahead to the time when I actually did write a novel. But back to grade 2. Or it might have been 3. That was the year the Ontario Board of Education decided that everyone in the school system wasn’t fit enough and they launched a province-wide physical education program in the schools that seemed designed for future Olympians. We wee folks were expected to do at least 20 chin ups, 100 sit ups, forgot how many pushups. I still remember the pain. And the odd sensation of partnering up with someone and sitting on their feet while they did sit ups. And there were forms that phys ed teachers were filling out. Some students were crying. Others were being more manly (or womanly) about it. I have a sensation of pain in my arms and a tightening in my stomach just thinking of all those chin ups and sit ups. 

OK, that was grade 3. I remember in grade 4 or 5, Jennifer L. had the coolest birthday party in the rec room of her apartment that for some freakish reason I was allowed to attend even though WCG didn’t celebrate birthdays. That was the year of the Smurf. Everyone was collecting Smurfs, so I think that’s what everyone brought for presents. A girl named Nadine had the biggest collection of Smurfs, though, because her parents were divorced and they both tried to buy her love with Smurfs. I had about 2, maybe 3, Smurfs because my parents were together, and when my dad did buy me gifts, it was generally Trixie Belden books. As far as what the other kids were reading, those were the years that everyone was passing around Judy Blume novels with little scraps of paper that told you what pages to read.

Grade 6, now I’m at middle school. You would think I would remember the actual school part of it but I don’t. I only remember an extracurricular activity, learning calligraphy. Had to sign up for it, buy a special pen and a bottle of ink and special paper. The other thing I remember is taking adult guitar lessons in the evenings with my dad. We both got sore fingers and neither of us really learned to play the guitar but it was fun. 

Grade 7 & 8. You would think I would remember boys and escapades but most of my social life was going on at church so I mostly remember the walk to and from school, particularly since I was close enough to go home for lunch. There were two options, the street way or the park way. The park way was prettier but it required going under a bridge that was always slightly terrifying although as far as I know, no one came to any harm there. At least not during the day. 

High school. I appreciated the feeling of being in a higher academic setting. I really loved the sense of starting new classes and learning new things. The classes themselves, however, never lived up to my intellectual aspirations for them. I took American history one year and we cruised through it—all three hundred years of it—at a dizzying pace. I learned more watching Liberty’s Kids with my children. Canadian history was actually worse. From about Grade 4 onward, we just learned names and dates. They just ended up a jumbled forgotten mess. John Cabot. Samuel de Champlain. Wolfe and Montcalm. Years later, I would pick up a book about one of them and learn that he had a rather exciting love life. I can’t remember which one it was, but obviously that never came out in class. If it had, we might have paid more attention. English classes were the same way. I wanted to dive into things and we skimmed the surface, alas. That’s probably why I bought every Shakespeare play on DVD and watched it with my kids. To satisfy that desire to dive into things.


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November 27, 2020

Well Thanksgiving was unremarkable around here although the Thanksgiving dinner was actually for prison food quite good. Would not make the cut for a high school, but maybe a grade school or a nursing home. lol col I lost 2 games of the NFL yesterday and had to do 30 push ups. Not bad for a 53 y/o man.

I got to talk to my two youngest but had to kind of cut it off short since they were just getting ready to eat and they were happy to be coming off a month of lockdown from my brother and his wife and her son having covid. Thank God they all survived with just fevers and a bad cough. I did not get to talk to anyone else yesterday, because the phones were jam packed, the line went to the next count. Holidays get like that.


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November 29, 2020

I finished my response to the HLN/CNN journalist who now doesn't want, or says he can't do, either an onsite interview or a phone interview. He wants me to answer questions that are preloaded with lies and assumptions of guilt. I would like your help in responding to these that I chose to answer. I have to respond, even though I question his integrity and motives with this documentary series. 

I try to not get upset in my answers and stay professional without tearing into him and expressing my true feelings about the media and their unethical and evil ways. I try and stay concise and expose the lies. Help me if you think I get off track a little or try and over explain my side of the story. I have to go into a more thorough explanation, otherwise their blatant lies, or preloaded compound questions do not get totally exposed and prove my undeniable and irrefutable innocence.

Enough of that for now…


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November 30, 2020

For understandable reasons, an article online caught my eye, about America having the highest incarceration rate in the world. 80 billion a year is spent on prisons and 68 billion on education. Prison reform tends to focus on federal prisons, but more people are in local or state prisons. I certainly don’t need to tell you that almost half are there because of drugs. 

I’ve switched to Christmas music for Advent season. Right now I have on Boney M’s Christmas Album and it’s When a Child is Born. OK, it’s moved on to White Christmas. I’m ambivalent about the idea of a white Christmas. I get it. It’s the northern European element of the holiday. We have fires and fir trees with lights to stay cozy and keep out the darkness. But at the same time, Jesus wasn’t born in northern Europe so Christmas might seem more authentic in a place with palm trees and sand. A bit more like Florida.


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Now available in all online bookstores. Fingers and toes with no pruning. No rigor mortis. No livor mortis. Blood glucose levels that reveal...